Personnel Branch,
CST Mumbai.
No. HPB/706/R/BD/Stenos/Re-engage, / Date: / 06.02.2014
Sub:Re-engagement of Retired Stenographers on Central Railway.
It has been decided to re-engage the Stenographers, who have retired from Railway service. The retired Stenographers will be engaged in recruitment grade i.e. PB-1, Rs.5200-20200+G.P.Rs.2400/- at the remuneration of Rs. 320/- per day, in following Headquarters Offices of Central Railway, The vacancies are as under:
2 / MECH POOL / 05
3 / ENGG POOL / 01
4 / OPTG POOL / 01
5 / ELECT POOL / 02
6 / STORES / 01
7 / FA&CAO / 01
TOTAL / 17
Terms and conditions:-
1.The Scheme is valid upto 14.9.2014
2.Stenographers retired from Railway service can only apply,
3.The re-engagement shall be strictly upto the age of 62 years on or before 14.9.2014, or till the availability of regular candidates from RRB/Departmental Selection, whichever is earlier,
4.He/She should be born on or before 31.8.1954 and maximum upper-age limit for re-engagement is 62 years,
5.The Administration is at liberty to terminate the services of the re-engagedemployees even before 14.9.2014,in case their work/conduct is found unsatisfactory.
6.The employees Removed/Dismissed/Compulsory retired as a result of disciplinary action or in review are not eligible for re-engagement,
7.The re-engaged employees are entitled onlyfor daily fixed remunerationi.e. Rs.320/- per day,which shall be applicable to the Grade Pay of the post against which re-engaged, i.e. Stenographer-III, PB-1, Rs.5200-20200+ GP Rs. 2400/-.
The re-engaged employees are not entitled for any other benefits or facilities except the daily fixed remuneration.
The daily allowances plus full pension shall not exceed the last pay drawn,
8.The retired employee shall execute an agreement to abide by all the terms and conditions of the re-engagement.
9.Re-engagement shall be subject to their prescribed medical fitness for the category, i.e. Stenographer-III,
10.Suitability/competency of the applicant shall be adjudged before their re- engagement,
11.The dutyhours of the re-engaged employee would be the same as applicable to the post i.e. Stenographer-III, against which he/she is re-engaged,
12.Copy of the following documents should be attached with the application:
a.Service Certificate
b.Pensioner Identity Card
c.Pension Payment order
13.The last date for submission of the application is 24.2.2014.Stenographers retired from Railways desirous of re-engagement, should submit their applications in the prescribed format at Annexure-A to the concerned Authorities before the last date mentioned above,
14.Application should be dropped in the box kept in CPO’s Office, CSTM for the purpose of receiving the same.
DA: As above.
(Dilip R. Kharat)
APO (Admn.)
For General Manager (P)
Affix recentpassport size
with signature
across the
Application for re-engagement in Central Railway
(Notification No.______)
Chief Personnel Officer (Admn.),
Headquarters’ Office,
C. S. T. Mumbai-400 001.
I hereby apply for re-engagement for the post of Stenographer-III, Grade Pay Rs.2400/- in Central Railway, on daily remuneration basis, on terms and conditions mentioned in the said Notification. My service particulars are as below-:
1. Name :…………………………………………
2. Designation at the time of retirement : ………………………………………..
3. Division/Unit/Department from where retired :…………………………………………
4. Choice of Office : (1)…………….(2)………..3)………..
5. Date of Birth : ………../…..…../……….
6. Date of Retirement :…….../…….…/…......
7. Retirement or other than normal retirement :………………………………………...
8. Address for correspondence : ……………………………………......
9. Tel. No.………………………... Mobile No…………..………..…Email ID ………..……….
10 Last Pay Drawn - Pay Band Rs : ………………………GP Rs.(Substantive) …….………
11.PPO No…………………………………………..… Date …………………………………...
12. Enclosure (copy of any one of the documents) :……………………………………..……
[(a)Service Certificate (b) Pension Identity Card (c) Pension Payment Order]
I declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and I am liable forpunitive action if found false/incorrect. I also declare that I have gone though the terms andconditions stipulated in the Notification and I shall abide by them. I have not retired underSRRS/LARSGESS.
Signature of the Applicant
Place: …………………… Name:-
Date: …………………….