Plans for Monday, May 12, 2014
By: Susan Henry
Mathematics, Grade 8
Learning Standards:
[Integrated] graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the line that models the relationship.[4B]
[Integrated] use data from a table or graph to determine the rate of change or slope and y-intercept in mathematical and real-world problems.[4C]
[Integrated] represent linear non-proportional situations with tables, graphs, and equations in the form of y = mx + b, where b ≠ 0.[5B]
[Integrated] distinguish between proportional and non-proportional situations using tables, graphs, and equations in the form y = kx or y = mx + b, where b ≠ 0.[5F]
[Integrated] write an equation in the form y = mx + b to model a linear relationship between two quantities using verbal, numerical, tabular, and graphical representations.[5I]
· Unit Test - Slope
Plans for Tuesday, May 13, 2014
By: Susan Henry
Mathematics, Grade 8
Learning Standards:
[Integrated] select appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers and justify the selections;[8.2A]
[Integrated] select tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper/pencil, and technology or techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems.[8.14D]
· Warm-up
· TSW practice solving multi-step equations
· Pizzazz pg 211 - Why Did The Banana Go Out With The Prune?
Notes/Reflections: 8th grade Math STAAR retest (if necessary)
Plans for Wednesday, May 14, 2014
By: Susan Henry
Mathematics, Grade 8
Learning Standards:
[Integrated] select appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers and justify the selections;[8.2A]
[Integrated] use appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers in problem situations;[8.2B]
[Integrated] evaluate a solution for reasonableness[8.2C]
· Warm-up
· Grade Pizzazz WS pg 211
· TSW practice changing fractions to percents and estimating percent of a number using benchmark fractions
· Pizzazz - E-17 0 What Are the Titles? and E-23 - What Happened to the Guy Who Ate Ten Pounds of Powdered Food for Dinner?
Plans for Thursday, May 15, 2014
By: Susan Henry
Mathematics, Grade 8
Learning Standards:
[Integrated] select appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers and justify the selections;[8.2A]
[Integrated] use appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers in problem situations;[8.2B]
[Integrated] evaluate a solution for reasonableness[8.2C]
[Integrated] predict, find, and justify solutions to application problems using appropriate tables, graphs, and algebraic equations[8.5A]
[Integrated] use a problem-solving model that incorporates understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness;[8.14B]
[Integrated] select tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper/pencil, and technology or techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems.[8.14D]
· Warm-up
· Grade Pizzazz WS E-17 and E-23
· TSW practice finding a percent of a number
· Pizzazz WS E-26 - What Can You Use to Stick Blocks of Snow Together? and E-27 - What Does An Artificial Snow Machine Make?
Plans for Friday, May 16, 2014
By: Susan Henry
Mathematics, Grade 8
Learning Standards:
[Integrated] select appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers and justify the selections;[8.2A]
[Integrated] use appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers in problem situations;[8.2B]
[Integrated] evaluate a solution for reasonableness[8.2C]
[Integrated] select tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper/pencil, and technology or techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems.[8.14D]
· Warm-up
· Grade Pizzazz WS E-26/27
· TSW find the what the percent of one number is of another and estimate what the percent of one number is of another
· Pizzazz WS E-31 - Why Did Airhead Bungle Buy a Floodlight for His Sundial? and E-32 - What Did the Policeman Say to His Stomach?