CSHP NS Branch
Annual General Meeting
May 3, 2014 1230-1345
OE Smith Auditorium, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS
Present: (as per signature list)Kent Toombs / Alexa Miller / Kristi Shepherd
Karen Fong / Jaclyn Wakita / Heather MacKeen
Jennifer Turple / Heather Neville / Shanna Trenaman
Susan Bowles / Jenifer Isenor / Theresa Hurley
Nadine Grimm / Nick Edwards / Minah Lee
Tania Alia / Andrea Kent / Brian Tuttle
Derrick Gray / Hila Lamey / Donna Wheeler-Usher
Paul MacInnis / Andrea Meade / Lisa Goodwin
Jenifer Bessey / Rosemary Hayter / Deborah MacIntyre
Stephanie Lucas / Carol-Anne Osborne / Pamela McLean-Veysey
Richard Lee / Lisa Nodwell
The AGM was held during the lunch period, following the morning education session and prior to the afternoon workshops.
AGM CE Program May 3, 2014 – Morning Plenary Sessions: Breakfast Symposium – Use of Insulin Pens in the Hospital Setting (K. Tiwana; 1.0 CEU); Behaviour Change Workshop (D. Sherry; 1.5 CEU); Morning workshop (one of the following – 1.0 CEU): Palliative Care (G. Breen and M. Gregoire); Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia S. Bowles); Updates on Diabetes Management (B. Tugwell); Pediatric Critical Care: A Shadowing Experience (G. Vaninetti); Afternoon Plenary Session: Update on Biologics in Adults and Peds (A. Smith and A. Huber; 1.5 CEU). Total CEU for AGM CE Program was 5.0 CEU.
CSHP NS Branch
Annual General Meeting
The 2014 CSHP NS Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) was called to order at 12:30 pm by Pamela McLean-Veysey (Branch President). Pam thanked the members for attending and the speakers, caterers and corporate sponsors for making the event a success.
- Approval of the Agenda- There were no conflicts of interest to declare. It was moved and seconded (Hurley/Turple) to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approval of the Minutes – It was moved and seconded (Neville/Nodwell) to approve the minutes from the AGM April 20, 2013 with the following change:
Under 7 (f) change Shauna Miles to Shauna Giles. Motion carried.
- Business Arising
(a)Approval of the Actions of the Branch Council: It was moved and seconded
(Trenaman/Bowles) to approve the actions of the CSHP NS Branch Council for the past year (2013-2014). Motion carried.
- Correspondence
CSHP Research and Education Foundation (Pam McLean-Veysey)
Pam spoke on emails from Carolyn Bornstein (CSHP Foundation) regarding the $25 for 25 years fundraising campaign for the CSHP Research and Education Foundation. Pam also thanks Heather Neville for her fundraising efforts on behalf of the foundation.
- Old Business – Nothing to report.
- New Business
(b)Branch Operating Guidelines (BOGs) (Theresa Hurley)
Theresa Hurley reported that the NS Branch BOGS needed to be overhauled due to new CSHP National bylaws. An email with a summary of the Branch BOGs had been forwarded. An additional change Branch Council needs to be divided into Branch Executive (elected members) and Ex-Officio members (PANS/Advocacy/NSCP).
It was moved (Hayter/Neville) to approve the changes to the Branch BOGS. Motion carried.
(c)CSHP Sterile Compounding Guidelines (Theresa Hurley)
Theresa Hurley stated that CSHP has been working on new sterile compounding guidelines for the past 5 years (work has included revising existing guidelines, French translation, publication). The guidelines are to be approved at SES in August 204. This topic is important given the recent chemotherapy under dosing situation and the fungal meningitis cases in the US. Changes to regulations surrounding sterile compounding due to these and other incidents are coming. CSHP National has asked for financial support (goal to raise $25,000 to support the new CSHP sterile compounding guidelines). CSHP National is asking for individual Branch support (approximately $1000-1500 donation).
Donna Wheeler-Usher commented that it was disappointing that NAPRA and CSHP didn’t work together on the sterile compounding guidelines. She also asked how often CSHP National is going to ask for financial support for urgent matters. Theresa Hurley commented on the response from other CSHP Branches which were hoping that CSHP National would look into other avenues of financial support for the Guidelines. Ontario and BC Regulatory Authorities were approached by CSHP National (no other Provincial Regulatory Authorities were approached). Ontario did provide a grant while BC declined. Health Canada and NAPRA were also approached and both refused financial support.
