June, 2017
Present Appointment and Address Home Address
Paul R. Abramson 2830 Turtlecreek Drive Professor East Lansing, MI 48823
Political Science Department
Michigan State University Home Phone
South Kedzie Hall
368 Farm Lane, S303 517-351-6197
East Lansing, MI 48824 517-351-4046 (home office)
Phone Number; Fax Email
Office Number: 517-355-6590
Fax: 517-432-1091
Academic Training
B.A. (Political Science), Washington University, St. Louis, MO, with Special Honors in
Political Science, 1959
M.A. (Political Science), University of California, Berkeley, 1961
Ph.D. (Political Science), University of California, Berkeley, 1967
Military Experience
Served to First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1960-1962
Promoted to Captain, U.S. Army Reserves, 1966
Honorable Discharge, U. S. Army Reserves, 1966
Previous Appointments
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University, September 1967
Through June 1971
Associate Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University, July 1971 through
June 1977
Visiting Appointments
Visiting Professor of Political Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 1987
through June 1988
Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, The Hebrew of
University of Jerusalem, October 1994 through January 1995
Courses Taught
Undergraduate classes:
Campaigns and Elections
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Political Socialization
Politics of English-Speaking Democracies
Political Socialization and Public Opinion
Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
Theories of Comparative Politics
West European Politics
Politics in the Bible
Directed Michigan State University Political Science Program in London in 1968, 1978,
1982, 1986, 1990, 1994, and 2000
Graduate classes:
Proseminar in American Politics
Proseminar in Comparative Politics
Seminar in Comparative Politics
Seminar in Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
Abramson, Paul R. 1975. Generational Change in American Politics. Lexington, MA:
Lexington Books, D.C. Heath. Chapter 4, “Generational Change and the Decline of Party Identification,” reprinted in Controversies in American Voting Behavior, ed. Richard G. Niemi and Herbert F. Weisberg. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976, 313-31.
Abramson, Paul R. 1977. The Political Socialization of Black Americans: A Critical Evaluation of Research on Efficacy and Trust. New York: Free Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1982. Change and Continuity in the 1980 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1983. Change and Continuity in the 1980 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R. 1983. Political Attitudes in America: Formation and Change.
San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. Translated as Las Actitudes Políticas en Norteamérica. Buenos Aires: Grupo Latinoamericano, 1987.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1986. Change and Continuity in the 1984 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1987. Change and Continuity in the 1984 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1990. Change and Continuity in the 1988 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1991. Change and Continuity in the 1988 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1994. Change and Continuity in the 1992 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1995. Change and Continuity in the 1992 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1995. Value Change in Global Perspective. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1998. Change and Continuity in the 1996 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1999. Change and Continuity in the 1996 and 1998 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2002. Change and Continuity in the 2000 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2003. Change and Continuity in the 2000 and 2002 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde, 2006. Change and
Continuity in the 2004 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2007. Change and
Continuity in the 2004 and 2006 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2010. Change and
Continuity in the 2008 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2012. Change and
Continuity in the 2008 and 2010 Elections. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R. 2012. Politics in the Bible. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Brad T. Gomez, and David W. Rohde. 2015.
Change and Continuity in the 2012 Elections. Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Brad T. Gomez, and David W. Rohde. 2016
Change and Continuity in the 2012 and 2014 Elections. Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press.
Abramson, Paul R. 2016.David’s Politics: Servant, Rebel, King. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlelield.
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Contributions
Abramson, Paul R. 1989. “Générations et changement politique aux Etats-Unis.” In Générations et politique, ed. Jean Crête and Paul Favre. Paris: Economica, 89-149. (Translation of paper presented at the conference on “Générations et changements politiques,” Université Laval, Québec, Canada, June 1996.)
Abramson, Paul R. 1990. “Demographic Change and Partisan Support.” In The Elections in Israel—1988, ed. Asher Arian and Michal Shamir. Boulder, CO.: Westview, 173-88.
