White Oak Craft Fair
Twenty-ninth annual fair of high quality folk arts and handcrafts, featuring the traditional and contemporary craft arts of Cannon County and Middle Tennessee. Sponsored by the Arts Center of Cannon County and White Oak Tennessee
Supported in part by the Tennessee Arts Commission
DatesSaturday, September 8, 2018 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Sunday, September 9,2018 (10:00 am to 4:00 pm)
SetupAfter 1:00 pm on Friday, September 7 and before 8:30 am on Saturday, September8.
Exhibitors are responsible for their own displays, including tables.
LocationThe Arts Center building and grounds just west of Woodbury on John BraggHwy.
BoothSpaceUnder Pavillion10’x10’$125.00 ($95.00 for Artisan Member) (no doublebooths)
andFeeOutside12’x12’$100.00($70.00 for ArtisanMember)
After deadline date (July 1, 2018), a $25.00 late fee must be added.
MediaAll handmade crafts, traditional and contemporary, focusing on the work of theindividual. All components of the work must be handcrafted, displaying excellence in concept and technique and the mark of individuality. Work assembled from commercial molds/kits or finished by quilting machine will be declined. The judges have the right to request removal of offensive or non-complyingobjects.
JuryThe White Oak Crafts Festival is juried. Unless otherwise informed herein, allexhibitorsmust furnish 3 photographs of the work (no photocopies or scanned images accepted)they
intend to exhibit, along with this application. Describe technique/process of craft to be exhibited including purchased parts if any.
AwardsThere will be more than $1000 cash in merit awards.
PublicityA promotional campaign in print, on radio, and TV is being conducted toassure highest possible attendance. For inclusion in publicity, please submit a photo of yourwork.
SalesAll proceeds from sales go to the craftsperson, who is responsible for collecting TN salestax.
EligibilityOpen to craftspersons 18 years or older. All displayed work must be for salewithpricesclearly marked. Craftspersons whose work are accepted must be present for the entire duration of the show to sell his/her work and meet thepublic.
GeneralIf you plan to use electricity, please let us know or you may not receive it at yourbooth.
Food and restrooms are available. Every effort is being made to make the fair enjoyable and profitable for you.
DeadlineJuly 1, 2018 is deadline for receipt of application and fee. A $25. late fee must beadded on applications sent after that date. For more information or assistance, call (615) 563-2787 or website at artscenterofcc.com
MailingWhite Oak CraftsFair
AddressThe Arts Center ofCannonCounty1424 John BraggHwy
Woodbury, TN 37190
Phone(615) 563-ARTS(2787)
No applicant will be excluded from participation in events sponsored by the White Oak Tennessee on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age.
Recommend a friend and receive $20 off your booth fee if they are juried in!
They must put your name on their application.
NamePhoneAddressCity State Zip
e-mailI willwillnotdemonstrate
Full description of craft to be exhibitedincludingmediaHave you exhibited in White Oak Crafts Fair? ( )years Other JuriedFairs Name of exhibitor I would like tobe next Ifpossible
Booth space: Under Pavilion 10’x10’$125.00$ 95.00 for Artisan Member (nodoublespaces) Outside12’x12’ $100.00 $ 70.00 for ArtisanMember
I plan touseelectricityampsBoothFee
Additional names fortags
$25 Late Fee (After July 1)
I would like to support the crafts programs of The Arts center by becoming an Artisan Member for$25.00year. (Artisan members may also receive commission discounts in the gift shop during theyear.)
I understand neither The Arts Center of Cannon County, nor the City of Woodbury is responsible for loss or damage of work, personal injuries or property damage.
Please return this form with your check payable to White Oak Tennessee, your pictures, and a business size SASE for your confirmation. There is no refundfor cancellation. Your initialshere
White Oak Crafts Fair
White Oak Tennessee
The Arts Center of Cannon County 1424 John BraggHwy
Woodbury, TN 37190
Return Service Requested
Saturday, Sept. 8 and
Sunday, Sept. 9
Twenty-eighth annual fair of high quality folk arts and handcrafts, featuring the traditional and contemporary craft arts of Cannon County and Middle Tennessee.