Volunteer Induction Pack

Revised March 2017


1. General Information

Contact Information3

TWAM Brief Facts 4

2. Volunteering Information

Volunteer Policy5 – 6

Volunteer Agreement7

Volunteer Expenses Policy8– 9

Volunteer Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure9 – 10

3. Corporate Information

Safeguarding Policy10 – 11

Diversity, Equality and Access Policy11 – 12

No Smoking Policy13

TWAM Health and Safety Policy13 – 14

4. Forms

Travel Expenses Claim Forms15 – 16


Please direct any volunteering queries to:

If you would like to speak to someone over the phone, our Volunteer Coordinator, Anita Moffitt, can be reached on 0191 277 2299.

All TWAM volunteering opportunities can be found at our website:

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on volunteering at TWAM:

Search for ‘Meet At The Museum’ / @MeetAtTheMuseum

Museum/Gallery Telephone Numbers

Arbeia Roman Fort(0191) 277 1410

Discovery Museum(0191) 232 6789

GNM: Hancock (0191) 208 6765

GNM: Hatton Gallery(0191) 208 6059

Laing Art Gallery(0191) 278 1611

Segedunum Roman Fort(0191) 278 4217

Shipley Art Gallery(0191) 477 1495

South Shields Museum(0191) 211 5599

Stephenson Railway Museum(0191) 200 7146


Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums:

  • is a major regional museum, art gallery and archives service;
  • is responsible for nine museums, galleries and heritage sites;
  • is governed by a joint committee of 12 elected members drawn from the four Tyneside local authorities;
  • has a separate agreement with Sunderland City Council to manage its Archives and with Newcastle University to manage the Great North Museum: Hancock and the Hatton Gallery;
  • receives capital and revenue core museums funding from the Arts Council;
  • is one of 21 Major Partner Museums in England;
  • has been awarded Designated status by the DCMS in recognition of the importance of the following collections: Art, Science & Technology, Natural Sciences and Archives relating to shipbuilding and maritime trade;
  • has Accreditation Status by Arts Council England (ACE) in respect of its museums;
  • manages two World Heritage sites: Arbeia and Segedunum;
  • has achieved Investors in People (IiP) – Silver status;
  • attracted 1,464,919 in-person visitors last year;
  • is committed to encouraging the broadest possible access to its collections, exhibitions and programmes;
  • reaches all sectors of the community and believes that archives, museums, galleries and heritage sites play an important role in helping to bring about social and economic regeneration;
  • is regarded as a model of best practice for social inclusion work in UK museums and has a national and international reputation in the quality of management, education, audience development, outreach, access and interpretation;
  • has 621 volunteers who delivered 36,057 hours in 2015-16;
  • was awarded a 3-starCreative Green rating in recognition of commitment and achievement in embedding environmental sustainability in operations and activities, following assessment and environmental data analysis by Julie’s Bicycle.



Our aim is to help people determine their place in the world and define their identities, so enhancing their self-respect and their respect for others.

Our vision for the future is for everyone to have access to museum and archive provision in Tyne and Wear, to use this access and to value it for the significant and positive impact that it makes upon their lives. We will provide real or virtual, worldwide access to our museums and archives and their collections.

Our commitment is to a world-class service that is innovative, imaginative, creative, totally inclusive, secure and sustainable.

In line with the above, TWAM seek to involve volunteers in order to:

  • Ensure that our services meet the needs of our visitors.
  • Provide new skills and perspectives.
  • Increase our contact with the local community we serve.


Our volunteering policy is underpinned by the following principles:

  • TWAM will ensure that volunteers are properly integrated into the organisation.
  • TWAMdo not aim to introduce volunteers to replace paid staff.
  • TWAMexpect that staff at all levels will work positively with volunteers.


All prospective volunteers will be asked to register their details, skills and interests through our volunteering website. Volunteers without internet access can request a paper registration form from our Volunteering Office. When applying for new opportunities, we will pass these details along to the appropriate staff supervisor.

Volunteer Agreements and Work Outlines

Each volunteer will accept the expectations stated by TWAM in a Volunteer Agreement (see page 7). In addition, volunteers will agree to a written outline of the specific task they will be undertaking.


Reimbursement for travel expenses incurred during the course of voluntary activity with TWAM can be arranged (see pages 8 – 9). Exceptions apply, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for guidance.

Induction and Training

All volunteers will receive an informal process of induction into TWAM and their area of work. Training will be tailored to meet the individual’s and TWAM needs.


All volunteers will have a named person as their main contact. They will be provided with regular supervision and feedback on their progress. Volunteers will be able to discuss future development and voice any problems with this contact.


All Volunteers are covered by the TWAM’s Health and Safety Policy (see pages 15 – 16). A full version of this policy can be made available upon request.