Inglehart, Ronald, and Paul R. Abramson. 1994. “Affluence and Intergenerational Change: Period Effects and Birth Cohort Effects.” In Solidarity of Generations: Demographic, Economic and Social Change and Its Consequences, Vol. 1, ed. Henk A. Becker and Piet L. J. Hemkens. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 71-109.
Abramson, Paul R. 1995. “Political Participation.” In The Encyclopedia of Democracy, ed.-in-chief Seymour Martin Lipset.Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 913-21.
Abramson, Paul R. 2001. “Generations: Political.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 6050-53.
Abramson, Paul R., and John H. Aldrich. 2002. “Were Voters Strategic?” In The Elections in Israel—1999, ed. Asher Arian and Michal Shamir. Albany: SUNY Press, 33-44. Published in Hebrew in The Elections in Israel—1999, ed. Asher Arian and Michal Shamir. Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute, 2001, 47-61.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, André Blais, Daniel Lee, and Renan Levine. 2008. “Coalition Considerations and the Vote.” In The Elections in Israel—2006, ed. Asher Arian and Michal Shamir. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 45-66. Published in Hebrew in The Elections in Israel—2006,ed. Asher Arian and Michal Shamir. Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute, 2008, 63-91.
Abramson, Paul R. 2010.“Election of 2000.” In Encyclopedia of U. S. PoliticalHistory, Vol. 7: The Clash of Conservatism and Liberalism, 1976-Current, ed. Richard M. Valelly. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 128-32.
Abramson, Paul R. 2010. “Election of 2004.” In Encyclopedia of U.S. PoliticalHistory, Vol. 7: The Clash of Conservatism and Liberalism, 1976-Current, ed. Richard M. Valelly. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 132-34.
Abramson, Paul R. 2010. “Election of 2008.” In Encyclopedia of U. S. Political History, Vol. 7: The Clash of Conservatism and Liberalism, 1976-Current, ed. Richard M. Valelly. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 134-39.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2010. “Studying American111 Elections.” In The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, ed. Jan E. Leighley. New York: Oxford University Press, 700-15.
Abramson, Paul R. 2014. “Value Change over a Third of a Century: The Evidence for Generational Replacement.” In The Civic Culture Transformed: From Allegiant to Assertive Citizens, ed. Russell J. Dalton and Christian Welzel. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 19-34.
Abramson, Paul R. 2015. “Generations: Political.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed., ed. James D. Wright. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Entry 1419.
Articles, Comments, Controversies, and Research Notes
Abramson, Paul R. 1967. “The Differential Political Socialization of English Secondary School Students.” Sociology of Education 40 (Summer): 246-69.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1970. “The Development of Systemic Support in Four Western Democracies.” Comparative Political Studies 2 (January 1970): 419-42.
Abramson, Paul R., and Timothy M. Hennessey. 1970. “Beliefs about Democracy among British Adolescents.” Political Studies 18 (June): 239-42.
Abramson, Paul R. 1970. “Political Socialization in English and American Secondary Schools.” High School Journal 54 (November): 68-75.
Abramson, Paul R., and John W. Books. 1971. “Social Mobility and Political Attitudes: A Study of Intergenerational Social Mobility among Young British Men.” Comparative Politics 3 (April): 403-28.
Abramson, Paul R. 1971. “Educational Certification and Life Chances among British Schoolboys.” Research in Education 5 (May): 52-59. Reprinted in Education and Career, ed. Charles Jones. Bletchley: Buckinghamshire: The Open University Press, 1973,12-15.
Abramson, Paul R. 1971. “Social Class and Political Change in Western Europe: A Cross-National Longitudinal Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies 4 (July): 131-55.
Abramson, Paul R. 1971. “Il nuovo ruolo delle classi in Europa.” Revista Italiana di Scienza Politica 1 (December): 595-628. (Translation of paper presented at the 1970 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.)
