
Basic and Supplementary Texts

Basic text--The American Pageant, David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey, Thirteenth Edition, 2006.

Students are encouraged to examine the following publishers’ websites as well as the teacher’s classroom library for review text suggestions.

*Amsco (

AP Central ( )

Textbook ( )

Other helpful web addresses:

Estimated DatesUnits of Study and Text Assignments______

Aug. 25-Aug. 27Introduction, Orientation and Class Expectations

Summer Assignments Check

Aug. 28-Sept. 11Unit One: Origins of America

The American Pageant, Chapters 1-3

(2 weeks study)New World Origins, Exploration and Colonization

Themes to be covered:

1. Colonial factors respective to social, religious, economic & political

2. Diversity in the new colonies

3. An American culture takes shape

4. Regional patterns emerge among colonies

Content to be covered:

1. Pre-Columbian societies

2. Social, political and economic motives behind colonization

3. European factors leading to colonization of the New World

4. Early comparisons of the Spanish and English

5. Early English colonies emerge along sectional lines

Sept. 14-Sept. 30Unit One: Origins of America (con’t)

(2 ½ weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 4-6

Growing Unrest with English Rule and Revolution

Themes to be Covered:

1. Colonial social structure in the mid-18th century

2. Slavery’s legacy in the new colonies

3. British policies of rule in the new colonies

4. Struggle for supremacy in the New World: Cultures clash

Content to be covered:

1. Dissent in the colonies

2. Population growth and early immigration

3. An alteration of Imperial British policies in the colonies

4. Factors that led to revolution

5. The aftermath of the American Revolution

Major Assessments

1. Two objective multiple choice unit tests patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ Assignment: EX: Consequences of British Colonial Policies

3. Sample readings: the Black Legend, Columbus diaries, shipping manifests,

Mayflower Compact, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry

God, “City on a Hill” sermon

Oct. 1-Oct. 16Unit Two: Revolution Brings Forth a New Nation

(2 ½ weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 7-9

War for Independence and a new Government

Themes to be Covered:

1. A new emerging political scene

2. Political, economic and social struggles with England

3. Global issues shape American policy

Content to be Covered:

1. An alteration of Imperial British policies in the colonies

2. Factors that led to revolution

3. The aftermath of the American Revolution

4. The Articles of Confederation and a new Constitution

Major Assignment:

1. Two objective multiple choice unit tests patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ Assignment: EX: Revolutionary War as a “civil war” in America

3. Chart comparison: Articles of Confederation vs Constitution

4. Sample Readings: Declaration of Independence, Common Sense

Oct 19- Oct. 30Unit Three: Building the New Nation

(2 weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 10-12

Challenges of the New Republic and a New National Identity

Themes to be Covered:

1. International and global issues test a new nation

2. Beginnings of nationalism and sectionalism at the same time

3. Democratic ideals emerge but not for all

Content to be Covered:

1. A peaceful revolution and transfer of power

2. America is challenged again with war

3. An American political thought begins to emerge

4. An Era of Good Feelings/Market Economy and American System

5. Characteristics of the new Federal Period and national spirit

Major Assignment:

1. Objective multiple choice test patterned after AP Exam

2. DBQ: EX: Two party political development and associated issues

3. Sample readings: Bill of Rights-Adams and Alien and Sedition Acts

Nov. 2 -Nov. 20Unit Four: The Democratization of America

(3 weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 13-15

Transformation in America during the Age of Jackson

Themes to be Covered:

1. Diversity in economics, politics and “social” roles

2. The national economy takes shape

3. Immigration and Industrialization changes America

4. An American Identity or a Sectional Identity develops

5. Formation of political parties

Content to be Covered:

1. Transforming American society and economy creates tensions

2. Reforms of the Antebellum Period and Second Great Awakening

3. Manifest Destiny and western expansion

4. Early reform movements address women

5. President Jackson’s legacy

Major Assignment:

1. Objective multiple choice test patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ: EX: Social, political and economic contributions of Jacksonian Era

3. Debate: Jackson as Common Man or King Andrew I

4. Sample readings: from Trail of Tears

5. Independent study on Jacksonian Period

Nov. 23 - Dec.18Unit Five: Sectionalism, War and Reconstruction

(4 weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 16-22

The Nation Divides: The American Civil War

Themes to be Covered: 1. Failures of diplomacy and compromise lead to war

2. The politics of slavery create unresolved tensions

3. Causes for war transcend the slave issue alone

4. Struggles for Reconciliation and rebuilding

Content to be Covered:

1. Economic impact of war in the North and South

2. Reform efforts before and after the Civil War

3. The “first” civil rights movement-success or failure

4. A struggle for political control in Congress and the South

5. Results of the war on immigration, social reform, and culture

Major Assignment:

1. Two objective tests patterned after AP Exam

2. DBQ : EX: Civil War and Reconstruction as “revolutionary event”

3. Sample Readings: Gettysburg Address, Emancipation Proclamation

4. Graphic Organizer: Sectionalism

5. First semester research project on historical person/issue/event



Dec 21 - Jan 18Unit Six: A Guilded Age

(2 ½ weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 23-26

The Growth of America creates problems

Themes to be Covered:

1. The Emergence of Big Business and Industrialization

2. Industrialization shapes American politics, society and economy

3. Agricultural Reform in the West leads to Populism

4. The New South takes shape

5. Roles of government in economic development

6. Expansion westward and its impact on shaping America

Content to be Covered:

