American Red Cross Pint Size Heroes

Help your student be a Pint Size Hero! Our school is participating in a unique program with the American Red Cross that introduces children to the importance of donating blood. The program encourages students to invite adults who are at least 17 years old to give blood on their behalf. As an incentive for our students, if we reach our goal of 24 donors we will have a school-wide pajama day in January.

Our blood drive is on January 13, 2016 from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Please sign-up to donate at our blood drive at and type in sponsor code: keanelementary (one word) or zip 44691, or send a note to school to get an appointment.

Look for more information coming home with your child.

Kean Movie Night

Our movie night on December 17 was another great success. We enjoyed watching Frozen. Our PTO helpedserve popcorn and snacks. We had lots of help to make this night a success, and we look forward to the next one. The next movie night will be held on Thursday, February 4th and we will be showing Hotel Transylvania 2 The movie night is FREE, and our snacks are cheap! Please come out and join us for a fun-filled evening starting at 6:30pm.

Inclement Weather/Outdoor Recess

Recess will be outside unless the temperature (including the wind chill) is below 20°F. Please have your children dress appropriately with hats, gloves and boots. Snow pants are suggested for extra protection.

Notes from parents requesting students remain indoors will be honored for one day and only due to illness. The students need the fresh air and exercise. We appreciate your cooperation.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is growing!! Please make sure to have your child look through the clothes to see if there is anything that belongs to him/her. Be sure to mark your children’s clothing with their name and hopefully we will be able to get everything back to their proper homes!

Knights of Columbus Council #789 Wooster, OH

Free Throw Championship

On January 17 the Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Free Throw Championship that is free to ALL Boys and Girls Ages 9-14. The event will take place at St. Mary’s School Gym, 527 Beall Ave, Wooster at 12:30 pm. You can register on site and if you have any questions, please contact Joe Stoll (330) 260-0971.

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district and state competitions. Each contestant receives three warm up tosses followed by 15 consecutive free throw attempts from the age-designated foul line.

A Note from the Nurse

Staying Healthy During Flu-Season

The best habit to preventing transmission of illness is having good hand washing skills. Washing hands rinses away germs that your child might have picked up here or there. When your child does this before they eat, for instance, they reduce the chance that these germs will end up in their body, where they can make them sick.

Encourage Children to:

Try to use warm water (not cold or hot) when washing hands.

Use whatever soap they like. Antibacterial soaps are OK to use, but regular soap works fine.

Work up some lather on both sides of the hands, wrists, and between their fingers. Tell them not to forget to wash around their nails. This is the one place germs like to hide. Have them wash for about 15 to 20 seconds. This is about the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" two times

Rinse and dry well with a clean towel.

Avoiding Frostbite

Exposure to below-freezing temperatures can cause frostbite, a rare but serious condition that requires emergency care. Frostbite can affect any area of the skin, and extreme cold can develop within minutes.Signs and Symptoms:

•  Aching pain or numbness, most often on the hands, feet, face, and ears

•  Skin that feels hard and waxy, with a white or grayish yellow color

What to do

•  Bring yourself/child indoors immediately

•  Remove wet clothing

•  Do not rub frostbitten parts, treat them gently

•  Do not break any blisters

•  Warm the frostbitten parts in warm (not hot) water for about 30 minutes

•  Loosely wrap warmed areas with clean bandages to prevent re-freezing

Think Prevention

•  Stay updated on weather forecasts

•  Keep kids warm and dry in cold weather

•  Loose-fitting, layered warm clothes are best

•  Have kids wear well-insulated boots, thick socks, hats, scarves, and mittens

Friendly Reminder:

Please send to school an extra change of clothes (to be kept in their book bag) if your child is prone to restroom accidents or has a mishap on the playground where they may become wet and muddy.

About School Closings

As soon as a decision is made about school closings or delays, the information will appear almost immediately on the district website, Additionally, local television and radio stations will broadcast any school delays and cancellations, and the school district will call/text parents using the district’s emergency and parent notification system.