Abramson, Paul R. 1972. “Who Votes Labour?” New Society 20 (April 20): 130.
Abramson, Paul R. 1972. “Political Efficacy and Political Trust among Black Schoolchildren: Two Explanations.” Journal of Politics 34 (November): 1243-75.
Abramson, Paul R. 1972. “Intergenerational Social Mobility and Partisan Choice.” American Political Science Review 66 (December): 1291-94.
Abramson, Paul R. 1973. “Middle class ‘traitors’.” New Society 20 (May 3): 250.
Abramson, Paul R. 1973. “Intergenerational Social Mobility and Partisan Preference in Britain and Italy: A Cross-National Comparison.” Comparative Political Studies 6 (July): 221-34.
Cherryholmes, Cleo H., and Paul R. Abramson. 1973. “A Normative Theory of Political Education.” Teaching Political Science 1 (October): 7-33.
Abramson, Paul R. 1974. “Generational Change in American Electoral Behavior.” American Political Science Review 68 (March): 93-105.
Abramson, Paul R. 1974. “The Democratic Party in search of whites.” New Society 25 (October 17): 138-39.
Finifter, Ada W., and Paul R. Abramson. 1975. “City Size and Feelings of Political Competence.” Public Opinion Quarterly 39 (Summer): 189-98.
Abramson, Paul R. 1976. “Generational Change and the Decline of Party Identification in America: 1952-1974.” American Political Science Review 70 (June): 469-78.
Abramson, Paul R. 1976. “Generational Change and Continuity in British Partisan Choice.” British Journal of Political Science 6 (July): 364-68.
Abramson, Paul R. 1978. “Generational Replacement and Partisan Dealignment in Britain and the United States.” British Journal of Political Science 8 (October): 505-09.
Abramson, Paul R. 1978. “Class Voting in the 1976 Presidential Election.” Journal of Politics 40 (November): 1066-72.
Abramson, Paul R. 1979. “Developing Party Identification: A Further Examination of Life-Cycle, Generational, and Period Effects.” American Journal of Political Science 23 (February): 78-96.
Abramson, Paul R. 1979. “Comment: On the Relationship Between Age and Party Identification.” Political Methodology 6 (Fall): 447-55.
Abramson, Paul R. 1980. “Comments on Sullivan, Piereson, and Marcus.” American Political Science Review 74 (September): 780-81.
Abramson, Paul R. 1981. “Comment on Smith.” American Political Science Review 75 (March): 146-49.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ada W. Finifter. 1981. “On the Meaning of Political Trust: New Evidence from Items Introduced in 1978.” American Journal of Political Science 25 (May): 297-307.
Abramson, Paul R., and John H. Aldrich. 1982. “The Decline of Electoral Participation in America.” American Political Science Review 76 (September): 502-21. Reprinted in The United States, Vol. II, ed. Alan Ware. Aldershot: Hampshire, U.K.: Ashgate, 1996, 25-34.
Abramson, Paul R. 1984. “Nonvoters and the Future.” Society 21 (July/August): 11-14.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 1984. “Race-Related Differences in Self-Reported and Validated Turnout.” Journal of Politics 46 (August): 719-38.
Abramson, Paul R. 1984. “Alternative Approaches to the Study of Tolerance.” Political Psychology 5 (September): 507-19.
Abramson, Paul R., and John H. Aldrich. 1984. “Reply to Hill and Cassel.” American Political Science Review 78 (September): 792-94.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1986. “Generational Replacement and Value Change in Six West European Societies.” American Journal of Political Science 30:
(February): 1-25.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 1986. “Race-Related Differences in Self-Reported and Validated Turnout in 1984.” Journal of Politics 48 (May): 412-22.
Silver, Brian D., Barbara A. Anderson, and Paul R. Abramson. 1986. “Who Overreports Voting?” American Political Science Review 80 (June): 613-24.
