Workforce Investment Area 16
WIOA Youth Request for Proposal Section 2
The Workforce Investment Board (WIB) for Workforce Area 16, on behalf of the Area’s Council of Governments, is soliciting proposals for services to be provided to eligible youth in Workforce Investment Area 16 consisting of Belmont, Carroll, Harrison and Jefferson Counties under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The exact services by County can be found in Section 1, Page 1-1. The youth elements will be contracted from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. A contract for youth services may be extended annually for up to two additional years based on meeting contractual performance. TheCounty is only accepting proposals for the youth elements identified in Section 1, beginning on Page 1-1. A proposal must provide services to youth in the entire County they are bidding for. Funding will not be provided for non-WIOA programs which already exist. The application process requires that submitted proposals:
Contain detailed, accurate and complete programmatic and budget information.
Follow the prescribed format identified in the RFP packet.
TYPE OF ENTITY: (If this proposal is a collaboration of organizations this will reflect the lead organization).
1.Type of Organization (mark all that apply)
Corporation Sole Proprietorship Partnership
Profit Not for Profit Political Subdivision
Other (specify)
2.Are You Owned or Controlled by a Parent Company Organization?
Yes No
If Yes identify parent company organization:
3.Federal I. D. Number:
4.Are you a small/minority owned company? Yes No
5.Is there any reason why you (company, school, agency, or organization) would not be a legitimate contractor for this or any other proposal within the County? Yes No (If Yes, please explain:)
6.Are you bound by any Federal, State, or local Affirmative Action/EEO Rules? Yes No.
If Yes, please attach a copy of your Affirmative Action/EEO Rules.
If No, a copy of the County Affirmative Action/EEO rules will be provided.
7.If YES to previous questions, have you filed all required EEO Reports to cognizant government agencies? Yes No
If No, please explain:
8.Is your company debarred or suspended under Federal and State rulings from participating in receipt of funds under this contract? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
9.Is your company presently or planning to enter into contracts with subcontractors who are debarred or suspended? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
10.Will any receipt of funds paid under this contract be used for lobbying of any kind? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
11.Is your office area accessible to the disabled, including the visually and hearing impaired? Yes No.
If No, what arrangements will your agency make to reasonably accommodate disabled participants?
12.Submit with this RFP a copy of your agency's last audit.
13.Submit with this RFP a copy of your agency’s proof of insurance (officer’s liability and property-for all possible areas WIOA property could be housed).
14.Submit completed Attachment D for Debarment information.
the RFP containing these “Master”
Please give the names and titles of person(s) who have authority to:
Submit proposals/bids
Sign contracts
Negotiate proposals
Modify contracts
Terminate contracts
Identify the County this proposal is for:
Agency Experience Working With Youth
1-A.Provide details about your agency’s experience working with WIA/WIOA Youth include services offered and years of experience.
1-B.Provide details about your agency’s experience working with low income, troubled, or disadvantaged youth.
Staff Technical Skills
1-C. Explain training, seminars attended or other information that has enhanced staff’s experience in working with youth.
*Attach staff resumes, certificates or other credentials.
Provide a summary of how your program will offer Program Design (if applicable) and each element referring to statements listed under each element.
Note: Each Statement will have the County or Counties that the element applies to.
Program Design/Eligibility(Harrison, Jefferson); Program design/Framework consists of Intake, Objective Assessment, Individual Service Strategy, Case Management, Supportive Services, and Follow-up.
2-A. Provide your agency’s experience in offering Program Design/Eligibility services for youth.
2-B.Describe how you will implement a Program Design/Eligibilityservices for youth.
Work Experience(Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, and Jefferson);Paid and unpaid work experience that have as a component academic andoccupational education, which may include Summer Employment Opportunities and other employment opportunities throughout the school year; Pre-apprenticeship programs; Internships and job shadowing and; On the Job Training Opportunities.
2-C.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Work Experience services for youth.
2-D.Provide your agency’s experience working with businesses to place youth for work experience.
2-E.Describe how you will implement a Work Experience program for Youth.
Occupational Skills Training (Harrison, Jefferson); Occupational Skill training, which shall include priority consideration for training services that are aligned with in demand industry sectors or occupations in the local area involved. WIA-16 will use ITA’s for training procurement for this is completed through the Eligibility Training Providers List. ITA’s funding will be handled within Program design/Youth Framework.
