Junior Leadership Orange is a program for eighth grade students that strives to identify up-and-coming youth leaders by providing them with knowledge and skills that foster vision that they will ultimately use to strengthen their communities. This is a highly selective process, with a limited number of students accepted from each Orange County school district.

Do not let that discourage you from applying!

Youth who show leadership qualities in either in-school and/or out-of-school activities will be selected. The goal for this program is to bring together a diverse group of youth who are leaders within their school based programs/activities with youth who are leaders outside of their school setting.

Before applying, we ask that you carefully consider the following important points:

  • To participate, youth will miss seven school days over the course of the school year. Any work missed while taking part in this program must be made up.
  • This is a participatory, interactive program. You will be expected to be an ACTIVE participant, taking part in conversations, interactive games etc.

Junior Leadership Orange Program Overview:

The program kicks off with a “Family Information Session" during the summer for selected youth and their parent/guardian(s). Final details are laid out and questions and concerns will be addressed. In September, the program begins with an orientation day for students. This is an enjoyable Wednesday fieldtrip when youth from throughout Orange County spend the day getting to know one another while participating in interactive ice-breaking activities. The program continues to meet on the second Wednesday of the following months: October, November, December, February, March and May (unless otherwise specified). Participants will be traveling to various locations throughout Orange County and spending their day immersed in programs and interactive activities related to the day’s theme. At each session, instructors and facilitators will present and engage participants in fun and interactive activities with the class. Presenters will represent leaders from a variety of sectors in Orange County, such as law enforcement, non-profit organizations, government, and business. Participants will bring home an agenda and are encouraged to share details about their day with their parents/guardians. The program concludes with a celebratory graduation for family and friends in April.

There is no cost to schools, students or families! This program is sponsored by generous contributions made by area businesses, organizations and individuals who wish to make an investment in youth and the future of Orange County. Transportation and meals are provided for all sessions.

Junior Leadership Orange is the product of a longtime collaboration and partnership that began in 2011 between Leadership Orange and The Orange County Youth Bureau. We hope you will take this time to apply for placement in this prestigious program for eighth grade students and serve as a representative for your school district!

Please complete the attached two page Program Application and submit it with the completed 2-page Recommendation Form. For additional information contact Karolyn Thompson at845.562.8500 or via email




Please type or print clearly and answer each section completely.APPLICATIONS IN PENCIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Applicant’s Name:
Home Phone: / ()- / Cell Phone: / ()-
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
Name of School (you must be in 8th grade for the 2017-2018 year):
School District:
Name of School you attend (include if private school, homeschooling, etc.): ______
  1. Please tell us a little about yourself: Include any special interests/skills, hobbies, jobs, volunteering you may have done,
    any groups/teams you may be a part of (whether in school and out of school).

  1. Please tell us why you want to join the Junior Leadership Orange Program: Include what you hope to get out of your experience in the program.

Applicant’s Name:

Supporting Documentation:

1. Have a Teacher, Guidance Counselor or Principal certify this application by completing and signing below:

, / ,
(Name) / (Title)
I confirm that based on my observations, / ,

will not have trouble making up work missed while attending this program for seven separate days over the course of the school year and that this student will be entering 8th grade in September of 2017.

Signature of School Rep: / Date: / //

2. Have your parent /guardian read this portion and sign below:

I am aware that my child; / , / is applying for the Junior Leadership

Orange Program. If selected, I understand that we both must be in attendance at a Family Informational Session that will be scheduled over the summer months. (Please note that you will be given 2 dates and times to choose from.) I understand that this program is NOT just for traditional leaders. The basis for this initiative is to serve well behaved youth who have demonstrated leadership qualities in either a traditional or less traditional sense, and may not otherwise have an opportunity to participate in this type of program. In order to participate, my child will miss seven school days over the course of the school year and any work missed while taking part in this program must be made up. This is a participatory, interactive program for students who enjoy that type of setting. Youth are expected to be ACTIVE participants, taking part in conversations, interactive games etc.

Parent/Guardian Name (print):
Home Phone: / ()- / Cell: / ()-
I acknowledge that my child completed this application on his/her own ____Yes ____
Parent/Guardian Signature: / Date: / //

3. Please have an adult who is not related to you, complete the required “Recommendation Form”. This person should be able to give examples of how you have demonstrated leadership qualities. Remember; leadership can be expressed in many different ways – whether it has been in school or out of school. The Recommendation Form MUST be returned in a sealed envelope and mailed to Leadership Orange, Desmond Campus, 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, NY 12550.

Important Checklist:

Fill out page one completely, including a paragraph detailing the reason(s) that you are applying to the Junior Leadership Program

Get a Teacher, Guidance Counselor or Principal to certify this application by signing and dating it

Get your parent/guardian to sign and date this application

Attach the required Recommendation Form, completed and signed by person recommending you

I will be entering the 8th grade in September 2017

Parent emailed had been filled out. This is a MUST!

If yes to all, please sign and date below. Please Note: late or incomplete applications will not be accepted

Applicant’s Signature: / Date: / ______

Return complete Application Packet and Sealed Recommendation Form, to:


Desmond Campus

6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, NY 12550


Junior Leadership Orange Recommendation Form

To be completed by a non-relative adult who can speak to applicant’s strengths(in-school and/orout-of-school) and reasons for recommending youth for this leadership program.

Applicant’s Name:
Recommendation Submitted by:
Phone: / ()____-__Email : ______

Junior Leadership Orange is a program for eight grade students that strives to identify emerging young leaders, providing them with knowledge and skills that foster vision that they will ultimately utilize to strengthen their local communities. This is a highly selective process with limited slots from each Orange County school district. Selected youth will be active participants, taking part in conversations, interactive games, etc. It is the goal of this program to be made up of a group of diverse youth leaders from both non-traditional andtraditional settings.


Non-traditional leadership: applicant might volunteer as an individual rather than with a formal group for charity events (i.e. breast cancer walk), in a band (outside of school), helps a local animals shelter, etc.

Traditional leadership: applicant might participate in school groups, sports, scouts, faith based groups, etc.

What unique skills and abilities does this candidate possess that makes them a good example of a

Non-traditional or Traditional Leader (as described above). - Feel free to elaborate

You may attach up to one (1) sheet of additional information.

Date: //

For additional information, please contact Karolyn Thompson845.562.8500

or visit the website at

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