Silver, Brian D., Paul R. Abramson, and Barbara A. Anderson. 1986. “The Presence of Others and Overreporting of Voting in American National Elections.” Public Opinion Quarterly 50 (Summer): 228-39.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 1987. “Progressive Ambition among United States Senators: 1972-1988.” Journal of Politics 49 (February): 3-35. Reprinted in The Presidency: Classic and Contemporary Readings, ed. Jeffrey Cohen and David Nice. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003, 37-60.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1987. “Generational Replacement and the Future of Post-Materialist Values.” Journal of Politics 49 (February): 231-41.
Abramson, Paul R. 1987. “Measuring the Southern Contribution to the Democratic Coalition.” American Political Science Review 81 (June): 567-70.
Abramson, Paul R., Brian D. Silver, and Barbara A. Anderson. 1987. “The Effects of Question Order in Attitudes Surveys: The Case of the SRC/CPS Citizen Duty Items.” American Journal of Political Science 31 (November): 900-08.
Anderson, Barbara A., Brian D. Silver, and Paul R. Abramson. 1988. “The Effects of Race of the Interviewer on Measures of Electoral Participation by Blacks in SRC National Election Studies.” Public Opinion Quarterly 52 (Spring): 53-83.
Anderson, Barbara A., Brian D. Silver, and Paul R. Abramson. 1988. “The Effects of the Race of the Interviewer on Race-Related Attitudes of Black Respondents in SRC/CPS National Election Studies.” Public Opinion Quarterly 52 (Autumn): 289-324.
Abramson, Paul R. 1989. “Generations and Political Change in the United States.” Research in Political Sociology 4: 235-80.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 1989. “Race-Related Differences in Self-Reported and Validated Turnout in 1986.” Journal of Politics 51 (May): 397-408.
Abramson, Paul R. 1989. “Generational Replacement, Ethnic Change, and Partisan Support in Israel.” Journal of Politics 51 (August): 545-74.
Abramson, Paul R. 1990. “The Decline of Over-Time Comparability in the National Election Studies.” Public Opinion Quarterly 54 (Summer): 177-90.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 1991. “Racial Differences in Self-Reported and Validated Turnout in the 1988 Presidential Election.” Journal of Politics 53 (February): 186-97.
Abramson, Paul R., and Charles W. Ostrom, Jr. 1991. “Macropartisanship: An Empirical Reassessment.” American Political Science Review 85 (March): 181-92.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Phil Paolino, and David W. Rohde. 1992. “`Sophisticated’ Voting in the 1988 Presidential Primaries.” American Political Science Review 86 (March): 55-69.
Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1992. “Generational Replacement and Value Change in Eight West European Societies.” British Journal of Political Science 22 (April): 183-228.
Abramson, Paul R., and Charles W. Ostrom, Jr. 1992. “Controversy: Question Wording and Macropartisanship.” American Political Science Review 86 (June): 481-86.
Abramson, Paul R. 1992. “Of Time and Partisan Instability in Britain.” British Journal of Political Science 22 (July): 381-95.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 1992. “The Quality of Record Keeping and Racial Differences in Validated Turnout.” Journal of Politics 54 (August): 871-80.
Abramson, Paul R., and Charles W. Ostrom. 1994. “Question Wording and Partisanship: Change and Continuity in Party Loyalties During the 1992 Election Campaign.” Public Opinion Quarterly 58 (Spring): 21-48.
Inglehart, Ronald, and Paul R. Abramson. 1994. “Economic Security and Value Change.” American Political Science Review 88 (June): 336-54. Reprinted in Elections and Voting Behaviour: New Challenges, New Perspectives, ed. Pippa Norris.Aldershot, Political Science Review 92 (March):185-90.
Abramson, Paul R. 1997. “Probing Well Beyond the Bounds of Conventional Wisdom.
American Journal of Political Science41 (April 1997): 675-82.
