The answer may surprise you

I have studied and taught on the end-times—the time before the second coming of the Jewish Messiah, and onward into eternity—since at least 1963. Since 1986, it has become my focus, to prepare people for life in the Kingdom of Elohim (God) on earth. In the early 1990’s I had a class on end times at Grace Temple Church in Fort Worth, Texas. I was a diligent researcher on every area of politics, economics, religion, and history—all tying the Word into end-time events. I had taught this class for two years. One night, at a communion service at the church, I silently prayed, as I knelt with my cup and wafer, “Father, I’ve given these people everything I can possible give them to help their knowledge of end times. What am I to teach them now?” Immediately, the Father answered me in a booming audible voice that shook me to the core: “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”. I had taught on the Festivals since 1963, and I knew what He meant. I was to stop being an information peddler and concentrate on, with the information, exhorting as many as possible to prepare to meet Him--to prepare for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah.

To tell on myself: I was always careful, even in my youth, to study the Word in its entirety on any given subject, so as not to be deceived by the teachings of man. However, I did not question my belief on the resurrection of the “just”—the set-apart ones. I taught as I was taught by man, that the church would be taken out of the world before the coming of a seven-year tribulation--that the church would banquet in heaven, while the Jews and all other unbelievers went through a horrible torture for seven years, so that some could be saved by their endurance. I taught as I was taught--that the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Yahuweh the Father) would be taken out of this world, along with the church, for it was He who restrained evil in the earth. I took the verses here and there and allegorized the Scriptures like all others in my denomination, and taught what looked to be really right. I parroted the well-known teachers of the day, because I trusted them. I did not know that they were parroting some other person they thought was right. “The blind lead the blind and they both fall into the ditch”.

When I began going to the whole Word (Genesis to Revelation), and read things in context, a totally different picture emerged. I found out that the righteous would be left behind, and the wicked removed. In Noah’s day, he and his family were spared in a boat, and the wicked all died. Lot was removed from Sodom and fled to a cave in Edom, and all the residents of Sodom, Gomorrah, and other cities surrounding them were destroyed. The wicked were taken, and the righteous preserved. Enoch and Elijah were both taken up into heaven without experiencing death. There was no time of judgment, or tribulation, or any trouble surrounding their being taken out. They cannot be used as examples of “the rapture”.

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I have come to realize that the only way that men can spread their deceptions

many times, is to allegorize the Scriptures--making them say whatever the teacher wants said. This was called the Alexandrian School of Scripture interpretation, from Alexandria, Egypt, in the second century. They taught that if you allegorize, or spiritualize the Scriptures, you can make them say anything you want. If you take one sentence here and one sentence there, you can put them together and create whatever doctrinal belief you want. This method of interpretation was gobbled up by the Roman Church, then the Protestant Church, the Evangelical Church and the Charismatic Church. That is why we have about 5,000 denominations and organizations all calling themselves “Christian”. If a group disagrees with the Pastor, there are church splits on top of that. If someone has an idea, they simply find verses to back their ideas, and always they will find the gullible to believe them. Thus doctrines have

been created that are not even in the Bible at all.

Christians who are lazy, and won’t study the Word for themselves, or are

blinded by idolizing certain teachers and preachers, are duped, deceived and lied to—and set up for destruction in this life, and the life to come.

In this article, I want to warn as many as possible, that the results of living an escapist lifestyle with an escapist mentality--a life of comfort, ease, fear and cowardice—a self-centered life that causes most people in the free world to listen to deceptions and lies and whatever “tickles the ear”.

In the last days, people are going to conferences, seminars, study groups, church meetings, and listening to all sorts of sermons on T.V., on the internet, reading books and magazines, all loaded with deceptions, lies and traps—just so they can find someone to make them feel comfortable in their chosen “belief-box”.

Please hear me out on this, because I am not out to change anyone’s mind—I am out to save eternal souls. In this article, I show beyond the shadow of a doubt, that what is called “the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine” is nothing more than a well-planned Satanic set-up for destruction.

The American gospel of “pray this prayer and go to heaven” that is devoid of repentance, devoid of responsibility to Elohim and His Covenant, devoid of any responsibility to anything except codes created by each individual person. There is little to no respect for the Messiah of Israel, let alone respect for the Father Yahuweh, the Creator--the Elohim of Israel. In all of my 56 years of knowing Him as my Savior, Master, and Friend, I have not known any Christian who obeyed the commands of Messiah Yahushua, let alone any commands of the Father. Yet, Yahushua said: “If you love Me keep My commandments”. His commandments were the Father’s commandments.

This doctrine of escapism into heaven while the world goes through seven years of hell, has led to the new age movement coming into the church today, and people flocking to a gospel that is totally foreign to what the Apostles taught and what was left to us by Yahushua the Messiah of Israel. Yahushua means: “I AM salvation”. He came in His Father’s Name. His Father’s Name is:

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“Yahuweh”—“I AM the eternal One Who breathes”.

The “I AM” belongs to Yahuweh and His Messiah (Son) Yahushua exclusively. But, in the modern new age church teaching that is going forth by the gurus of modern Christianity on T.V., in churches, in books, videos, magazines and etc., is saying that we can call ourselves the “I AM”. This is pure Greek Gnosticism—the same lie that Lucifer told Eve in the Garden of Eden—“You shall be as gods”. Lucifer, in Genesis 2, told Eve that she didn’t have to obey Yahuweh, but that she could eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and be a goddess. That tree is Lucifer’s tree. The Tree of life is Yahuweh’s tree. Because the modern free-world church, especially in America, is teaching that we can be gods, that we can create with the words of our mouth, that we can have whatever our flesh desires by faith in our faith, churches are becoming overflowing with those filled with greed and the lust of the world system and

the pride of life—seeking to get from God what they want. Thus the big name preachers are becoming multi-millionaires on the self-seeking of their listeners.

