Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April07, 2015

10:03 am – 11:05am…Telephone Conference

April2015 BISC Executive Committee Attendees:

Chairman –Stephen Evans, Pacific Western Group of Companies

Vice-Chairman –Al Smith, Greyhound Lines

Secretary –Dan Tomlinson, Indian Trails

Government Review Committee Chairman – Mike Horak, Academy Bus Lines

Government Review Committee Vice Chairman- William Norris, Jefferson Lines

Human Performance Committee Chairman – Mike Ferianc, Coach USA

Security Committee Chairman – Lynette McMillan, Greyhound

Security Committee Vice Chairman- Liliana Aguilar, Omnibus Express

Vehicle Technical Operations CommitteeVice-- Chairman-Geoff Gilchrest, Prevost

Workplace Health and Environment Safety Committee Chairman – Pam Martinez, DATTCO
FMCSA Advisor Member – Loretta Bitner, Chief of Passenger Carrier Safety Division

Immediate Past Chairman – Mike McDonal- Eyre Bus Tour and Travel

BISC Executive Director – Brandon Buchanan, ABA

Coach Builder Supplier Member – Louis Hotard, ABC Companies

ABA Board Representative-- Alan Glickman, Starr Bus Charter & Tours

Insurance Supplier Member – Bob Crescenzo, Lancer Insurance

Matthew Cahill—ABA

Mike Mattison-- IMG

Suzanne Te Beau Rohde- BISC General Counsel, ABA Vice President of Government Affairs and Policy

Not in attendance:

Human Performance Committee Vice Chairman- Rick Vaillancourt, Cyr Bus Line

Vehicle Technical Operations Committee Chairman – John Oakman, Coach USA

Non-Builder Supplier Representative- Matthew Daecher, Daecher Consulting Group Inc.

At Large Member – Charles Corder, Coach USA

At Large Member-- Chris Crean, Peter Pan Lines

March Meeting Action Items

Mike Ferianc / Submit article about the Human Performance Committee-
The group was informed that this submission has been taken care of and should appear in the Summer issue of Equip Magazine. / Resolved
Louis Hotard / Provide an update on BISC info in new buses project
Stephen has the latest version of the project. Louis has used some of the existing information that we have. Stephen mentioned that we need to have something that really jumps out to the operator to inform them about BISC.
Louis mentioned that he is trying to keep the flyer newutral to all manufacturers.
Stephen would like more of an “in your face” approach”. Maybe it should be sent out to others to get some more feedback. It would be nice to really lay out to someone “what’s in it for them” to joing the BISC. List more benefits to them. This is to be distributed to the Executive committee by Brandon to have a look at and revisit at the next meeting.
Louis mentioned for the group to take a look at the front rather than the back. / May 5/15
Committee Chairs / Dates, Agendas, & Minutes of their Committee Calls
Not too many calls for the committees as of yet.
Stephen mentioned that we need a better idea of the amount of time that the committees will be spending and how often on calls. This is to be decided by the committee chairs.
A list of what Committees are working on is to be distributed.
Stephen asked for input from Committee Chairs on their committees ability to remain on task and how comfortable each is with the process of the calls.
-Mike Ferianc says that the Human Performance Committee is ok. –Mike Horak (Govt. Activities) would like to see what his committee members are interested in after their initial call.
-Geoffrey Gilchrest (VTOC) reports that he has an idea of what to discuss based upon topics from St. Louis but is concerned about the level of productivity.
-Pam Martinez (Workplace Health) mentioned a meeting is scheduled for April 22nd. This meeting will discuss Blood Bourne Pathogen training and how to put together a health and safety committee. She mentioned that their next call may discuss the Affordable Care Act. With this, Stephen once again cautioned all to remember to remain “Safety” minded.
-Lynette McMillan (Security) mentioned that their first call was later this day and was to discuss the upcoming ISTEP exercise that TSA wants to put on. / Resolved
Committee Chairs / List Govt. agencies to invite to their committee and topics
Brandon mentioned that the process of reaching out to NTSB, FMCSA, TSA, OSHA, and NHTSA has begun but he has no specifics as of yet. / Resolved
Chris & Charlie / Provide draft of a new member mentor program
Not on the call-Stephen asked Brandon to reach out for a written copy to look at during the next meeting. / Was March 10/15. Now May5/15

