Landsborough State School prides itself on being a uniform school. The Uniform Policy has the support of our Parents’ and Citizens’ Association and reflects Section 364 & 365 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
Landsborough’s Uniform Policy reflects school community standards and is consistent with Occupational Health and Safety and Anti-Discrimination legislation.
School Community Beliefs about the Importance of School Uniform
Landsborough State School has a Uniform Policy because of the beliefs it offers a dress expectation that contributes to a safe and supportive teaching and learning environment through:
- incorporating recommendations of the Queensland Cancer Council Sun Safe clothing guidelines
- ready identification of students and non-students at school and when outside of school on approved school activities
- fostering a sense of belonging
- developing mutual respect among students by minimising visible evidence of economic or social difference
- promoting an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of competition in dress and fashion at the school
The Uniform Policy outlines:
- Standards of what is acceptable in relation to the clothing worn by the students including headwear and footwear
- Standards of what is acceptable in relation to other aspects of the personal presentation of the students
- Expectations of when students are to wear the uniform including:
- When attending school or representing their school
- travelling to and from school and
- engaging in school activities out of school hours
The Uniform consists of
Summer Uniform
Teal polo with white and black stripe detail with school logo
Soft wide brimmed black hat with school logo
Black lace-up/velcro joggers
Black or white socks
District sports representative shirt worn only on P.E days in the year issued
Black cargo/drill shorts
Black cargo/drill shorts or black skorts
Teal, black or white hair bands or scrunchies
Winter Uniform
Micro fibre, water-resistant , fully lined black and white tracksuit zip jacket with teal stripe detail and school logo
Black fleece jumper with school logo or plain black track top (no hoods)
Black tracksuit pants
Long sleeved teal polo with black and white stripe detail with school logo
Long sleeved black or white skivvy (to be worn under school polo)
Plain black stockings/leggings allowed under skorts or shorts only
Approved Free Dress Days
From time to time the school approves special Free Dress Days for special fundraising or celebrations. On these days students are permitted to wear free dress but must still adhere to the following guidelines:
Shorts must be of similar or longer length than school shorts
Tops / T-shirts must have sleeves and have no visible midriff
No inappropriate or offensive slogans
No jewellery other than standard allowed by the general policy
No caps. Full brim hats fo outside activities only
The school Uniform Policy does not include any other item of clothing or accessory other than that included in the list of uniform items.
No denim or surf shorts
No thongs, sandals or slip on shoes
White or black socks must be worn
No brightly coloured shoe laces
No visible midriffs
No waist bands or sweat bands
No belts
No nail polish, makeup or hair colour
Hair that is shoulder length or longer to be tied up. Hair is to be of natural colour and age appropriate style for both male and female students.
No jewellery is acceptable with the exception of medical alert items, sleepers or studs in the ears only. Studs must be basic piercing studs (gold, silver or birthstone only). The birthstones must be flush with the face of the stud. Studs must be no larger than 3mm in size. Sleepers must be gold or silver. The diameter of the sleepers (measurement across the middle of the circle) cannot be more than 11mm.
Coloured wrist bands are not permitted
Variations to the policy needs to be discussed formally with the principal
Swimming Lessons
In line with Education Queensland's Sun Safety Strategy children are required to wear swim shirts for all water activities. If parents are unable to provide a swim shirt, we will allow students to wear a t-shirt instead.
School responsibilities:STAFF MUST ALL BE DILIGENT IN CHECKING THEIR STUDENTS IN CLASS. THIS IS A WHOLE OF SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITY. Teacher marks roll and checks all students for correct uniform
Student responsibilities: Each student is to wear the correct school uniform as per our school policy.
Parent responsibilities:Parents and Carers consent to uphold our student dress code when signing their enrolment agreement.
At Landsborough State School we realisefrom time to time students are unable to wear their uniform for good reason. They are required to bring a note from their parent/caregiver indicating when the student will be able to wear their uniform.
Responses to Non Compliance
Students not in correct uniform will be required to change into second-hand uniforms loaned from our school. Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, permitted sanctions for non-compliance of the dress code include:
- Relaunch
- Prevention of the student from attending, or participating in any school activity that, in the reasonable opinion of the school’s principal, is not part of the essential education program of the school.
- All decisions are made at the discretion of the Principal.
Our uniform shop is run by our P&C Volunteers
Opening Hours
Mon, Wed, Fri 8.15 - 9am
Please see our school website for price lists and order form
EFTPOS facilities are available and a lay-by system is also offered. Second-hand uniforms are available for purchase through the P&C.
Student Name: / Parent/Carer Name: / Contact No.:Cost / 04 / 06 / 08 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / Total
POLO SHIRT##(with embroidered school logo on chest) / $30.00
SKIRT (black pleated skirt embroidered with school logo) / $25.00
JUMPER (fleece pullover) / $30.00
CARDIGAN (zip-up fleece cardigan with school logo) / $35.00
JACKET (zip-up light weight white cardigan with school logo) / $45.00
HAT (All black standard hat with school logo) / $10.00
HAT (Micro fibre - black one side & sports house colour on reverse) / $15.00
LIBRARY BAG / $ 5.00
HAIR SCRUNCHIE FOR GIRLS (in school colours) / $ 5.00
Hair accessory pack / $20.00
Uniform Breach 2
Dear ………………………………
Landsborough State School prides itself on being a uniform school. The Student Dress Code has the support of our Parents’ and Citizens’ Association and reflects Section 364 & 365 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. Landsborough’s Student Dress Code reflects school community standards and is consistent with Occupational Health and Safety and Anti-Discrimination legislation. Parents/carers consent to uphold our student dress code when signing their enrolment agreement.
I am writing to enlist your support to ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school each day.
I have noticed today that …………………………………………….has come to school and has not followed the Student Dress Code by…
not wearing the correct uniform (…………………………………………………………………….……………..)
Wearing excess makeup or non-standard jewellery items (……………………………………………..)
I would be grateful if you would support the school by returning any uniform item (if it has been borrowed) and ensuring that the correct uniform is worn as soon as possible.
Please be aware that this is your child’s second breach of Landsborough’s Student Dress Code and that should this occur again, he/she will be required to attend the school’s Relaunch Process and this data entered into our Education QLD portal, Oneschool.
If this request poses difficulties for you, please make contact so that we might work towards a suitable solution. To confirm that you have received this letter, please complete the below acknowledgment and return it to the school office.
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully
I acknowledge that I have received the letter concerning my child ……………………… in class……. not wearing correct School
Uniform item………………………………………. .
Parent Name…………………………………………………………Signed:………………………………….Date……………………………………………… / Uniform Breach 1
Date ……………………………….
Dear ………………………………
Landsborough State School prides itself on being a uniform school. The Student Dress Code has the support of our Parents’ and Citizens’ Association and reflects Section 364 & 365 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. Landsborough’s Student Dress Code reflects school community standards and is consistent with Occupational Health and Safety and Anti-Discrimination legislation. Parents/carers consent to uphold our student dress code when signing their enrolment agreement.
I am writing to enlist your support to ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school each day.
I have noticed today that …………………………………………….has come to school and has not followed the Student Dress Code by:
not wearing the correct uniform ( ………………………………………………………………………………………..……)
wearing makeup or non-standard jewellery items (……………………………………………………………………..)
I would be grateful if you would support the school by returning any uniform item (if it has been borrowed) and ensuring that the correct uniform is worn as soon as possible.
If this request poses difficulties for you, please make contact so that we might work towards a suitable solution.
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully
Updated T12017