Debbie MacIntyre asked whether CSHP National has asked for financial support in the past. Other instances where the Branches were asked for financial support were for CSHP 2015, CSHP CSPSI Symposium, Education funding program. Pam McLean-Veysey asked about the cost to use/buy the guidelines and if carrying a deficit (with regards to the guidelines) and re-couping the costs when the guidelines are published. Rosemary Hayter commented on the importance of the guidelines.
A motion was made to approve an initial donation of $1000 from the NS Branch in support of the CSHP Sterile Compounding Guidelines with the possibility of donating a further amount pending other fundraising efforts. It was moved and seconded (Grimm/MacKeen) to approve a $1000 donation to CSHP National from the CSHP NS Branch in support of the CSHP Sterile Compounding Guidelines. All in favour. None apposed. Motion carried.
There was also discussion regarding going forward whether there a mechanism in place at National to prevent these asks for financial support from the Branches from coming all the time.
(d)Technician Regulation Endorsement (Pam McLean-Veysey)
A letter in endorsing Pharmacy Technician Regulation was sent out by CSHP NS Branch Council on behalf of membership earlier this year. The CSHP Ontario Branch had a position statement already developed endorsing technician regulation which was used as a template for the NS Branch letter. The letter has been posted to the website (or available via email thorough Branch Council Secretary Stephanie Lucas). The letter needed broad stakeholder feed back but due to time constraints this could not be done. A process has been developed for future position statements.
(e)CSHP Research and Education Foundation (Heather Neville)
Heather Neville gave on update on the CSHP Research and Education Foundation which provides research and education grants to CSHP members (including NS Branch members). The Foundation provides approximately $30,000 for pharmacy research, $20,000 for education as well as a scholarship for the PharmacyLeadershipAcademy.
- Reports
(f)Treasurer (Heather MacKeen)
Heather MacKeen gave her report. For the 2013-2014 fiscal year major receipts included income from membership fees ($2235), corporate fundraising ($8,755) and awards ($4,300). Major expenses included Education ($ 3355), Awards ($2,500), Membership Public Relations ($2,164) and NS Branch share for National Meetings ($ 4,856). Membership was also informed that due to new non-profit organization regulations (financial and legal) CSHP National would now be responsible for CSHP NS Branch bookkeeping. Heather discussed implications for the Branch. It was moved and seconded to approve the report (Neville/Turple). Motion carried.
(g)Delegate Report– Theresa Hurley gave her report. See attached. Theresa informed membership that the CSHP Summer Education Session (SES) will no longer take place as it is not financially viable in its current format. The final SES will take place in Ottawa in 2015. It was moved and seconded to approve the report (Osborne/Grimm). Motion carried.
(h)NSCP–See Melanie MacInnis’s report (see attached). This report was approved at the last General Meeting on April 2, 2014.
(i)PANS –See Jennifer Turple’s report (see attached. It was moved and seconded to approve the report (Hurley/Lee). Motion carried.
(j)Committee Reports
(i)Advocacy - See Bernadette Chevalier’s report (see attached). Bernadette is moving to Australia and Nadine Grimm will be taking over the Advocacy Representative position.
(ii)CSHP 2015 – Jaclyn Wakita gave her report. She asked members to see the website for CSHP 2015 updates. Jaclyn congratulated Lisa Nodwell and Kent Toombs on their CSHP webinar. She also announced the winner of the Patient Impact Award – Danika Daley. Jaclyn promoted the CSHP 2015 photo campaign and asked members to see her at the Awards banquet to participate.
(iii)Education – See Jennifer Isenor’s report (see attached)
(iv)Membership – Lucas Thorne-Humphrey and Shanne Trenaman have finished their term. Andrea Meade and Michelle ten Brinke will be taking over as Membership Committee Co-chairs. See attached Membership Committee report.
(v)Awards – See Awards Report submitted by Leah Edmonds
It was moved and seconded to approve the committee reports (Bowles/Hurley). Motion carried.
