Area Youth Sports

Board Meeting Minutes: December7, 2014

7:00am at the AYS Building

Board Members:

Present: Dave Frey, Brian Fowler, Tim Walton, Nixon Ortiz, Heather Williams, John Beaulieu,Isaac Bolduc, Rachael Bailey, & Cindy Ortiz

Absent:Mary Learned and Matt Gilbert


Meeting called to order at 7:06 am by President, Dave Frey.

Approval of Minutes:

Heather Williams made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from November 16, 2014Brian Fowler seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Treasurer's Report: About $900 from over $5,000 in delinquent sign up fees have been paid after sending email blast and posting on Facebook.

By-Laws (background checks) update: No update available as Matt Gilbert was absent

Girls Basketball: Going well Practice starting. Games to start Saturday December 13. No pay/no play for players who have yet to pay for signups.

Travel Basketball: Is going well and will be starting concessions at home games.

Baseball/Softball/Tee Ball Commissioners: Going to post on website and Facebook to see if anyone is interested.

AYS Gym: Must let the coaches know to clean up after practice and make sure all lights are off and doors are locked.

LFHS Update: Superintendant is closing the school down and offering it up to the town. Waiting to see what the town decides to do.

Setup dates for all sports signups: Set aside for next meeting.

Update on food wagon: Looking into some possible free storage.

On-line Signups update: Decided to leave checks as acceptable payment as it is possible to sign up and not pay with credit/debit cards.

AYS (LFMS) Gym Policy: was accepted.

Lifetouch(pictures): decided to go forward with looking into prices for basketball this year as a trial and bringing in a Lifetouch salesperson to discuss this at our next meeting.

Boys Basketball: Post signups now with letting public know we are looking for coaches as well.

AYS Gym Setup Crew: December 13 6-9 pm whole board to go in for a fresh clean up. John Beaulieu will make Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56pm. Brian Fowler seconded the motion. All were in favorchecklist for coaches. Heather Williams to pick up cleaning supplies spot check schedule to be set up.

Equipment/Uniform Return Policy: looking into adding more details to coach’s responsibilities about equipment return.

Equipment Inventory:Need new basketballs and football pants.

Larry Thornton: Indoor soccer league for 1st to 5th grades. We will have online sign ups.

Nixon motioned to accept Larry Thornton’s indoor soccer league Heather Williams seconded.

Little Hoopsters: Mike Grimaldi to commission no start date as yet being worked on ASAP.

Adjournment: Heather Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 am. Nixon Ortiz seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Next Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 7 am.
