8th Bible: Old Testament
Teacher: Mr. Vanden Bogerd
Phone: (269) 267-5923
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to give middle school students an in-depth study of the historical development of God’s work and plan of redemption. During this course, students will be tracing the growth of the Kingdom of God as they study the unified course of historical events within the Old Testament. This Old Testament study is designed to show the way in which God prepared, accomplished, and continues to apply redemption for His people and thereby has and continues to advance His saving Kingdom. Major course objectives include: 1) a study of the history and authority of the Bible; 2) an overview of themes and issues relating to redemptive history such as God’s covenantal promises, typology, messianic prophecy, and a Christological interpretation of God’s laws; 3) an examination of the characteristics of saving faith as they are evidenced in the lives of various Old Testament saints; 4) an overview of Hebrew poetry; and 5) the memorization of various Bible texts.
- New King James Version of the Holy Bible (NKJV) or KJV
- Breisch, Francis. The Kingdom of God: A Guide for Old Testament Study. (Grand Rapids: Christian Schools International, 1958).
1st Nine Weeks
- Survey of the development of redemptive history within the Old Testament
- Summary of the history of the Bible and our English versions
- Introduction to the typology of the Old Testament
- Historical study of redemption within Genesis
- Topics included in Genesis: creation, fall, redemption, flood, patriarchs, covenant
- Book report/Formal paper/ Project
- Memorization of pertinent Bible texts
2nd Nine Weeks
- Historical study of God’s plan of redemption revealed in Exodus
- Examination of Israel in bondage, deliverance, and wilderness wanderings
- In-depth study on the Tabernacle
- Overview of the rest of the Pentateuch (Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
- Study of the reasons for and a correct interpretation of God’s laws
- Viewing God’s laws in relationship to Jesus Christ
- Other topics include: Passover, sacrifice, Day of Atonement
- Book report/Formal paper/ Project
- Memorization of relevant Bible texts
3rd Nine Weeks
- Historical study of Joshua and the conquest of Canaan
- Tracing God’s plan of redemption in the books of Judges and Ruth
- Projects include: a PowerPoint on one of the Judges and an outline on the book of Ruth
- Examination of Israel’s spiritual struggles, rebellion, and God’s faithfulness
- Study of God’s redemptive plan in relation to the lives of Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomon
- Historical study on the book of Esther
- Book report/Formal paper/ Project
- Memorization of applicable Bible texts
4th Nine Weeks
- Analytical study of the Poetical/Wisdom Books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon)
- Examination of Hebrew Poetry
- Summary of the types of Jesus Christ within the Old Testament and their significance
- Overview of God’s covenantal wisdom toward His people
- Book report/Formal paper/ Project
- Memorization of relevant Bible texts
Tests & Quizzes: 35%
Assignments & Projects: 45%
Memorization: 20%
Tests will be given at the end of each unit and will consist of a review of lectures, quizzes, assignments, reading, memory, and discussions.
Assignments include worksheets, essays, and/or textbook chapter questions that are designated as homework. These will be graded for accuracy and completeness.
Throughout the year there will be various projects, presentations, formal papers and/or book reports. Criteria for each item will be handed out in class.
A memory selection will be assigned for most weeks throughout the year. Memory work will include verses from the Bible, Psalters/Hymns, and portions of the Heidelberg Catechism.
PERCENT / LETTER / G.P.A.95-100 / A / 4.00
90-94 / A- / 3.67
87-89 / B+ / 3.33
83-86 / B / 3.00
80-82 / B- / 2.67
77-79 / C+ / 2.33
73-76 / C / 2.00
70-72 / C- / 1.67
67-69 / D+ / 1.33
63-66 / D / 1.00
60-62 / D- / 0.67
0-59 / F / 0.00
Note that the grade for each of your cumulative semester exams will be factored into the final grade for the semesters. These exams will be worth 20% of each of your semester grades.
GENERAL COURSE GUIDELINES:The following guidelines are stated to the end that all things might be done decently and in order within the 8th grade Bible classroom. These guidelines do not intend to detract from or to replace any of the school’s policies as they are stated within the Family Handbook.
- Assignments specified as homework are to be completed by the beginning of the class period for which they are due. Assignments that are turned in after the beginning of the class period will be deducted 10% for being one day late. At the discretion of the instructor, and/or if students have no legitimate excuse for submitting the assignment late, assignments will be graded as zeros if they are not turned in by the beginning of the next class period. Contact with the student’s parents will generally result after a student receives a zero for a missing assignment.
- Projects, reports and other large assignments that were given advanced notice on, will be marked down 5% each day they are turned in late and must be completed to pass the marking period. Contact with the student’s parents will generally result if the assignment is more than four days late.
- The student is expected to complete written homework without help from others, unless this is specified by the teacher.
- When students are permitted to work in groups, each student is responsible for submitting his/her own work.
- Students are to come prepared to class with all of the following items:
- NKJV or KJV Bible
- The Ministry of Christ textbook
- Lined paper or a spiral notebook designated for Bible
- Pens and/or several previously sharpened pencils
- Assignment Book
- Any notes or assignments that are necessary for participation in class
Failure to bring to class the above mentioned items will result in a tardy.
- Memorization of Bible texts must be done in either the KJV or the NKJV of the Bible. No other versions will be accepted.
- Your participation in class is expected at all times.
ON-LINE RESOURCES: You are encouraged to take advantage of the online resources located on my website at Here you can access additional copies of handouts, notes, and assignments.
QUESTIONS:If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, and/or concerns; if you would like additional help; or if you would like to discuss anything with me, please come and let me know during the noon hour break or right before or after class. You are also very welcome to contact me at any time by phone at 269-267-5923 or by email at .
“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (Luke24:27)