Equal Opportunities

TWAM operates an equal opportunities policy in respect to both paid staff and volunteers (see page 13).

Problem Solving

TWAM aims to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage. A procedure has been drawn up for dealing with complaints either by or about volunteers (see page 10).

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights

Volunteers will be bound by the same requirements for confidentiality as paid staff.

All intellectual property rights (including without limitation copyright) in any work prepared by or created by the Volunteer for the purposes of their volunteering role will be owned by the Volunteer.

The Volunteer grants to TWAM a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide and royalty-free licence to use the Volunteer’s work created during his/her volunteering for its own purposes.


  • I undertake to attend the Archive or Museum as reasonably required by the demands of the role or project on which I have been engaged.
  • I agree to inform my supervisor as soon as possible should I be prevented from attending the Archive or Museum for any reason.
  • I accept that when volunteering at the Archive or Museum, I will act under the guidance of my supervisor.
  • I have read and fully understand the need to follow all the instructions and regulations regarding security, health and safety, fire and other emergency evacuation procedures. I am also aware of, and will adhere to, the Archives and Museum’s ‘Diversity, Equality and Access’ and Newcastle City Council’s ‘No Smoking’ policy.
  • I accept that should I breach any instructions, or act in a way that could adversely affect the reputation of the Archive or Museum, my volunteering may be terminated.
  • I agree to take part in induction programmes, as required by the Archive and the Museum, prior to volunteering, and to undergo performance assessments during the period of my volunteering. In the event of my being unable to achieve the required standard, for any reason, I agree to withdraw from volunteering.
  • I understand that I am entitled to free admission to the Archive and Museum throughout the period of my volunteering.
  • I agree to take my breaks from duty as a volunteer, in the designated rest areas provided for that purpose and store all personal belongings in the secure areas provided by the Archive and Museum.
  • I agree to sign an attendance register on each day that I volunteer.
  • I accept responsibility for all tools, equipment and protective clothing made available to me for the duration of my volunteering, and for their return when I leave.
  • In the event of dispute or grievance arising with the Archive and Museum, I agree to abide by the procedures laid down by the Archive and Museum.
  • I accept that I am entitled to ask the Archive and Museum for a reference based on my service as a volunteer if I wish to do so.
  • I understand that I will be eligible for staff discount on purchases in the Archive and Museum’s refreshment area and shop during the period of my volunteering.
  • I understand and agree that my photographic image may, at TWAM discretion, be reproduced for promotional purposes.


Travel Expenses

  • As a volunteer, you can claim back the cost of your travel to, and from, the museum, archive or gallery on the days when you volunteer, along with the cost of any additional travel required for your volunteering (ie. between venues). Please note:we cannot reimburse expenses for School Placement students and we cannot reimburse parking charges.
  • To receive travel reimbursement, you must be set up through the BACS transfer system. To do this, send your BACS details (bank name, account name, account number and sort code) before you submit your first expenses form.
  • TWAM encourages the use of public transport and will, in general, only reimburse public transport costs. This can only be done with submitted evidence in the form of a receipt or ticket. Please buy the cheapest ticket available for your journey.
  • If you must use your car to volunteer, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator who can give you approval and guidance for claiming your mileage expenses.
  • If other means of travel are not available or practical, you may be able to take a taxi. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator to discuss your circumstances and taxi will be booked in advance and paid for on account for you.
  • When claiming expenses, please try to avoid claiming expenses for more than a month at a time.

Travel passes

We cannot reimburse weekly or monthly travel passes, unless you are volunteering full time, in which case we can reimburse75% of the cost of the pass, with the submission of your expired pass or a photocopy as evidence.

How to make your claim

Complete the Volunteer Programme Expenses form (see pages 17-18) and submit with your tickets/receipts to the Volunteering Office at Discovery Museum. This will be processed by our finance team and the money will be transferred directly into your bank account.

Information for volunteers claiming benefits

If you are claiming benefits, let your Benefit Officer know that you are volunteering and that you are claiming expenses. Your Benefit Office may request further information, so please keep a record for yourself. For additional guidance or assistance, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator.

Travel expenses are classed by the Department of Work and Pensions as legitimate expenses, so there is no risk to your benefits.

What to do if you don’t receive your expenses

We strive to ensure all volunteer expenses are processed as quickly as possible. If you do not receive your travel expenses within two weeks of posting/submitting your expenses claim form, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator who will investigate the issue with our Finance Team.