April Meeting Action Items

Executive Committee / Ideas for a theme as well as possible topics and/or speakers for the 2016 Winter Meeting
-Discussion to be held with Summer Meeting information / Resolved
All Committees / Create a Master List of projects currently being worked on. Also get a list of the projects requested by the SSC
-We have a list from all 5 committees / Resolved
Executive Committee / Framework for a resource center on BISC website
-Put off until the next meeting / May5/15
Executive Committee / Information out to companies to participate in looking at and have comment on the Model Curriculum for Motorcoach Drivers being created by FMCSA
--Loretta has only heard from Mike McDonal
-Brandon has not heard anything
-Loretta is still looking for a couple of carriers to participate. They should contact her directly. She just needs a couple of participants to “put it through its paces” to ensure that there are no huge gaps in the product. She would like to hear from companies sometime within the next couple of weeks.
-Stephen encouraged all to get in on this opportunity to have a couple of our members get involved.
-Stephen asked Brandon if we should be reaching out to membership. Brandon does not think that would be appropriate and Loretta agreed due to limited resources, they do not need to be overwhelmed with carriers.
Brandon Buchanan / Random survey to find out if BISC membership has actually participated in takeaways from the 2015 Winter meeting
-Brandon will take care of this for the next meeting. / May 5/15

Chairman Evan’s welcomed all in attendance, asked for a roll-call and brought the meeting to order at 10:03.

Chairman Evans informed the group that the call would be more disciplined to stop at 1-hour.

He then welcomed Mike Mattison from the IMG to the call and introduced him to the group. Stephen then welcomed and introduced Suzanne Te Beau Rohde as the new Vice President of Government Affairs and Policy for BISC

Chairman Evans reminded all to remember to mention BISC whenever possible during interviews

Minutes of theMarch meeting were reviewed and approved with the correction to be made changing the word “all” to “some” in the New Requests section under Loretta’s comments.

2015 Summer Meeting

  • The meeting is about 60% set
  • Update on the agenda and invited guests
  • Brandon reports that invites to NTSB, FMCSA, TSA, OSHA, and NHTSA have begun but there are no specifics as of yet.
  • There are a couple of spots open on topical sessions
  • Al Smith mentioned Accident Reconstruction
  • Bob Crescenzo mentioned bus fires. Alan Glickman agreed that this would be a great topic as there is approximately 1 a day.
    Stephen asked Brandon to add this to the agenda and Alan asked to make sure to ask the manufacturers to get involved.
  • Brandon has been working with the Maryland Bus Association to see how to get them involved
  • TSA tabletop status
  • There is a meeting on April 8th to formulate exactly what is will look like.
  • Wednesday the 24th of June will be the exercise.
  • There will be a push to the BISC membership to take part.
  • The hotel block still needs to be looked at for the possibility of adding an extra day

2016 Winter Meeting

  • Theme-Brandon is asking for ideas for a theme
  • Mike Mattison (IMG) reports that the IMG has an agenda in place for January 8th-10th. Their agenda has been set to allow their members to integrate into the BISC meetings after theirs. Stephen, Mike, and Pam are members of both planning committees. There is good insight between the two for a good balance. It looks like everything is in good shape and on track to make it a success.
  • Louis asked how many IMG members are BISC members. Seems like maybe 20 or 25 which is roughly 50%. Louis would like all to recognize that they can join BISC as well.
  • Pam would like us to get a message out that one does not have to be an ABA member to be a member of BISC
  • Stephen mentioned that the framework is pretty well set. Now we need to set a theme and topics for sessions. By the next meeting, he would like the top 2 or 3 issues that the committee thinks would be good topics and themes to be put on the agenda. He asked Brandon to reach out to the committees to get ideas for the next call.

The next Executive Committee Conference Call is set for May 5th at 10:00am Eastern

  • Dan Tomlinson will not be on that call and will need someone to take the minutes

Stephen Evans once again thanked Mike Mattison for his participation as well as his hard work coordinating the meetings between the BISC and the IMG.

Chairman Evans thanked all for their contributions, reminded all of the help needed by Loretta, and the Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 11:02am.