Throughout out Term 2, Grades 5 and 6 have been learning about Migration and Multiculturalism. We have organised an excursion to the Melbourne Migration Museum and Migration Bridge where students can be immersed in the experiences of migrants to Australia, particularly Melbourne. Students will also analyse migration statistics and compare this to their personal predictions and events in history.

When: Thursday the 9th of June departing at 8:30am by bus (therefore students must be at school by no later than 8:15am for roll marking and preparation)

Where: Melbourne Immigration Museum and Bridge

Who: Grades 5 and 6

Cost: $26 Final payment due by Thursday 2ndof June (no payments will be accepted following this date)

Note: Students will be required to bring along a packed lunch and snack and a drink bottle in a plastic bag. Students will condense their belongings in a bag with fellow students. It is recommended that students where a rain coat in case of bad weather, however, we ask that they do not bring an umbrella.



Child’s Name: ______Grade: ______

I give permission for my child to participate in the Grade 5 and 6 Excursionat Immigration Museum and Bridge on Thursday June 9th departing school by 8:30am and returning prior to 3:30pm.

I authorise the teacher in charge of the excursion to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me; to the child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary.

Medical Information (if necessary): ______

Anaphylaxis Child

I understand that it is my responsibility as Parent/Guardian to provide on the day of the excursion an additional epipen for my child, should staff need to administer a second dose. The epipen will be given to the teacher on the morning of the excursion.

My contact telephone number on the day is : ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Payments Details: Cost of activityper child $26

Method of Payment:CashCheque(Made payable to Montrose P.S.)Credit Card

I have pre-paid the Excursion Levy and wish for payment to be taken from this.

Credit Card Payment Details : Visa Bankcard Mastercard
Name on Card:______
Card Number: / - / - / - / Expiry Date: / /
CVV: (found on back of card)
Amount $ ______Signature: ______

****************Permission Form Return & Payment***********************

Payment and permission forms need to be received by the school no later than 4:30 pm on Thursday the 2ndof June or at a time stipulated on the permission form.

  • No payment will be accepted after this time due to the processing requirements for the day
  • Failure to make payment by June 7thwill result in students not being taken on the excursion, unless prior arrangements have been made
  • Students without signed permission forms will not be taken on the excursion

Refer to the ‘Parent Payment Policy’ for detailed information on payment of optional activities.