The School Board of Independent School District No. 829 held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Intermediate School Auditorium. Board members present: Jeff Hoelmer, Matt Johansen, Randy Zimmerman, Cathy Hoy, SkiAnn Christiansen, Todd Zimmerman and Wendy Sandstrom. Also in attendance: Brian Dietz, Superintendent of Schools, and Elizabeth Beery, Director of Business Services.
1. Johansen moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 20, 2011. Unanimous.
2. Hoy moved, Christiansen seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Unanimous.
3. T. Zimmerman moved, Johansen seconded a motion to approve the claims for the month of January as follows: Accounts Payable: $1,343,957.81; Payroll: $625,841.93. Unanimous.
4. The Youth Advisory Group Presented on the Tobacco Free Youth Recreation Project.
5. Hoy moved, Hoelmer seconded a motion to support the district signage as well as draft a letter of support for the tobacco free policy to the Park Board. Hoelmer, R. Zimmerman, Hoy and Sandstrom voted for. Johansen, Christiansen, and T. Zimmerman voted against. Motion carried.
6. Elizabeth Beery presented the financial/enrollment report to the school board.
7. Brian Dietz presented the superintendent’s report to the school board.
8. Numerous recognitions and positive board feedback were given.
9. Christiansen moved, Hoelmer seconded a motion to approve the following revised policies:
507-Corporal Punishment
509-Enrollment of Nonresident Students
518-DNR-DNI Orders
519-Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
521-Student Disability Nondiscrimination
522-Student Sex nondiscrimination
526-Hazing Prohibition
528-Student parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination
530-Immunization Requirements
531-The Pledge of Allegiance
532-Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs From School Grounds
608-Instructional Services – Special Education
612.1-Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title I Programs
614-School District Testing Plan and Procedure
701.1-Modification of School District Budget
703-Annual Audit
501-School Weapons Policy
502-Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Students Person
503-Student Attendance
508-Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs
514-Bullying Prohibition Policy
515-Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
610-Field Trips
611-Home Schooling
701-Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
708-Transportaion of Nonpublic School Students
802-Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material
510-School Activities
513-Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
10. Johansen moved to suspend Policy 206 that limits individuals speaking about the agenda, T. Zimmerman seconded the motion. Unanimous.
11. Caroline Scheffert, Waseca FFA, spoke to the School Board regarding budget reductions/agriculture.
12. Hugh Chester Jones, Waseca FFA Alumni, spoke to the School Board regarding budget reductions/agriculture.
13. Paul Zimmerman, Waseca Alumni, spoke to the School Board regarding budget reductions/business.
14. Christiansen moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the 2011-2012 Budget Reductions as presented in Option #1B.
15. Johansen moved to amend Option #1B and strike .13 FTE Agriculture reduction and remove .25 FTE reinstatement of Business. Motion died for lack of second.
16. T. Zimmerman moved to amend Option #1B and strike .13 FTE Industrial Tech reduction. Motion died for lack of second.
17. Vote was taken on item #14, to approve the 2011-2012 Budget Reductions as presented in Option #1B. Hoelmer, Johansen, R. Zimmerman, Hoy, Christiansen and Sandstrom voted for. T. Zimmerman voted against. Motion carried.
18. Hoy moved, Johansen seconded a motion to reduce .31 FTE Industrial Tech position from January 20, 2011 School Board meeting. Unanimous.
19. T. Zimmerman moved, Christiansen seconded a motion for the approval to advertise for bids to repair and/or replace the High School 1996 Media Center roof per the Capital Improvement Plan. Unanimous.
20. T. Zimmerman moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the teacher lane change list as presented. Unanimous.
21. Hoy moved, Christiansen seconded a motion to approve the collateral reports as presented. Unanimous.
22. Christiansen moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the following gifts/donations: Donation of $423.05 (Milk caps) to Hartley Elementary from Kwik Trip, Inc.; Donation of $138.30 (Milk caps) to Hartley Elementary from Dean Foods Company; Donation of $1,175.00 to Hartley Elementary from Wal-Mart; Donation of Smart Board valued at $1,500.00 and Mac Laptop valued at $500.00 from Hy-Vee Smiles for Education program and Mr. & Mrs. Pat Fury; Donation of trike, adapted pedals, toys, puzzles, and balls to be used in the Physical or Occupational Therapy Programs valued at $500.00 from Sue Sather; Donation of Acer 19” flat screen monitor valued at $100.00 from Ivan & Sarah Denouden; Donation of $100.00 to Family Education Center Reading Challenge with AmeriCorps LEAP from Waseca HyVee by Pat Weiseler, Store Manager; Donation of $150.00 to Family Education Center Reading Challenge with AmeriCorps LEAP from Waseca Walmart by Patrick Hanson, Store Manager. Total Gifts/Donations: $4,586.35. Unanimous.
23. Christiansen moved, Johansen seconded a motion to approve the following regular job status approvals: Abby Gibson, CIS Paraprofessional; Peter Jacobson, HS Tech Support; Danielle Nystrom, CIS EBD Paraprofessional; Cindy Ruedy, CIS Tech Support. Unanimous.
24. Johansen moved, Hoelmer seconded a motion to approve the following retirement resignations: Ted Hammond, High School Instructor; Gary Meurer, Junior High Instructor; Donna Schneider, High School Instructor. Unanimous.
25. T. Zimmerman moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the following resignations: Stacy Collins, C-Squad Softball Coach; Mary Denz, CIS Paraprofessional; Abby Engel, CIS Paraprofessional. Unanimous.
26. T. Zimmerman moved, Christiansen seconded a motion to approve the following leave of absence requests: Eric Giga, CIS Teacher; Theresa Riecke, CIS Paraprofessional. Unanimous.
27. Hoy moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the following medical leave of absence request: Gretchen Priebe, Special Education Case Facilitator. Unanimous.
28. T. Zimmerman moved, Johansen seconded a motion to approve the following child care leave requests: Abby Gibson, CIS Paraprofessional; Mandi Nohner, HS/ALC Instructor. Unanimous.
29. Christiansen moved, Johansen seconded a motion to approve the following noncertified contracts: Deb Nelson, CIS EBD Paraprofessional. Unanimous.
30. T. Zimmerman moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the following extracurricular contracts: Travis Korver, Head Golf Coach; Trina Mastley, JH Boys Tennis Coach; Darren Pauly, Junior High Boys & Girls Track Coach; Karen Pfarr, Assistant Play Director-Spring; Jody Schlichte, CIS Student Science Fair Advisor; Edward Jack Williams, Head Play Director- Spring. Unanimous.
31. T. Zimmerman moved, Christiansen seconded a motion to approve the following other contracts: Agreement with WEM Public School District for Gretchen Priebe to conduct an independent educational evaluation; Non-Public, Out of District School Transportation Contract with Thomas and Melissa Bauman. Agreement with Hildi Inc. for Actuarial Valuation; Agreements with TEAM Academy #4127 for Special Education Administration, Autism and Third Party Billing Consultation, School Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Special Education Staff; Agreement with South Central Human Relations Center, Inc. for Off Campus Day Treatment Mental Health Services; Agreement with South Central Human Relations Center, Inc. for Off Campus Day Treatment Mental Health Services: Program Director-Therapist; Agreement with South Central Human Relations Center, Inc. for Therapeutic Program Mental Health Services. Unanimous.
32. Johansen moved, Hoelmer seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Unanimous.
Cathy Hoy, School Board Clerk