Disciplinary Procedure

  • If a complaint arises regarding a volunteer or his/her work, it should first be discussed between volunteer and supervisor, whenever possible.
  • The resulting discussion may reveal aneed for extra training, support or supervision, or a change of department. Every effort should be made to provide further training whenever necessary.
  • If the matter cannot be resolved, than the complaint should be put in writing to the Volunteer Coordinator. The volunteer has the right to put his/her case to the Volunteer Coordinator and be accompanied by a colleague.
  • Following this, an informal warning may be issued to the volunteer to improve conduct or performance. An informal warning does not form part of the disciplinary procedure. A review meeting will follow to discuss any improvements that have taken place. If sufficient progress has been made, no further action is needed.
  • If there is insufficient progress, an oral warning will be issued. This forms part of the disciplinary process. The volunteer will be notified in writing of this warning and informed that another such warning may lead to exclusion.
  • A volunteer has the right to appeal against any complaint to the Director of TWAM, whose decision is final.
  • If a volunteer is found to have committed serious misconduct (such as theft, an act of violence, malicious damage, harassment or any act that damages the reputation of TWAM), then TWAM reserves the right to suspend him/her from the premises immediately, while the case is being investigated. The volunteer will have the right to put his/her case to the Volunteer Coordinator and a Senior Manager, and be accompanied by a colleague. The volunteer will be informed of TWAM’s decision within thirty days of suspension and has the right to appeal against exclusion to the Director of TWAM, whose decision is final.

Grievance Procedure

  • If a volunteer has a complaint against a member of staff or another volunteer, he/she should first discuss the matter with his/her supervisor. The volunteer may be accompanied by a colleague at this meeting.
  • If a volunteer’s complaint is against his/her supervisor, then the matter should be referred to the Head of Department or to the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • If unresolved after the initial meeting, complaints should be made in writing to the Volunteer Coordinator. They will be dealt with within thirty days and treated in a confidential manner.


SAFEGUARDING POLICY STATEMENT: For Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults


Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (TWAM) is committed to ensuring a safe environment for all of our visitors. Every year, over 1.4 million visits are made to TWAM venues, with over 50,000 people taking part in our family learning activities. While the primary responsibility for any child, young person or vulnerable adult rests with the supervising adult, we provide an atmosphere of trust and respect, recognising that children, young people and vulnerable adults have a right to protection.

We will refer any safeguarding and protection issues to the appropriate agencies. If we encounter a case that we believe might constitute a criminal act against a child or vulnerable adult, the police will be informed by the lead Designated Protection Officer (DPO).

A child is defined as anyone up to the age of 18. The term ‘young person’ has no legal definition, but is used here to acknowledge that individuals aged 16 or 17, for example, may not think of themselves as children. Vulnerable adults are people who are or may be in need of care or support services because of disability, age, illness or mental health.

TWAM venues are openly accessible to all and any children or young people entering buildings and galleries without direct supervision should be welcomed if they are behaving appropriately. We reserve the right to deny access to children under the age of 11, if unaccompanied by an adult. In such cases we will seek to ensure that excluding these children does not put them at risk.

This Safeguarding Policy applies to all staff and volunteers employed by TWAM on any basis, either on TWAM premises or on behalf of TWAM at any other venue and should be read prior to commencing any work for TWAM.

TWAM recognises that other organisations may have their own procedures in relation to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk, however, the procedures in this policy will take precedence in all circumstances occurring on TWAM premises.

All TWAM staff and volunteers MUST:

  • treat all children, young people and adults at risk fairly, with respect and with their best interests as a primary concern
  • provide an example of good conduct
  • provide opportunities for children, young people and adults at risk to be involved in decision making wherever possible
  • ensure that there is more than one adult present during activities, or at least that they are within sight or hearing of others
  • respect children, young people and adults at risk rights to privacy and encourage them to point out attitudes and behaviour they do not like
  • remember that someone else might misinterpret their actions, no matter how well intentioned
  • seek appropriate consent before initiating any physical contact with a child, young person or vulnerable adult (including when giving First Aid) Changed to full title
  • operate within the TWAM Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy & procedures & TWAM’s Health & Safety Policy.
  • challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse
  • give guidance and support to more inexperienced staff or volunteers
  • recognise that special caution is required in moments when you are discussing sensitive issues with children, young people or adults at risk.

All TWAM staff and volunteers MUST NOT:

  • initiate physical contact with children, young people and adults at risk unless absolutely necessary and wherever possible with appropriate consent, such as providing physical support for a disabled person
  • allow themselves to be manipulated by inappropriate attention-seeking behaviour
  • make suggestive or derogatory remarks or gestures
  • jump to conclusions about others without checking the facts
  • let any allegations go without being properly addressed and recorded
  • show favouritism to any individual
  • rely on their own good name or that of TWAM to protect them
  • take a chance when common sense, policy or practice suggests a more prudent approach

To read a full version of TWAM’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator.




Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums is committed to ensuring that all aspects of its museum and archive activities are fully accessible to every sector of the community. This will be achieved by, where practical, removing or reducing any physical, sensory or intellectual barriers to access, and ensuring that no employee, volunteer, user or other stakeholder is discriminated against for any reason.