Many say: “Give to my ministry and you’ll get your miracle”. They play on the sufferings of their hearers. They play on the fears and troubles of their hearers. Thus they do not warn anyone of impending world holocaust, even as World War III looms on the horizon and America is being plunged into the judgment of a righteous Yahuweh.

Here’s a brief history of the origin of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine: In 1830, in Port Glasgow, Scotland, ONE church was experiencing ecstatic manifestations. They assumed this was a move of the Holy Spirit. People were going into trances, having visions, having dreams, getting prophecies, going into ecstasy emotionally—all about the second coming of Jesus. There was such a stir that other churches came to find out what was going on. They did not know the Word, which says that He does “nothing in a corner”. He deals with all of His servants when He brings revival, not just one church in one place. Messiah warned about people who would come and say that “Messiah is here; Messiah is there”.

One very shy young girl--17 years old--by the name of Margaret McDonald, had a vision of the second coming. She was in an ecstatic state when she got this vision. Because of the publicity, a man named Kenneth Darby came to interview Margaret. She wrote down her vision and he took it. He twisted some of it, and created an entirely new doctrine—that Christians would escape for seven years to heaven, while the earth was plunged into turmoil.

He forgot to read the whole Word on the subject. To promote this doctrine, which I’m sure he saw as a money-maker, he took a verse here, and a verse there out of context, allegorized the Scriptures where things didn’t fit his way, and sold it also to a lawyer named C.I. Scoffield in the United States. In order to make this doctrine fit, Scoffield created what is called “Dispensational Theology”. He broke the six thousand years of man on the earth into seven “dispensations”, or periods of time. This way, he could set apart the seven years and not connect it to the coming of Messiah with the wrath of the Father.

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Unscrupulous manipulation of the Word of Elohim, to say the least!

This one doctrine has become a billion-dollar-a-day industry—to also say the least. Men are getting rich on this lie. I’ve seen many of these fantasy books about the coming of Jesus in airports, alongside other occult fantasy books. I’ve read Margaret’s vision. You have to stretch a lot of things to get a pre-tribulation rapture out of it. (See the Note at the end of this article for a book to read that gives the details of this hoax—excellent resource material from someone who went to Port Glasgow to find the truth).

The escapist doctrine became an exclusive American doctrine. Everywhere in the world, where this doctrine has gone—it has brought devastation to the purity of the Truth of the Scriptures. Man easily buys into escapism, but that IS NOT the nature of the Father.

Messiah’s humanity wanted to escape the stake. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He said, “If it be possible, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done”. Human weakness craves escape. But, human weakness is not what the Father honors! If we will pray this same prayer, He will give us His peace to go through anything. It is a matter of submission to Him.

This doctrine, because it appealed to the flesh of man, became popular right


This doctrine is a totally man-made invention and the nature of the Father and the whole of the Word does not even allude to this type of mentality!

The manipulation of the Word is easy when one does NOT interpret it in its

Hebraic setting.

The Bible is about one people group, a Covenant with that people group, and the salvation of that people group. Anyone could always get in on this Covenant, from Exodus 12 onward, IF they adhered to the requirements of the covenant. That has not changed. Remember that it was the Greeks, from the mid-first century, and later the Romans, who changed the truth into a lie for the comfort of pagans and lukewarm believers. It was the Greeks who broke away from the teachings of the Apostles, throwing away Yahuweh and His Covenant Instructions. It was the Greeks who called themselves Christians, who created the religion of Christianity, which was institutionalized by the Romans. What Yahushua left us at His ascension and what His Apostles taught is almost totally diametrically opposite to what the church of today teaches!

I was watching the news a few days ago, and they had a special on the phenomenon of women scheduling their babies to be born when they wanted the baby to be born, via C-section. One very arrogant, flippant young woman was asked why she chose to have a C-section. Her reply: “I just didn’t want to go through labor. I don’t have to go through labor if I don’t want to, and I chose not to”.

While C-section does get the baby into the world, it is a sample of the increasing attitude towards by-passing Yahuweh’s ways for man’s ways. This includes genetically altering foods—eliminating seeds—or creating seeds that

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only produce one crop only—(not able to reproduce),and the experimentation

with cloning, and babies created in test tubes. Yahuweh’s life is reproduced by seeds. Because of the homosexual agenda for world domination, which is part of Lucifer’s agenda, the elimination of natural seeding for children is being worked out by scientists. There is talk of creating your own baby as you want it to be—by DNA manipulation.

Taking the easy way out—the comfortable way—the way that appeals to the flesh—that’s the motto of the Gnostic world of Lucifer. Only thing that Lucifer is not saying is that at the end of this road is the lake of fire, which he is destined for, and all who follow him are destined for. Lucifer, whose name means the “illumined one, the shining one, the light-bearer” is really Satan in nice clothing. He has duped the world’s people since he duped Eve, into thinking that they can be gods, and that they do not need Yahuweh, the Elohim (God) of Creation. If man can believe he came from an ape, then he can do what he wants without judgment. If he believes that the earth is 65 million years old, and was created by a “big bang”, he doesn’t have to be responsible