11 Listen to David Lodge´s "Guess What Happened": Find out what happened in the original story. / B2 Listening to audio media and recordings (can understand most […] recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect […]) p. 68 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72 / * Page numbers refer to the online version of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” at19 Mastering: A recording about author Colin Paintin / B2 Listening to audio media and recordings (can understand most […] recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect […]) p. 68 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
8 Talk about the topic: Imagine that you could step into a novel […] prepare to tell the rest of the class. / B2 Sustained monologue: Describing experience (can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects […]) p. 59 / Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps in vocabulary and structure) p. 64 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control) p. 114
Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
6 Work with a partner: Read though the beginning to a novel. Discuss what you think the novel could be about and how you imagine the story might develop. Think of a title for the novel. / B2 Informal discussion (with friends) ( can account for and support his/her opinions in discussion […]) p. 77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and end discourse appropriately […]) p. 86
Co-operating (can help the discussion along on familiar ground […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Asking for clarification (can ask follow-up questions […]) p. 87 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control) p. 114
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps […]) p.64 / Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Turntaking (can initiate, maintain and end discourse […] p. 124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
16 Identifying Authors / B2 Informal discussion (with friends) ( can account for and support his/her opinions in discussion […]) p. 77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and end discourse appropriately […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Co-operating (can help the discussion along on familiar ground […]) p. 86
Asking for clarification (can ask follow-up questions […]) p. 87 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps […]) p.64 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control) p. 114
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Turntaking (can initiate, maintain and end discourse […] p. 124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
15 Qualities that make a writer: Put the items in order of importance […] compare your ideas with your partner´s. / B1 Informal discussion (with friends) (can express his/her thoughts about [….] cultural topics […]) p.77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself […]) p.112
Vocabulary control (shows good control of elementary vocabulary […]) p. 112
Co-operating (can exploit a basic repertoire of language and strategies to help keep a conversation or discussion going) p. 86 / Grammatical accuracy (communicates with reasonable accuracy […]) p.114
Phonological control (pronunciation is clearly intelligible […]) p. 117
Asking for clarification (can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what they have just said) p. 87 / Flexibility (can adapt his/her expression to deal with less routine […] situations) p.124
Turntaking (can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversation […]) p. 124
Planning (can work out how to communicate the main point(s) […]) p. 64 / Thematic development (can reasonably fluently relate […]a […]sequence of points) p. 125
Compensating (can define the features of something concrete for which he/she can´t remember the word) p. 64 / Coherence and cohesion (can link a series of […] elements into a connected, linear sequence of points) p. 125
Monitoring and repair (can correct mix-ups with tenses or expressions […]) p. 65 / Propositional precision (can explain the main points in an idea […] with reasonable precision) p. 125
Spoken fluency (can express him/herself with relative ease) p.129
22 Mastering: Individual long turn (Places
to write) / B2 Sustained monologue: Putting a case (can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options) p. 59 / Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps in vocabulary and structure) p. 64 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Grammatical accuracy (good grammatical control […]) p. 114
Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
22 Mastering : Paired activity (5 must-read books) / B2 Informal discussion (with friends) (can account for and sustain his/her opinions […]) p. 77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and end discourse appropriately […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Co-operating (can help the discussion along on familiar ground […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Asking for clarification (can ask follow-up questions […]) p. 87 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control) p. 114
Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps […]) p.64 / Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Turntaking (can initiate, maintain and end discourse […] p. 124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
1 Read the following six texts. Each of them is the beginning of a novel. Look at the list of novels and authors and try to decide which book each beginning comes from. / B2 Reading for orientation ( can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details) p. 70 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
17 Novel endings / B1 Reading for orientation (can find and understand relevant information […]) p. 70 / Identifying cues and inferring (can identify unfamiliar words from the context […]) p. 72
20 Mastering: A Tale of Revenge / B2 Reading for orientation ( can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details) p. 70 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
7 Read the following text and do one of the tasks below
• Write a letter / B2 Correspondence (can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and / Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences […]) p. 83 / Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps in vocabulary and structure) p. 64 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control.
Does not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding) p. 114
Orthographic control (can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate[…]) p. 118
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
• Make a picture of this city as you imagine it a drawing, a painting or a collage).
4 Writing station: What makes a good novel? Read through this text. Then write a book report on a book from your reading list / B 2 Reading for information and argument (can understand articles […]in which the writers adopt particular stances and viewpoints) p. 70 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
B 2 Processing text (can summarise the plot […]) p. 96 / Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps in vocabulary and structure) p. 64
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding) p. 114
Orthographic control (can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate[…]) p. 118
Thematic development (can develop a clear […] narrative, expanding […] his/her main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
9 Writing tasks:
• You are given the choice of living
the life of…. / B2 Creative writing (can write clear, detailed descriptions of […] imaginary events and experiences […]) p. 62 / Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps in vocabulary and structure) p. 64 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding) p. 114
Orthographic control (can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate[…]) p. 118
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
• Write a dialogue between you and
a character in a novel / s.a. / s.a. / s.a.
• Write a letter to a character in a novel / B2 Correspondence (can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences […]) p. 83 / s.a. / s.a.
10 Make up a short story / B2 Creative writing (can write clear, detailed descriptions of […] imaginary events and experiences […]) p. 62 / s.a. / s.a.
Language booster: get / B2 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
3 Working with words: Assessment on books / B1 / Vocabulary range (has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself […]) p.112
Vocabulary control (shows good control of elementary vocabulary […]) p. 112
21 Language in use: The Casual Vacancy / B2 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
12 Internet project: Literary awards / B1
6 Listen to an interview with black journalist Kenneth Scott about the situation of black people in America today / B2 Listening to audio media and recordings (can understand recordings in standard dialect […]and identify speaker viewpoints […]) p. 68 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 7210 Listen to sociologist Ann Peters. A lecture on the notion of prejudice. / B2 Listening to audio media and recordings (can understand most […] audio material delivered in standard dialect […]) p. 68 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
19 Mastering: A recording about a letter from a former slave / B2 Listening to audio media and recordings (can understand most […] audio material delivered in standard dialect […]) p. 68 / Identifying cues and inferring (can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension […]) p. 72
11 Talk about the topic: Mixed marriages and partnerships / B2 Informal discussion (with friends) (can account for and sustain his/her opinions […]) p. 77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and end discourse appropriately […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his/her field and most general topics) p. 112
Co-operating (can help the discussion along on familiar ground […]) p. 86 / Vocabulary control (lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication) p. 112
Asking for clarification (can ask follow-up questions […]) p. 87 / Grammatical accuracy (shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control) p. 114
Planning (can plan what is to be said and the means to say it […]) p. 64 / Phonological control (has acquired a clear, natural pronunciation and intonation) p.117
Compensating (can use circumlocution and paraphrase to cover gaps […]) p.64 / Flexibility (can vary formulation of what he/she wants to say) p.124
Monitoring and repair (can correct slips and errors […]) p. 65 / Turntaking (can initiate, maintain and end discourse […] p. 124
Thematic development (can develop a clear description or narrative, expanding […] main points with relevant supporting detail […]) p.125
Coherence and cohesion ( can use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas) p. 125
Propositional precision ( can pass on detailed information reliably) p. 129
Spoken fluency (can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo […]) p.129
9 Roleplay / B1 Informal discussion (with friends) (can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest) p. 77 / Taking the floor (can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest) p. 86 / Vocabulary range (has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself […]) p.112
Co-operating (can exploit a basic repertoire of language and strategies to help keep a conversation or discussion going) p. 86 / Vocabulary control (shows good control of elementary vocabulary […]) p. 112