1. Urbanization and its impact on American society

2. Immigration’s new wave and reactions at home

3. Conservative reaction or liberal reform?

4. The democratization of the new West impacts society/politics

5. Dissatisfaction among American citizenry and reform efforts

6. Politics makes strange “bedfellows” and third party politics

Major Assignment:

1. Two objective tests patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ: EX: Robber Barron or Captains of Industry

3. Graphic Organizer: Labor, Farmer and Business Developments

4. Sample readings: Cross of Gold Speech, Nast’s political cartoons,

Frederick Jackson Turner excerpts

Jan. 11-15Mid Term Exam week

Jan 20. -Feb 12Unit Seven: Struggling for Justice at Home and Abroad

(3 ½ weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 27-29

American Imperialism and Progressive Reform

Themes to be Covered:

1. Immigration and urbanization impacts political reform

2. Social and cultural development of the early 20th century

3. Emergence of the United States as a world power

4. Gender roles changing and reforming

Content to be Covered:

1. The Progressive Movement and progressive reforms

2. The Spanish-American War

3. Imperialist and colonialism v isolationism

4. Presidential diplomacy and changing roles of Executive Office

5. Roosevelt Corollary, “Big Stick” diplomacy and Open Door

Major Assignment:

1. Two objective tests patterned after AP Exam

2. DBQ: EX: Imperialism and changing role of American foreign policy

3. Sample readings: Mahan’s The United States Looking Outward,

Sinclair’s The Jungle, muckraker political


Feb 15- Feb. 26Unit Eight: American Enters the World Stage

(2 ½ weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 30-33

The First World War and Global Economic Depression

Themes to be Covered:

1. United States motives in World War I and following peace

2. Presidential and congressional roles in policy management

3. Cultural conflicts between native and immigrant

4. Changing social values

5. Interdependence of economics and war

6. Emergence of a global economy

Content to be Covered:

1. The First World War: Home Front

2. Political objectives of World War I and its aftermath

3. Role of propaganda

4. Jazz Age and Harlem Renaissance

5. The Red Scare and its impact on American society

6. The Great Depression and its social, political and economic changes

Major Assignment:

1. Two objective tests patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ: EX: American Policy: Neutrality v Intervention

3. Graphic Organizers: Cycle of War and impact on social reform

4. Graphic Organizer: New Deal policies and aftermath

5. Sample readings: Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan, excerpts from

League of Nation Charter, FDR’s First

Inaugural Address

Mar 1-Mar.19Unit Nine: The Second World War and Cold War Tensions

(3 weeks study)The American Pageant Chapters 34-37

American Emerges as a Superpower

Themes to be Covered:

1. Compare Presidential roles as pre-war and post war leaders

2. United States as a world peacekeeper

3. Post war policies change American outlook in world affairs

Content to be Covered:

1. World War II causes and aftermath impact politics

2. Military intervention in European and Asian Theatres

3. Social, cultural and economic changes resulting from war

4. The emergence of a Cold War philosophy and policy of Containment

5. Baby Boomers and the Eisenhower Years

6. The 1950’s as a era of conservative reaction (or not)

Major Assignment:

1. Two major objective tests patterned after AP Exam

2. FRQ: EX: 1950’s Conservatives (link to Cult of Domesticity)

3. Sample readings: excerpts from the Atlanta Charter, FDR’s

Declaration of War speech, excerpts from

“Hollywood” blacklisting scandal-McCarthyism

Mar.22-Apr. 16Unit Ten: The Decades of the 1960’s to Present

(4 weeks study)The American Pageant, Chapters 38-42

The Struggles of a Contemporary Super Power

Themes to be Covered:

1. Impact of the New Deal re-emerges

2. Struggle for civil rights and civil liberties for all Americans

3. The 1960’s as a “peaceful” revolution in culture and politics

4. Détente as a foreign policy

5. The impact of the Vietnam War and societal and political change

Content to be Covered:

1. American Wars- Korea, Vietnam War and “guerilla wars”

2. Cultural revolution of the 1960’s

3. The Cold War dominates US Foreign Policy

4. The Emergence of the New Right and Conservative reaction

5. The Civil Rights Movement and its lasting legacy

6. The emergence of Globalization issues and America’s changing role

7. The Impact of 9/11 in American politics and ideals

Major Assignment:

1. Two major objective tests patterned after the AP Exam

2. DBQ: EX: Civil Rights Movement and its continued impact

3. Graphic organizer: Civil rights legislation and impact

4. Case studies from key Supreme Court issues such as:

Brown v Board of Education

Roe V Wade

5. Sample readings: from Martin Luther King, Jr.-Letter from a Birmingham

Jail and “I Have a Dream Speech”, Johnson’s “Great Society

Speech and “I will not Run” speech, Kennedy’s

Inaugural Speech,

April 19 -May 7In-Depth AP Exam Preparation/Reteaching of Themes

(3 weeks review)

(intensive review)

Major Assignment:

1. Graphic Organizer on Themes in American History

2. Graphic Organizer of Historical Schools of Thought

3. Student development of AP History Word Wall

4. Practice Objective AP Exams

5. Practice DBQ’s and FRQ’s

MAY 7****************AP EXAM*************

May 10- June 9Contemporary America

Preparation for the End-of-Course Test

Selected Current Events Readings with a special emphasis on Presidential roles,Historical Films and Global Issues


Preparation for the required North Carolina End-of Course (EOC)