DublinCitySport & Wellbeing Partnership
Sport for YoungPeople -Small GrantsSchemeGrant InformationBooklet2017
What isthepurposeoftheSport for YoungPeopleSmallGrants Scheme?
To increase participation by young people throughout Dublin City in sport andphysicalactivity.
The grant allocation isprovidedbySport Ireland (throughthe NationalSportsPartnershipProgramme) & Dublin City Council. It isadministeredbytheDublinCitySport & Wellbeing Partnership (DCSWP)
Whocan apply?
ApplicationsareopentoSportsClubsandOrganisations affiliated to a National Governing Body (proof of this required) providingopportunitiesforyoungpeople aged 10 -21 yrs of age toparticipateinsportphysicalactivity.
What canbeappliedfor?
- Training coachingcoursesandpurchase ofequipment
- Administrative costs may be considered, however, priority will be given to applications that plan to deliver new, innovative & sustainable programmes that aim to increase participation of young people.
- What will not be funded?
- Competitions/oneoffEvents
- Drugs awareness
- OlderAdultsGroups
- ForeignTravel or Any Subsistence
- YouthProjects/Clubs & Groups (funded by the organisationssuchasCDYSB)
- SchoolProjects(after-school/breakfast/homeworkclubsetc.)
- Capital Spend
Quotationsshouldbeprovided to supportany application,detailing theproposedcostsofcompleting the project.
Clubs/organisationsmust retainreceipts of funds expendedandmakethemselvesavailabletomeetwiththeirlocalSportsOfficer, whowillascertainwhether thefundingwasusedforthe purposestatedonthe originalapplication.
Any information that willprovide an insight into the work of the club.
Due to budget restrictions, intheeventofover-subscription,grantapplicationswillbeshort-listedbasedoninformationsupplied, whether or not you are a 1st time applicant and if the area in which your club is based is identified as an area with limited accessibility to physical activity.
- Whatareapplicationsjudgedon?
- Potentialimpactofthe projectonyoungpeople’sparticipationinsport
- That the clubororganisationisaffiliatedto aNationalGoverningBodyforSport, andinvolvedincompetition
- Allrelevantinformationisprovided
- Contributionto involvingyoungpeopleinsport physicalactivity– asadministrators/referees/coachesandparticipants
•Complete & sendintheGrantApplicationform, along withanyrelevantinformation (i.e. club bank statement)
•Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing PartnershipGrantSubCommitteemeetstoevaluategrantsagainstcriteriaabove
Closing Date: Friday 16th June 2017 @ 4pm
EmmetFlinter- Administrator,on01-2227852
DublinCitySport & Wellbeing Partnership,
Floor 4,
No. 3 Palace Street,