(k)President – Pam McLean-Veysey gave her report. See attached. Pam thanked all the volunteer and committee members who help make the CSHP NS Branch successful. Pam gave a special thanks to Theresa Hurley for all her work with CSHP liability insurance. Pam also reported that Heather Neville will be resigning as website coordinator. It was moved and seconded to approve the report (Grimm/Neville). Motion carried.
(l)Nominating Committee/ Introduction of Executive for 2014/15 –
Debbie MacIntyre gave her report. TheCSHP NS Branch Executive Committee for 2013/2014will be as follows:
President Elect – Heather Neville
President – Lisa Nodwell
Past President – Pam McLean-Veysey
Treasurer – Heather MacKeen
Secretary – Stephanie Lucas
Delegate – Kim Abbass
Advocacy – Nadine Grimm
PANS Representative – Jennifer Turple
NSCP Representative – Jacqueline Gray
Student Representatives – Minah Lee (Senior Rep); Junior Rep – TBA
It was moved and seconded (Osborne/Hurley) to approve the report. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting (Hurley/Turple). Motion carried.
Recorded and respectfully submitted by Stephanie Lucas, CSHP NS Branch Secretary.
Attached Reports:
Delegate’s Report
President’s Report
PANS Report
NSCP Report
Committee Annual Reports – Advocacy Report, CSHP 2015 Update, Membership, Education, Awards, Website coordinator
CSHP NS Branch President’s Report 2013-2014
On behalf of all Nova Scotia CSHP members I want to acknowledge and thank the members who volunteer their time to serve in various capacities, whether it is on committees, as a National representative or on Executive. My year as President has increased my awareness of your generosity and passion, and it is because of you that we will continue to have a strong and viable Branch. I encourage members to find a way to be involved.
Events attended on behalf of the branch
- College of Pharmacy Convocation Brunch, May 23, 2013, Kenneth C Rowe Heritage Hall Pier 21
Halifax, NS. I presented the Sister Frances DePaul award to Jessica Morrison.
At this event the following awards were presented to our members: College of Pharmacy Alumnus of the year, Dr. Kathryn Slayter, and Hospital Pharmacist Preceptor of the year, Charles MacLean.
- Summer Educational Sessions CalgaryAB August 9-13 2013. I attended Issues Days, Council Meeting, Branch President’s Meeting, AGM and educational sessions.
- College of Pharmacy White Coat Ceremony, October 1, 2013 at Stadacona, where on behalf of the branch, I spoke to first year students about hospital pharmacy practice and encouraged them to consider joining CSHP.
- PANS MLA reception April 23, 2014 at The Carleton, Halifax, NS. This provided an opportunity to meet with Provincial MLAs and discuss issues relevant to hospital pharmacists.
Branch Activities
- Branch Executive met a total of seven times throughout the year (May, June, September, November, January, March and April).
- Two general meetings took place alongside educational events. (November and April)
- The results of the 2013 Membership survey identified that access to continuing education events; networking; and advocacy for our profession were the top three motivators for CSHP membership. Branch Executive members were mindful of these priorities for Branch activities throughout the year.
- Branch Executive (soon to be known as Branch Council) have pictures and contact information posted on the NS CSHP website so members will recognize their representatives and have easy access to contact information. This is in response to feedback obtained at the AGM 2013.
- Enhanced sharing and communication between NS members of CSHP has been discussed several times by Executive. A Provincial PSN or a dedicated space on the provincial website is being considered.
- Extensive communications between National CSHP, Insurance Companies and NSCP took place to enable NS CSHP Branch Members access to CSHP Professional Liability Insurance and ensure it complied with NS Regulations. Special thanks to Theresa Hurley for her diligence and persistence to see this to completion in time for 2013/2014 registration.
- A procedure was developed for official communications from the Branch to ensure consistency for those writing correspondence on behalf of the Branch.
- In response to learning of meetings with Pharmacy Directors, the Hospital Association of NS and others regarding Technician Regulation in hospitals, Executive prepared a statement endorsing the regulation of Pharmacy Technicians. The statement is similar to one produced by the Ontario Branch CSHP. Due to a short time line, member feedback could not be obtained; however, this raised awareness for the need of a transparent process for development of such statements and methods to obtain broad member feedback. Special thanks to Nadine Grimm for initiating this activity.
