Pinewood Derby Race Management System

Software Requirements Specification


< Editor>

CptS 350

Instructor Jack Hagemeister

June 21, 2001

Table of Contents

<Insert a table of contents here. You will have to redefine the headings to make this work.

Revision History

DATE / Task / Description / Author


1.1References and Controlling Documents

<Identify all documents referenced and all documents from which information was derived. At a minimum, the Product Description should be referenced. >

1.2Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

<A glossary of all terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this document. >

2.0General Description

2.1Product Perspective

< Describe the function and interface of each existing component. Describe how the new product interfaces with each existing component. Include a level 0 DFD here, (Context DFD)>

2.2Summary of Product Features

<List and describe all features of the product. You should be able to copy these from the Concept specification. >

2.3User Perspective

2.3.1User Characteristics

<Define the characteristics of the end users. Include all factors such as education and computer literacy that impacts the design of the product. >

2.3.2User Interface Requirements

<Describe how the user interacts with the product. This should include preliminary interface designs. Screen layout prototypes and a decision table may be appropriate. >

2.4General Constraints

< List the general constraints that limit the product design options. This may include regulatory policies, hardware limitations, external interfaces, software limitations, application stability and availability, and safety and security considerations. >

2.5Assumptions and Dependencies

< Define all assumptions and dependencies that the requirements rely upon. These assumptions and dependencies may also factor into the risk analysis below. >

3.0Environment and Interface Requirements

3.1Operational System Hardware Requirements

< Indicate what hardware this product will require. Reference the functional requirements that impact the choice of hardware. >

3.2Operational Support Software Requirements

< Indicate what software this product requires. Include version and release numbers. Reference the functional requirements that impact the choice of software. >

4.0Information Description

4.1Information Representation

4.1.1Entity Relationship Model and Descriptions

4.1.2Entity Object Definitions

4.2Information Flow

4.2.1Data Flow Models and Descriptions


5.0Function Description

5.1Functional Partitioning

5.2Functional Description

5.3Performance Requirements

6.0Control Description

6.1Control Flow Models and Descriptions


7.0Behavioral Descriptions

7.1State Transition Models and descriptions

7.2Decision Tables

8.0Validation Criteria

8.1Performance Bounds

8.2Testing Descriptions with Expected software responses

8.3Special Considerations


<Include all supporting documentation that has not been included in previous documents. >