June 5, 2011

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:12-14/1 Pt 4:13-16/Jn 17:1-11a

“After Jesus had been taken up to heaven the apostles returned to Jerusalemfrom the mount called Olive, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey away. When they entered the city they went to the upstairs room where they were staying… All devoted themselves with one accord to prayer together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”… “Father the hour has come…”

I wonder what feelings were going through the minds and hearts of the Twelve and Mary. The resurrected Lord, who transformed the sadness of Good Friday by His appearances, now takes leave, returning to the Father, after instructing His family to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Spirit. St. Luke reveals that it was prayer that sustained them. There must have been mixed feelings, and surely strong mutual support, but also questions, as He was no longer physically present.

The Twelve are named, and the women who accompanied the Lord in His ministry and served so well, were part of the scene. Why would it change?

As disciples we too gather in prayer. We bring our joys and fears, our hopes and aspirations, our fears, tears and needs to prayer in a similar way, at mass, in prayer groups, and individual devotions. The Spirit they awaited is present to us now, to sustain us and allow us to grow in His life.

When we met Mary at Cana His hour had not yet come. Today it has. We await the Spirit anew. Ask for His presence this week.

HIS WORDTODAYby Rev. William J. Reilly

The collection forMay 29th was$3,916. Please be generous with your weekly contribution to our parish ministries.
We encourage you to enroll via the ParishPay website Select the St JosephWestVillage link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry.

Our longtime parishioner Mary Pat Dempsey is now residing at a nursing facility in upstate New York. Below her address for those that would like to keep in touch with Pat.

Mary Pat Dempsey, Rm #251

Northern Manor Multicare

199 North Meddletown Road

Nanuet, NY 10954-1317

The Stewardship Appeal is an essential source of funding for Archdiocesan activities that our diverse parish communities greatly and directly benefit from. Your gift affects the lives of many!

On June 16, 2011, there will be the Catholic Charities Junior Board Casino Gala to raise money for the St. Nicholas Project. This is a great fundraiser and we encourage you all to buy a ticket and attend. It will be a festive evening! The St. Nicholas Project is a year-round initiative that provides help at Christmas and creates hope all year for thousands of New Yorkers in need. Your support is greatly needed and will assist Catholic Charities in meeting our increased demands for help, as Need Has No Season. The gala will be held at Providence, located at 311 West 57th Street, just off 8th Avenue. Cocktail attire, and there will be an open bar and hors d’oeuvres. To purchase tickets, click on this link:

For the second time, Jesus departs from his disciples. The first time was the crucifixion—terrible in its cruelty and violence. This time, the ascension, is far more glorious, though still sad for those who had the joy of his earthly company. But this time, they also have the confidence to carry on Jesus’ ministry and mission, a ministry and mission we have inherited. Are we Christian enough to share in His sufferings, to be reproached for His name? May it be so.
~~Pax Christi Metro New York

Won’t be in the city this summer but want to keep up with your contributions to St. Joseph’s?
Consider using Parish Pay which will enable you to make regular donations electronically.
We encourage use to enroll via the ParishPay website under St JosephWestVillage link.
Both the parish, and you, our generous supporters, benefit tremendously from this program.
ParishPay provides a steady stream of revenue for the parish, and enables funds to be collected, recorded, and deposited efficiently and effectively. Also, this revenue becomes a steady source of income, not subject to the fluctuations that our regular Sunday collections exhibit, and helps us plan and manage parish finances and activities more efficiently.

Catholic Biblical Summit

Encounter Jesus-The Living Word

June 25, 2011 8-5pm

NY Catholic Center

350 East 56th Street, New York City

How does the Bible affect our life?

How can we read the Bible more effectively?

Join us for an exciting day of keynotes, and diverse workshops!

The fee for admission is $40 per person. The registration fee includes admission to two workshops of your choice, keynote address and a box lunch. Those who register/pay after June 15 or at the door on the day of the event will need to bring their own lunch.

To register and for more information, contact Maureen McKew

Catholicism 101-The Gospel of St. John

In this seven week course, we will be studying in depth the Gospel of John. Themes we will study will include:

• Where was the Gospel of John written? For whom was it written?
• What special issues may John’s church have been facing when this gospel was written?
• What is John’s theology of who Jesus is? (Christology)
• What does it mean to follow Jesus in John’s gospel? (Discipleship)
• What is the relatPAtionship between Judaism and Christianity in John’s gospel?

This course is offered for both new students as well as people already accustomed to studying the bible.. This summer Catholicism 101 course is offered free of charge. Free will donations made out to St. Francis of Assisi are welcome but not necessary.

Joseph Nuzzi, Instructor

Wednesdays: June 15, 2011 – August 3, 2011 (No class on July 13th)
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM AND6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
San Damiano Hall

For more information email

Cathedral of St. Patrick Young Adults Rosary walks through Central Park are back! We will do two this summer. The first will be on Friday June 17th (rain date on June 24th) and the next one will be on July 8th, (rain date on July 15th). We will meet at 6:30pm in front of the Main Fountain, outside the Plaza Hotel, on 5th Avenue between 58th and 59th Streets. From there we will go inside Central Park and pray 5 decades of the Rosary while walking through Central Park. We will be done at 7:30pm. Optional: join us afterward for dinner and fellowship at a nearby restaurant.




Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:20-23



SUNDAY, June 5 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:12-14/1 Pt 4:13-16/Jn 17:1-11a

9:00 AM Charles DeLong

11:30AM Aura Higuita

6:00 PM Patricia Clark

MONDAY, June 6 St. Norbert

Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33

12:10 PM Dolly Quinn

5:30 PM Margaret Jordan


Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a

12:10 PM William J.McGee

5:30 PM Robert Lehman


Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

THURSDAY, June 9 St. Ephrem

Acts 22:30, 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26

12:10PMRita Cea

5:30PM Bobby Ederle

FRIDAY,June 10

Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19



SATURDAY,June 11 St. Barnabas

Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Jn 21:20-25


5:30PMDorothy Lazara


10:00 AM / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
7:00 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
7:30 PM / Lenten Confirmation Class / 1st Floor Back Parlor
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCMNY
7:00 PM / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
7:00PM / Scripture Study / 1st Floor-Back Parlor
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart / Church
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Caserly