Inglehart, Ronald, and Paul R. Abramson. 1999. “Measuring Postmaterialism.” American Political Science Review 93 (September): 665-77.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Philip Paolino, and David W. Rohde. 2000. “Challenges to the American Two-Party System: Evidence from the 1968, 1980, 1992, and 1996 Presidential Elections.” Political Research Quarterly 53 (September): 495-522.
Abramson, Paul R., and William Claggett. 2001. “Recruitment and Political Participation.” Political Research Quarterly 54 (December): 905-16.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2003. “Will Changing the Rules Change the Game? Front-loading and the 2004 Democratic Nomination.” The Forum 1 (3), Article 2.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Matthew Diamond, Abraham Diskin, Renan Levine, and Thomas J. Scotto. 2004. “Strategic Abandonment or Sincerely Second Best? The 1999 Israeli Prime Ministerial Election.” Journal of Politics 66 (August): 706-28.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. 2005. “The 2004 Presidential Election: The Emergence of a Permanent Majority?” Political Science Quarterly 120 (Spring): 33-57. Appears in eBook, Eight Presidential Elections, 1980-2008:Dealignments, Brittle Mandates, and Possible Majority Realignment, ed. Demetrios James Caraley. New York: The American Academy of Political Science, 2009, 177-202;
Reprinted in Nine Presidential Elections, 1980-2012: Dealignments, Brittle Mandates, and Partisan Polarization, ed. Demetrios James Caraley. New York: The Academy of Political Science, 2013, 183-208.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Jill Rickershauser, and David W. Rohde. 2007. “Fear in the Voting Booth: The 2004 Presidential Election.” Political Behavior 29 (June): 197-220.
Abramson, Paul R. 2007. “The French Presidential Election of 2007: Was Sarkozy the Condorcet Winner?” French Politics 5 (September): 287-91.
Abramson, Paul R., Abraham Diskin, and Dan S. Felsenthal. 2007. “Nonvoting and the Decisiveness of Electoral Outcomes.” Political Research Quarterly 50 (September): 500-15.
Abramson, Paul R. 2010. “Using Intrade.com to Study Campaign Strategies in the 2008 Presidential Election.” PS: Political Science and Politics 43 (January): 139-44.
racle, Matthew Diamond, Abraham Diskin, Indridi H. Indridason, Daniel J. Lee, and Renan Levine. 2010. “Comparing Strategic Voting Under FPTP and PR.” Comparative Political Studies 43 (January): 61-90.
Abramson, Paul R. 2011. “Critiques and Counter-critiques of the Postmaterialism Thesis:
Thirty-four Years of Debate” Paper available online at the Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California at Irvine.
Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, Abraham Diskin, Aaron M. Houck, Renan Levine, and Thomas J. Scotto. 2013. “The British general election of 2010 under different voting rules.” Electoral Studies 32 (March): 134-39.
Abramson, Paul R., and Alon P. Kraitzman. 2014.“Using a Gaming Site to Teach Campaign Strategies in the 2012 Presidential Election.” PS: Political Science and Politics47(April): 502-08.
Ostrom, Charles W., Alon P., Kraitzman, Brian Newman, and Paul R. Abramson. 2018.
“Terror, War, and the Economy in George W. Bush’s Approval Ratings: The Importance of Salience.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 80 (July):
Awards and Fellowships
Phi Beta Kappa, Washington University, 1959
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, University of California, 1959-1960
Advanced Graduate Traveling Fellow in Political Science, University of California,
University Fellow, University of California, 1966-1967
Ford Foundation Faculty Research Fellow, 1972-1973
All-University Research Initiation Grant, Michigan State University, 1980-1981
Multi-Year Released-Time Grant, Michigan State University, 1984-1987
Fulbright Grant, Senior Scholar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1987-1988
All-University Research Initiation Grant, Michigan State University, 1991-1992