- Jillian Reardon resigned from her position as CSHP 2015 liaison in June 2013 to pursue a Pharm D. Many thanks for her contributions in this role and to Jaclyn Wakita who continues to be our CSHP 2015 liaison.
- The new NSCP Regulations in 2013 presented some hospital pharmacy practitioners, especially those in non traditional roles, with challenges in interpretation, in particular with direct vs. indirect patient care designations. Several members attended information sessions to learn more about interpretation of the Regulations.
- At the CSHP Presidents meeting held at the SES, discussions related primarily to the findings of Jake Thiessen’s Report about the under dosing of chemotherapy incident in Canada and the potential implications for hospital pharmacies. This brought the need to complete the updated CSHP Sterile Product Compounding Guidelines into high priority for 2013/2014. The call for Branches to contribute funding to expedite their completion will be discussed at the AGM.
- NS CSHP Branch Operating Guidelines have been revised to align with changes to National Guidelines and will be presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting May 3 2014.
- The NS Branch has responded to the call from the CSHP Research and Education Foundation $25 for 25 years fundraising campaign by forwarding information to members and having a draw at the AGM. Special thanks to Heather Neville for her role with the Foundation and leading this work.
- Attempts were made to use the CHSP 30 second media clip at local radio and television stations for Pharmacy Awareness Month, without success. It was recognized that Pharmacy Awareness Month planning should fall within the Advocacy mandate and plans will start earlier in the upcoming year. We heard of activities at the IWK for PAM and are interested to hear of activities at other hospitals, so please share your stories.
- Jacqueline Gray resigned from her position as NSCP representative January 8th 2014 due to time commitments required to complete her doctorate (Pharm D) program. Melanie MacInnis was elected as the new representative, April 2014. Thanks to Jacqueline who kept Executive aware of the many activities of NSCP and we look forward to having Melanie join us in this position.
- Jennifer Turple, PANS representative, keeps Executive well informed and provides opportunities for comment on PANS initiatives. (i.e., immunization statements, Pharmacy Awareness promotions etc.). Thanks to Jen for her keen attention to issues of importance to CSHP members.
- Bernadette Chevalier is leaving her advocacy role to pursue her PhD in Australia. We are very grateful for all her contributions to CSHP, at both the National and Provincial levels. Advocacy for the role of hospital pharmacists is of great importance and Bernadette has been a strong representative in this regard. Best of luck to her! Advocacy will continue to be in very capable hands as Nadine Grimm brings all of her CSHP experience to take over this role.
- It is necessary to recognize Theresa Hurley’s tremendous contributions to the Branch Executive and her role as delegate for the past 4 years. She is a wealth of knowledge on all things CSHP and has been my regular “go to” person this year. Your help has been greatly appreciated and you will be missed at the Executive table.
- Special thanks to Heather MacKeen, Treasurer and Stephanie Lucas, Secretary, as they have many duties behind the scenes that keep the branch running smoothly. Heather is working with National CSHP as the financial aspects of the branch are transferred to them.
Our Members
It is important to recognize the achievements of our members and I encourage members to let their Branch Council know when they or their colleagues have won awards, completed courses, published articles or any other activity that should be shared and acknowledged. The following are representative of such accomplishments of our members this year.
- Sarai Hamodt was awarded the Pharmacy Practice Residency Award, sponsored by Pfizer Canada Inc. Her project was titled, Development of Pharmacist-Managed Automatic Renal Dosing Adaptation Program in Long-Term Care.
- Lisa Nodwell and Kent Toombs CSHP 2015 Success Story. CSHP National Webinar Monday April 28, May 1st 2014. Turning Ideas into Action at CDHA Clinical Cross Coverage, Clinical liaison on call and collaborative Multi-Site Order Entry.
- Gina Vaninetti received the 2013 Pharmacist Clinical Experience Program grant and will present on her experience at this AGM.
- CSHP 2015 Pharmacy Student Competition: Danika Daley won a Patient Impact Award with her short story on how CSHP 2015 impacts patient care.
Committee/Coordinator Activities (Please see full reports for details)