2-F.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Occupational Skills Training services for Youth.
2-G.Describe how you will implement Occupational Skills Training forYouth.
Adult Mentor (Belmont)(Carroll Out of School only); Adult mentoring for a period of participation and subsequent period, for a total of not less than 12 months.
2-H.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Adult Mentoring services for Youth.
2-I.Describe how you will implement Adult Mentoring for Youth.
Leadership Development Opportunities (Belmont) (Carroll Out of School only); Leadership Development Opportunities, which may include community service and peer-centered activities encouraging responsibility and other positive social and civic behaviors, as appropriate.
2-J.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Leadership Development Opportunities services for Youth.
2-K.Describe how you will implement Leadership Development Opportunities for Youth.
Tutoring (Carroll);Tutoring, study skills training instruction and evidence based dropout prevention and recovery strategies that lead to the completion of the requirements for a secondary school diploma or its equivalent.
2-L.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Tutoring services for Youth.
2-M.Describe how you will implement Tutoring for Youth.
Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster(Carroll Out of School only);
2-O.Provide your agency’s experience in offering this Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster services for Youth.
2-P.Describe how you will implement Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for Youth.
Comprehensive guidance and counseling(Carroll Out of School only);Comprehensive guidance and counseling, which may include drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral, as appropriate.
2-Q.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Comprehensive guidance and counseling services for Youth.
2-R.Describe how you will implement Comprehensive guidance and counseling for Youth.
Financial education literacy(Carroll Out of School only);
2-S.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Financial Education Literacy services for Youth.
2-T.Describe how you will implement Financial Education Literacy for Youth.
Entrepreneurial skills training (Carroll Out of School only);
2-U.Provide your agency’s experience in offering Entrepreneurial skills training services for Youth.
2-V.Describe how you will implement Entrepreneurial skills trainingfor Youth.
Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training(Carroll Out of School only);
2-W.Provide your agency’s experience in offering activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training services for Youth.
2-X.Describe how you will implement activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and trainingfor Youth.
3. OUTREACH, RECRUITMENT AND REFERRAL(Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson)
3-A.Explain how you will recruit youth for the program.
3-B.Explain how you will promote the program to receive acceptance by school districts.
3-C.Describe your understanding of the availability of agencies in the counties that youth may be referred to for additional services.
4. PERFORMANCE HISTORY (Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson)
Program Performance
4-A Provide a brief summary of past experience and demonstrated performance for employment and training programs, especially youth.
4-B If you have not operated a youth program, indicate how your past experience in other programs will enable you to meet performance measures of the required element that are being procured.
Please provide the most recent program performance information for any Youth Programs operated by your agency.
Year / Program Activity / Total Customers Served / Number of Customers Completed ProgramPlease provide your most recent contracted performance standards for the program(s) and your agency’s actual achievements.
Program Activity / Performance Measurement / Year / Goal / Actual Performance AchievedFiscal Performance (Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson)
4-C. Do your accounting procedures meet GAAP principals?
4-D. Provide information on any findings for recovery that required repayment.
5. BUDGET (Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson)
All detailed budget information must be provided in RFP Section 3. Budget will be reviewed to make sure that it is reasonable and realistic. The cost per participant will be reviewed to make sure it is reasonable in relationship to the services provided. Budget will be reviewed for any items that may be questionable or unreasonable.
Can your organization operate a cost reimbursement contract for the program you propose? Yes No
If the answer is no, your proposal will not be considered for approval.
Do you anticipate your proposed program generating stand-in? Yes No
Stand in is defined in Attachment B.
If yes how much?
Basis of accounting Cash Accrual
Other (Specify)
REMINDER Audit must be supplied with MASTER RFP response.
I hereby attest that I have reviewed the overview/description section of this proposal package, and I am aware of the Workforce Investment Act and accompanying Regulations. I am aware and will abide by all assurances and certifications contained in Attachment C of this proposal. I hereby attest that cost and price information submitted with this proposal/bid is accurate, complete and based on current data at the time of submission.
I am aware that the Workforce Investment Act strictly prohibits fraud and other abuses, and provides criminal penalties for violators