Bedford County, PA Estate Papers, #14 of 1805

Know all Men by these presents, that We Henry Stiffler, Peter Stiffler & David Stiffler all of the County of Bedford & State of Penna., are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the sum of one thousand dollars lawful money of the U. States - to be paid to the said Commonwealth or their certain Attorney. To the which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly and severally for and in the whole, our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, dated the eighth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounded Henry Stiffler, Administrator of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Peter Stiffler, Junr., deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of him the said Henry Stifler, or unto the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons for him and the same so made, do exhibit, or cause of be exhibited, into the Register's Office in the County of Bedford, at or before the eighth day of July next ensuing; and the same Goods, Chattels and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased, at the Time of his Death, which at any Time after shall come to the Hands and Possession of the said Henry Stiffler, or unto the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons, for him do well & truly Administer according to Law. And further do make, or cause to be made, a true and just Account of his said Administration, at or before the eighth day of June, in the Year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred & Six, or when thereunto legally required; and all the Rest and Residue of the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators account, (the same being first examined and allowed of by the Orphan Court of the County of Bedford) shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the Orphan Court by their Decree or Sentence, pursuant to the true Intent and Meaning of the several Laws now in Force in this Commonwealth, shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will & Testament was made by the deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named, do exhibit the same into the said Register's-Office, making Request, to have it allowed and approved accordingly. And if then the above bounded Henry Stiffler, administrator as aforesaid, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration, Approbation of such Testament being first had and made in the said Register's-Office, then this obligation to be Void and of none Effect, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.

Henry "his H mark" Stiffler {Seal}

Peter "his P mark" Stiffler {Seal}

David Stiffler [signed] {Seal}

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of:

Jacob Bear

Jacob Bonnell


[page one]

An Inventory of the Goods and Chattles Rights and Credits Belonging to the Estate of Peter Stifler Deceased -- Estimated and Appraised by the Subscribers this 14th day of June Anno Dominy 1805


1 Brown Mare praised to 30.00

1 Bay Horse, 60.00

1 Bay [ditto], 60.00

1 Black [ditto], 35.00

1 Wagon Feding traughf and Tarr Bucket, 55.00

1 Black and white cow, 13.00

1 Speckled cow, 10.66

1 Red and white cow, 11.50

1 Dun cow, 9.50

1 Black cow, 10.00

1 Red and white cow, 8.00

1 Red yerlin steer, 3.50

1 Pide yerlin Heffer, 3.50

1 Red and white yerlin steer, 3.50

1 White yerlin Heffer, 2.50

3 Calfs, 3.50

8 Hogs, 10.00

10 Sheep, 10.00

1 Shovel Plow with Irons, 1.00

1 Ball Shear Plow and Irons with double [trees & Cle***?], 3.00

1 Log chain, .75

1 Set of Horse geers with Britchbands, 2.50

1 Set of [ditto], 2.50

1 Pair of [Geers?] and Bridle, 2.50

2 Cow Chains, 1.00

4 Gurries, .40

[subtotal $352.81]

[page two]

Amount brought forward, 352.81

1 flax Brake and tub, .75

1 Meal box, .50

2 Hay forks & one dung fork, 1.00

1 Bell and Collar, .50

1 Cutting Box, .50

1 Half bushel, .12

2 Axes and one Mattock, 3.00

1 Harrow, 1.50

3 Hulling Irons, .18

1 Pa** and Irons, .53

4 Acres of Rye at 4 Dollars per acre, 16.00

2 Acres of wheat at 4 Dollars & 50 cents per acre, 9.00

5 Acres of [ditto] at 4 Dollars per acre, 20.00

2 1/2 Acres of wheat at 5 Dollars & 33 cents per acre, 13.32

Peace of flax, 1.25

5 Acres of oats at 4 Dollars per acre, 20.00

1 Loom and Tacklings, 6.33

1 Large Kittle, 3.00

1 Large [Ditto], 2.00

1 Mettle Pot, .65

1 Morter and pounder, .75

1 Frying pan, .25

1 Mittle Pot and [hocks?], 1.25

1 pair of pot raks, .75

1 Shovel, .25

1 Coffee Mill, .75

5 Augurs, 1.00

4 Chisels and one file, .75

1 Drawing Knife, .30

[subtotal $464.30]

[page three]

