Certification Association “RUSSIAN REGISTER”


YoumaysendfilledinQuestionnaire-requestto RR Head office by way, convenient for You:

1. byE-mailto the address:

2. by fax +7(812)670-9002

OurexpertswillanswerYourquestions by phone +7 (812) 670-9000 / +7 (812) 670-9001.

UponreceiptofQuestionnaire-requestwewillprepare business proposal for You with calculation of the scope and cost of services.
AllinformationsubmittedbyYouwillbeusedstrictly confidentially.
FilledinQuestionnaire-requestdoesnotobligeYoutouseourservices, no payments are charged for business proposal preparation.
IfproposedservicesareapplicableforYou, we will prepare draft Service Agreement for consideration.
Wearealsoreadytodiscussthe most economically viable and mutually agreed cooperation conditions.

Section 1:Organization information

Name of the organization
Actual address
Please state, if the organization is included intoGroup of companies
Organization web-site / www. / E-mail
Management Representative (for contact): Full name and position
Phone: / ICQ, Skype
Fullnameandpositionofthe Organization’s Chief Executive

Section 2:Standards, applied for management system assessment

- ISO 9001 / - ISO 28000 / - ISO 22301 / - IRIS
- ISO 14001 / - ISO 13485 / - AS 9100 / - IQNet SR 10
- OHSAS 18001 / - ISO 55001 / - SA 8000 / - GOSTRV0015-002
- ISO 50001 / - ISO/TS 29001 / -ГОСТ Р ИСО/ТУ 16949 / - ______(specify the standard)
- FSSC 22000 / - ISO 20000 / - FSC Chain of Custody standards / - ______(specify the standard)
- ISO 22000 / - ISO 27001 / - STOGazprom9001 / - ______(specify the standard)

Section 3:Applied accreditation/notification systems[*]

- International (RvA / ANAB / IQNet) / - SDOS NOSTROY
- RR within Accreditation of Federal Accreditation Service (RusAccreditation) / - Uzstandart(Uzbekistan)
- ______(specify the system)
- ______(specify the system)
- ______(specify the system)
- ______(specify the system)
- Military Register
- Oboroncertifica

Section 4:Scope of certification /Processes

Pleasespecifythescopeofcertification(dataonbasicprocesses/ kindsofactivityof the Company or its part, subject to certification) – that is the note, made in Certificate of Conformity

IsMSintegratedwithother management system (specify which)?

Section 5:Number of the Organization’s employees

Total number of the Organization’s employees


Specify the number of branch-offices, subject to certification

Numberofemployees, includedin the scope of certification

Is the work at the enterprise conducted in shifts?Yes / No

Additionalinformationon branch-offices (production sites)

Address of branch-office (site) / Number of personnel
Processes in brаnch-offices are similar Yes / No

Ifnecessary, usea separate sheet of paper

Section 6:During the last 3years the MS, declared for certification,has been assessed/certified:

Certification Body / Standard / Certificate term of validity


Pleasespecify, whichadditionalservicesYour Company would like to receive

For example, seminar, products certification, GAP – analysis, personnelcertification, CE-marking, surveyservices, etc)

*descriptionsofadditionalservicesareavailableonweb-sitesofRR, ourbranch-officesandpartnersor are sent upon Your request.

Section 8:Additional requirements and other information for certification

Section 9:Please specify the source of Your information on “Russian Register”

  1. Massmedia
    (could you specify which?)

  1. Search on the Internet, Internet-forums
    (could you specify web-sites?)

  1. Consultants recommendations
    (could you specify his contacts?)

  1. TherequirementsofRegulating/Controlling Bodies(which?)

  1. The requirements of customers, partners

  1. SRO Association of gas and oil complex builders/ SRO NPP “Design Engineer” / SRO NPP “Locating Engineer”

  1. The requirements of founders

  1. Information from other Certification Body, IQNet, EFQM, etc.

  1. Other

Responsible employee
of the Organization

(Position)(Last name, initials)(Signature)

Date«____» ___ 20__

ThankyouforfillinginQuestionnaire-request. Uponreceiptofthedatacorrespondingbusinessproposalshall be prepared for You as soon as possible.

Стр 1 из 2

[*]Certificationisautomaticallyconductedin Russian Register system