Deadline: October 10, 2016

Fall 2016 Term

Please complete the following form and e-mail it to your District Representative with one adviser letter of recommendation by October 10, 2016.

Name______Institution Name______


Organization Name______

Class Standing for 2016-2017 Academic Year______

Years of Involvement in Organization______

Please answer the following:

1)Briefly describe your current role in your student advancement organization:

2)Describe your involvement with CASE ASAP:

3)Describe 2-3 things you think could be improved or implemented in your state during your time on district cabinet:

Letter of Recommendation

Please include one letter of recommendation from the adviser of your CASE ASAP-affiliated student advancement group. Applications without one letter of recommendation from an adviser will not be considered.

Adviser Information:




Please attach individually in PDF format and e-mail complete application to your district representative by October 10, 2016. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

CASE ASAP District Cabinet

A new student leadership initiative!

What is a District Cabinet?

In order to provide leadership opportunities for students who are passionate about their institutions and advancement while developing a pipeline of communication between district representatives and student advancement organizations withinthe states, each District Representative will create a District Cabinet, made up of a student cabinet member for each state within the districts.


Selected District Cabinet Memberswill serve a one-year term from April 1 – March 31 each year. (This time frame is to allow for newly elected district representatives the opportunity to review applications and build their cabinets shortly after elected, which typically takes place in February/March.)

October Inaugural Kick-Off

To launch the program, current District Representatives will select their inaugural District Cabinet members who will begin their terms November 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. (Please note: this is the only time district cabinet members will be selected in the fall.) Cabinet members selected in this special term will have the opportunity to serve until the April 2017 selection if they are seniors, or can hold the position until March 2018 if desired and possible.

Eligibility for Inaugural Term

Students who are able to complete the inaugural term from November 1 – March 31, 2017 are eligible to apply. Students must be an active member in their student advancement organizations.


The role of each District Cabinet Member is to communicate between student advancement organizations in their state and the District Representative. This role is manifested in the following ways:

  • Identify potential new student advancement organizations to join CASE ASAP
  • Assist in coordination of State Meeting details for those districts who offer state meetings.
  • Assist in hosting district conference, if applicable
  • Compile social media content to highlight success stories from state institutions
  • Routine communication with district representative
  • Provide an annual update at state and district levels
  • Promote CASE ASAP opportunities including CASE ASAP District Awards and CASE Student Engagement & Philanthropy Month within the district

These roles may vary at the discretion of the District Representative, and are subject to change in order to accommodate the respective districts.

For further information, please direct questions to your District Representative, or to Betsy Edler, CASE ASAP Executive Board Chair.

District Representative Contact Info

District 1: Tricia Dalton

District 2: Laura Amato

District 3: Ryan Steele

District 4: Courtney Wolfe

District 5: Tracy Kondrit

District 6: Betsy Edler

District 7: Carole Foote

District 8: Emily Rasch