The STEP Innovation Marketplace
MARCH 31, 2009
KYIV, Ukraine
9:00-9:30 / Registration:
Ukrainian House
Khreschatyk Street
5th Floor
9:30-10:00 / Welcome and Opening Remarks
Representative, Ministry of Education & Science
Eric Novotny, Senior Vice President, CRDF
Natalia Pipia, Senior Program Manager, CRDF USA
10:00-11:15 / Entrepreneurship and Economic Environment. Building an Innovation Eco-System
Eric Novotny, Marco Rubin, Warren Haber
11:15-11:30 / Coffee Break
11:30-11:55 / New Crystal Drives Breakthrough for the Desk Top Spectrometer
Valeriy Kondratenko
11:55-12:20 / Development and Construction of Receiving-Detecting Circuit for Digital Radiographic Systems with Improved Spatial Resolution
Boris Grynyov
12:20–12:45 / Presentation 3: GOMER ( a new tool for microsurgery)
Vasyl Krysa
12:45- 13:10 / Presentation 4: By Tuning Your System, We Eradicate TB
Galyna Kutsyna
13:10-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-14:25 / Making Mushroom Farmers Reach ( new technology for mushroom production)
Olena Myronycheva
14:25-14:45 / Improving Healthcare Through Better Medical Diagnostic.
Leonid Patsenker
14:45-15:10 / Reclamation of Valuable Elements From Heavily Admixed Superalloy Scrap
Vladyslav Sokolov
15:10-15:30 / Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 / Plasma Detonation for Superior Hardness and Lower Costs
Yuriy Tyurin
15:55-16:20 / Smart Technology that Saves Fuel
Nina Yurchenko
16:20-16:45 / Smart Sensor of Natural Gas Leak
Viktor Zavorotnyi
16:45-17:10 / New Materials Revolutionize the Capacitor Business and Application Now
Volodymyr Strelko
17:10–18:00 / Innovation Support in Ukraine: What is Available?
18:00-19:00 / Reception and Award Ceremony