Amount brought forward, 464.30

1 pair of Stilyards, 1.25

2 Saws, 2.00

1 Rifle gun and shot bag, 10.00

4 Plains, 2.00

2 Spining Wheels, 1.75

1 Sith anvel and hammer, .75

1 Pinchers and hammer, .50

1 Braud ax, 1.50

1 Barrel, .50

1 Steep Trap, 1.00

1 Pair of Clamps and old Iron, .12

1 Wier Sifter, .75

1 Wheat Ridle, .50

3 Old Vessels, .75

1 Doc Chest, .37

3 Old Vessels, .50

1 [illegible], .95

1 Roman Sadle, .50

6 Chears, 1.25

1 Walnut Table, .75

6 Puter plates 2 puter dishs one bason 4 coffee pots, 3.00

2 Keggs, .50

1 Chest, .25

1 Looking Glass, .75

1 Bed and Bedstead, 3.00

1 Truckel Bedsted and Bed, 1.00

1 Bed and Beding, 1.00

1 Bed and Bedstead, 1.00

3 [Bees Scaps?], 2.25

1 Tub and Churn, .25

1 Iron wedge, .25


Bedford County Ss. The fifteenth day of June A.D. 1805, personally appeared before me the subscriber Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of administration in and for said County John Rowser & Thomas Blackburn, who being sworn & affirmed do say that the property by them appraised late of Peter Stiffler, Junr., deceased, is its true value, set opposite the articles respectively, so far forth as shown to them, to the best of their knowledge and beliefs, Sworn & affirmed the day & year aforesaid -- Coram --

John Rowzer

Thomas Blackburn

Jacob [Bonnett?], Register


Orphans Court Volume 2, p. 146

January 1808 Term

Came into Court John Stiffler, minor Child of Peter Stiffler and chose Gabriel Hull Guardian over his person and Estate during his Minority he being above 14 years.

On petition of Elizabeth Stiffler, the Court appoints Ephraim William and Gabriel Hull Guardians over the persons and estates of Peter, Mary, William, Rebecca, Sarah, & Rachel Stiffler, minor children of Peter Stiffler decd, all under the age of 14 years, during their minority.


Orphans Court Volume 2, p. 149

November 1808 Term

Came into Court Henry Stiffler Administrator of the Estate of Peter Stiffler Jun. Deceased and produced their account of Administration as settled by the Register of this County by which it appears that there is a balance in his hands of one hundred & twenty eight pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence half Penny to be Distributed according to Law.


Orphans Court Volume 2, pp. 168-169

August 1809 Term

Bedford County Ss. Gabriel Hull one of the Guardians of the persons and estates of the minor children of Peter Stiffler late of St. Clair Township in the County aforesaid (deceased) being duly sworn doth depose and say, that in the beginning of the month of December last the deponant presented to Henry Stiffler Administrator of the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Peter Stiffler, deceased, a copy under seal of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of the administration account of the said Henry Stiffler as confirmed by the said Court, and demanded the balance of the said account or the part and share of the said minor children - the said Henry Stiffler told the deponant he would pay the same in a few weeks -- but has hitherto neglected and refused to pay the same or any part thereof. Sworn and subscribed the 10th day of May Anno Domini 1809.

Gabriel Hull

Before me, Jno. Scott

Filed August 1809


Orphans Court Volume 2, p. 192

April 1808 Term

Citation issued to Henry Stiffler, Administrator of all and singular the Goods & Chattles &c of Peter Stiffler deceased / Tested 21st January 1808 / Returnable to April Term 1808. To appear, settle, and finally adjust the account of his Administration, on the Estate of Peter Stiffler deceased.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 70

P. Stiffler's Estate

March 1st 1825 On motion of Josiah E. Barclay Esq. the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal Representatives of Peter Stiffler late of Napier township decd. to appear at an Orphan's Court to be held at Bedford in and for said County of Bedford on the fourth monday of April next, and shew cause why the Real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd viz. a tract of land situate in the township of Napier aforesaid, containing one hundred and forty four acres and allowance, adjoining lands of Peter McGrew, James Carson, Benjamin N**, Amos McCreary and others, should not be sold.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 73

Peter Stiffler's Estate

April 25th 1825. Came into Court Elizabeth Stiffler minor daughter of Peter Stiffler decd and chose James Carson as her Guardian. Whereupon the Court appoint James Carson as her Guardian.

April 25th 1825. Came into Court William Stiffler by his assignee James Carson, Rachel Stiffler by her Guardian James Carson, Thomas Blackburn intermarried with Sarah Stiffler -- John Rowser intermarried with Mary Stiffler -- John Clutz intermarried with Rebecca Stiffler -- William England in right of Catharine his wife late Catharine Stiffler -- John Stiffler and Peter Stiffler heirs and legal Representatives of Peter Stiffler late of Napier township deceased, and severally refused to take the Real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd at the valuation. William Blair also refuses to take said real estate at the valuation as per paper filed -- the said William Blair intermarried with Elizabeth Stiffler one of the heirs of the said Peter Stiffler, decd.

And all the heirs and representatives of the said Peter Stiffler decd (except William Blair, intermarried with Elizabeth Stiffler) appeared in open court in their proper persons or by their assignee or guardian as aforesaid and unanimously desired that the real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd, to wit, a tract of land situate in Napier Township, containing one hundred and forty four acres and allowance with the appurtenance adjoining lands of Peter McGrew, Benjamin N**, James Carson, Amos McCreary and Michael Hammer, which was appraised in pursuance of a writ of Partition or Valuation issued out of the Orphans Court of Bedford County, should be sold by order of the Orphans Court.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 101

Renunciation of H. Stiffler admr. of Peter Stiffler.

