Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
345 Oak St.Colusa, California95932
(530) 458-4170, Fax (530) 458-8728
St. Joseph’s Mission
1st and Center Streets, Princeton, California
August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mission Statement We, the People of God of Our Lady
of Lourdes, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called by Christ
to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through prayer and sacraments and to witness the Gospel values
of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all.
Parish Office: 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170
Divine Mercy Chapel: 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170
Parish Administrator: Fa. Arbel Cabasagan 458-8570
Deacon: Miquel Fernandez 916-698-2099
Principal: Barbara Genera 458-8208
Director Religious Ed: Dianne Luoma 845-9649
Hispanic Coordinator: Eva Meraz-Robey 458-5963
Grupo de Oracion: Jaime Lopez 237-7215
Music Ministry: (10am) Gloria Delgado 458-5121
[Practice2nd & 4thThurs. 7:00pm]
(12:pm) Martina Amador 458-8279
(Friday) (6pm Alberta Lopez 237-7215
Pastoral Care Ministry: Alma Hickel 458-4826
Louise Woodring 458-2515
Respect for Life: Rocio Meraz (831) 207-0962
“Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
August 14, 2011
“The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold.”
“ De pie a tu derecha está la reina, enjoyada con oro.”
Mass Schedule /Mass Coordinator
Sat: Colusa – 5:00 p.m. English – Eva Meraz
Sun: Princeton - 8:30 a.m. Bilingual
Colusa - 10:00 a.m. English-Sharon Hernandez
Colusa - 12:00 noon Spanish- Eva Meraz
Mon. Wed. Divine Mercy Chapel-7:30 a.m. English
Fri: Church – 7:30 a.m. English – Eva Meraz
Fri: Church – 6:00 p.m. Spanish – Jaime Lopez
Mass Intentions:
8/13: Bill Littlejohn +, req. Charlene Littlejohn
8/13: Cori Montez, Healing, req. Mary Lou Kittle
8/14: Mary Margaret Davis +, req. Sylvia Davis
8:14 12:00 noon: Jose Antonio Elquez +, req. Jose
Antonio Elquez, Jr.
8/20: Cori Montez, Healing, req. Mary Lou Kittle
8/21: Oliver Peterson +, The Maupin Family
8/21: Kateri Meraz +, The Maupin Family
Lectors: (Coordinator – Irmalee Schumacher 458-4620)
8/13: Barbara D., Joan H.
8/14: Peggy S., Stacy/Josh H.
8/20: Jim M., Richard R.
8/21: Cenza M., Sharon H.
Eucharistic Ministers: (Coordinator – Irmalee S.)
8/13: Leslie V., Barbara G., Maryann L.
8/14: Rosemary H., Dianne L., Jeff M.
8/20: Jan G., Valorie I., Gabriela R.
8/21: Alicia M., Irmalee S., Patty Jo C.
Altar Servers: (Coordinator – Leane Skaggs)
8/13: Bridget Walsh, Erin Walsh
8/14: Bertram Windsor, Daisy Ramirez
8/20: David Poole, Daniel Sanchez
8/21: Isabelle Delgado, Helena Harris
Confessions By appointment or
Saturday: 4:30-4:50 p.m.
Sunday: 11:30-11:50 a.m.
Catholic Ladies Relief Society (monthly)
First Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., St. Bernadette’s Hall
Bible Study with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)
Tuesday, 7-9:00 p.m., 75 Oak Tree Lane
RCIA with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)
Thursday, 7-9:00 p.m., ParishCenter
Knights of Columbus Meets 4th Wednesday of the month,
7:00 p.m., St. Bernadette’s Hall
Grupo de Oracion: with Jaime Lopez(weekly)
Wednesday, 7-8:00 p.m., Chapel
Baptismal Coordinator: Rocio Meraz (831) 207-0962
8/6-8/7/2011Parish Collections
Mass collection $ 2,284.50
2nd collection – Bldg/Maintenance 967.00
Thank you for your support.
This week’s 2nd collection for Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home
Next Collection: 8/13 & 14,2011
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Office Tentative Hours
Secretaries are volunteers. They are not always in the office. If no one is in the office please call (530) 458 -4170 and leave a message.
Thank you for your patience.
Monday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. – 12 noon.
Wednesday 9 a.m. – 12 noon /1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. /1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 12 noon
Love and support
We are blessed to have Fr. Myles in Colusa during Fr. Arbel’s absence. If anyone was considering taking Fr. Myles to breakfast, or having him over, there will be a sign-up sheet in the back of the Church during the Masses or at the church office during the week. This is to avoid confusion or “double booking.” Thank you for your love and support.
Please help build our Parish Museum
After a year of gathering old vestments and church vessels for our planned small church museum, Father Arbel is asking any handyman parishioner who knows how to install a cabinet to please help and call the office.
We are also accepting donations for our small museum like old pictures of the church, pictures of baptism, pictures of confirmation, pictures of marriage and other liturgical celebrations. We are also accepting donations like an old prayer book of a parishioner, or chaplets or any old religious item.
Father is looking for the original stations of the cross of Our Lady of Lourdes. If you know of anyone who has them, please contact the office.
6th Annual Colusa Crawdad Festivalsponsored by the Knight of Columbus, Council 2145, will be held Saturday, September 10th, at the Colusa County Fairgrounds. Cost is $10 a person at the gate. Children under 10 are free.
The proceeds from this annual charity event support local community charities. Please support our Knights of Columbus.
For information call:(530) 681-6379 or 682-5354.
Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow
In a day when every family is looking for ways to save money, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School is offering an enrollment incentive for this school year. Any parishioner of OLL or Sacred Heart that is new to OLL School can now enroll for only $1500.00/child! This is a substantial savings that will enable your learner of today to become a leader of tomorrow. You will be amazed with our small community feeling, challenging academics, and sincerely dedicated staff. In addition, our preschool and prekinder program still have spots available. Many additional ways to minimize the cost of a Catholic education are available as well. The office is now open for registration at 741 Ware Ave. Colusa or call for an appointment at 530-458-8208. School starts Aug. 17th.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Anyone interested in being baptized or entering the Catholic Church is invited to our first meeting, September 8, 2011 at 7pm at the Parish Center.
Also welcomed are those wanting to learn more about their faith and the church. For questions, please call Julian Delgado @ 458-5121.
ThankYou to our
Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers
Thank you for answering Gods call to serve.Every year we offer two parish volunteer masses. Last May 28, 2011, we had the Mass for our parish volunteers at Our Lady of Sorrow Shrine in Grand Island. The second Mass for this year will be held September 18th, 2011, 5:00p.m., at the Shrine. All are invited to attend. The feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrow Shrine is on September 15th.
(Thank You Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers.)
We joyfully welcome our newest members to our Catholic family:
7/30- Dylan Razo Sanchez, Jacob Santos Madrigal
8/6 - Alexander Avila-Romero, Lesli Avila-Romero, Abigail Garcia
Sarahi Romero Mendez was Baptized, Confirmed and Married August 6, 2011.
8/7 - Juan Diego Ocampo