Whereas the Orphans Court of Bedford County have made an order for the sale of the Real estate of Peter Stiffler of Napier Township decd, directing the administrator of said Stiffler to sell the same -- And Whereas I Henry Stiffler administrator of the personal estate of the said Peter Stiffler am unwilling to undertake the execution of said Order of said Orphans Court. Now know ye, that I the said Henry do hereby relinquish and renounce the execution of said trust, and request that some other fit person may be appointed to execute the same. Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of May A.D. 1825

Henry "his H mark" Stiffler {Seal}

Attest. J.E. Barclay.

May 21st 1825. The foregoing Renunciation of Henry Stiffler admr. of the goods and Chattles of Peter Stiffler decd. Read and Accepted -- By the Court.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 107

P. Stiffler's Estate Bond of Admrs.

Know all men by these presents that we John Stiffler, admr. de bonis non of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of Peter Stiffler late of Bedford County decd. and Henry Horn all of the County of Bedford are held and firmly bound to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the use of the heirs and legal representatives of said Peter Stiffler decd. in the sum of six hundred dollars lawful money of the United States to which payment well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the fifth day of July A.D. 1825. Whereas the real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd has been valued and appraised by virtue of a writ of Partition or valuation issued out of the Orphans Court of Bedford County, and none of the heirs and legal representatives of the said Peter Stiffler decd appeared to take the same at the valuation but refused to take the same and request that the said real estate be sold by order of the Orphans Court of said County.

Now the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden John Stiffler administrator de bonis non as aforesaid shall well and faithfully execute the power committed to him in making such sale and truly to account for and pay over the proceeds thereof in such manner as the said court shall legally decree; then the obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.

John Stiffler {Seal}

Henry Horn {Seal}

Sealed and delivered in presence of Job Mann

August 24th 1825 Bond filed and security approved of -- by the Court.

Order of Sale

August 24th 1825. The heirs of Peter Stiffler late of Napier Twp. decd. having appeared in open Court and refused to take the real estate of said decd. and the valuation & requested that the same might be sold and the admr. having given bond with approved security -- On motion of F. Murdock the Court order and decree that John Stiffler admr. de bonis non of the estate of Peter Stiffler late of Napier township decd make sale of the Real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd. by public vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidder, on the premises on the 26th day of September next, on the following terms to wit: One third of the purchase money to be paid in hand and the remainder in four equal annual payments without interest -- Notice to be given of the time and place of sale particularly describing the estate to be sold in the "Bedford Gazette" and "Bedford True American" the two publick newspapers published in the County of Bedford -- in every of said papers published for three weeks before the day of sale -- and by six written or printed notices set up in the most publick places in the neighborhood where the land is situated.

By the Court.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 142

P. Stiffler's Estate Return of Sale

Bedford County Ss. To the Honourable the Judges of the Orphan's Court now sitting at January Term 1826. John Stiffler, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Peter Stiffler late of Napier township decd respectfully reports, that in pursuance of the foregoing order, the said John Stiffler, (after due public & timely notice by him given, of the time and place of sale, according to the directions of the foregoing order) did on the twenty sixth day of September last, expose to sale, the real estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd, by public vendue or outcry and sold the same to Jacob Schell for the sum of five hundred dollars, he being the highest bidder and that the highest and best price bidden. The said John Stiffler administrator as aforesaid therefore prays the Court to confirm his said report of said sale.

John Stiffler

Confirmation. January 23d 1826. The foregoing Return of sale read and filed.

January 25th 1826. It appearing to the Court, that notice of the time and place of sale particularly describing the property to be sold had been given agreeably to the order of the said Court. And the said John Stiffler administrator de bonis non of the estate of the said Peter Stiffler decd. having given Bond with approved security conditioned for the faithful execution of the power committed to him in making such sale, and truly account for and pay over the proceeds thereof in such manner as the said Court shall legally decide. The Court confirm the sale of the said tract of land, and premises sold as aforesaid, and order and direct that the same be transferred and vested in the said Jacob Schell as fully and for such estate as the intestate had and held the same at the time of his death -- And order and direct the said John Stiffler administrator, as aforesaid, to make and execute a Deed to the aforesaid purchaser for the tract of land and premises purchased as aforesaid, Conveying the same to the said Jacob Schell his heirs and assigns forever.

By the Court.


Orphans Court Volume 4, p. 169

April Court 1826

P. Stiffler's Estate - Fees paid.

April 29th 1826. Came into Court John Stiffler Admr. de bonis non of the Estate of Peter Stiffler late of Napier township decd. and produced the account of his administration on said Estate, as settled by the Register of the County of Bedford, by which it appears there is a balance of four hundred and thirty nine dollars and eighty eight cents in the hands of the Admr. and the same is confirmed and distributions awarded according to law.

By the Court.