Section D – Expression of Interest Return Schedules for Services
Expression of Interest
- Electronic Lodgement of Expression of Interest
All Expression of Interests must be lodged electronically via the SA Tenders & Contracts website, in accordance with the instructions advised on that website, or by email to Council at .
Closing Date:4pm Thursday 15thJune 2017
- Expression of Interest Submission Format
Submission lodged by any other means will be deemed non-conforming and will not be considered.
- Late Submissions
Submissions received after the Closing Date will be deemed non-conforming and will not be considered.
- Enquiries or Requests for Information
The Nominated Contact Person is:
Company:KI Council
Name:Ashley Richardson – Contracts Officer
The Kangaroo Island Council reserves the right to publish any of the information issued as a response to the Expression of Interest to the entire tenderers, filed as a Tender Addendum.
- Evaluation Criteria
Tender submissions will be assessed using a range of criteria, including (in no order of priority):
- Hourly Rates
- Local Content
- Previous relevant experience
- Experience and capability of the nominated key personnel – including sub-contractors
- Management Systems (Quality, Safety, Environmental)
Registrant’s Details
Pleasecompleteall yourdetailshere.
1. Nameof RegistrantStateinfullthename(s)of theperson(s)ortheregisteredname(s)of thecompany(s)andtradingnames.
2. ContactPerson
Nominateacontactpersonforthis ExpressionofInteresttodealwithany questionsorqueriesthatmayarise.
3. RegisteredAddress
4. PostalAddress
5. TelephoneNumber
6. FaxNumber
7. EmailAddress
Licences and Accreditation
Detailsofanylicencesor accreditationsrequiredorrelevanttothisEOI (copies to be provided):
Providedetailsofinsurancecurrentlyheldby youandanyproposedsubcontractorthatwouldbe extendedtoprovidecoverfortheServices. Attach copies of Insurance policies showing insurance type, policy number, finance limit, expiry date and insurer.
Insurance / PolicyNumber / ExtentofCover / Expiry
Date / Nameof
PerIncident ($A) / InAggregate($A)
andOfficers(if applicable)
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) will not be required as part of the REOI, however will be requested during the Select Tender process.
The WHS to be requested from Registrantswill include:
- WHS Policy
- WHS Management System
- WHS Committee Meeting Minutes
- Induction Process
- Identifying, Analysing and Controlling Hazards e.g. JSA’s, SWMS, SWP
- Workplace Inspection Schedules
- Process to Review Risk Controls
- Risk & Plant Registers
- Testing & Tagging of Electrical Equipment
- Process for Pre-Start Checks Completed on Plant & Equipment
- If Hazardous Substances are used, MSDS & Chemical Risk Assessments to be provided
- Formal Process of Reporting & Investigating Accidents/Incidents
Referees will not be required as part of the REOI, however will be requested during the Select Tender process.
Detailsofat leastthreereferencesforsimilarworkandinformationontheapproximatedatewhenwork wascompletedandtheapproximatevalueofworkundertaken will be requested.
Organisation Structure, Facilities and Resources
If Council deem necessary, a company search may be requested to assist with Council’s evaluation of your company.
Local Content will be evaluated, please ensure you highlight employees and/or sub-contractors who may be deemed as Local.
1.Organisation structure
Provide details of the staff and the organisation structure proposed to be used for performance of the Services. Details must include but not be limited to:
- Company structure to be used to support the Services including size and location of office, organisation structure
- Number of staff proposed to be used and their qualifications and experience
- Details of the award, enterprise agreement, and/or local area workplace agreement, under which staff will be employed, and rates of pay, conditions, or allowances
Provide details & their experience
3.Other details (e.g. specific plant & equipment, vehicles)
Provide details
5.Proposed subcontractors
Provide details in the Table below the proposed major sub-contractors or other representatives to be employed or engaged by the Registrant. The Registrant must define the scope and extent of Services to be provided by sub-contractors.
Subcontractor’s nameandaddress / Services to be provided / Item(s)6.Contingency arrangements
Provide details of contingency arrangements should any facilities or sites required to facilitate the Contract become unavailable in the short and long term.
1.Past performance
For how many years has the Registrant engaged in the type of work required by the Contract?
Has the Registrant had an appointment terminated on a project in the last five years. If yes please provide brief details.
Has the Registrant terminated a project in the last five years. If yes please provide brief details.
Has the Registrant refused to continue providing services under a contract in the last five years unless the terms or payments were changed from those which were originally agreed. If yes please provide brief details.
2.Current contracts
Provide details of current contracts in a local government environment including the range of services provided.
3.Other commitments
Provide details of other work commitments expected to continue during this Contract.
Value Added Services
Provide details of any other benefits you can offer to improve the level of service or value of your Expression of Interest.
All prices must be listed exclusive of GST
Provide a breakdown of the costs for the Services and/or each type of Service (if applicable) and/or breakdown of fixed and variable costs (if applicable).
Ramp Services / Rates (per hour)Passenger Services / Rates (per hour)
Declaration & Execution
I/We (Respondent) on having read, understood and fully informed myself/ourselves/itself of the contents, requirements and obligations of this Tender, hereby provide a Quote for the Services.
Name of RespondentState in full the name(s) of the respondent(s) and trading names
Contact Person
Registered Address
Postal Address
The undersigned undertakes that if selected as the successful Respondent, I/we/it will be bound by the conditions provided.
If the Respondent is a company, the Quote must be executed as follows:
Executed by [Company name]pursuant to section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001
Signature of Director / Signature of Director/Company Secretary
(Please delete as applicable)
Name of Director (print) / Name of Director/Company Secretary (print)
Signature of Sole Director and Sole Company Secretary
Name of Sole Director and Sole Company Secretary (print)
Signed for [Name]
by an authorised representative in the presence of:
Signature of witness / Signature of authorised representative
Name of witness (print) / Name of authorised representative (print)
Position of authorised representative (print)
If the Respondent is an individual, the Quote must be executed as follows:
Signed by [insert name] in the presence of:Signature of witness / Name of witness (print)
If the Respondent is a partnership, the Quote must be executed as follows:
Partner 1:
Signed sealed and delivered by [insert name]:In the presence of [insert name]:
Signature of witness / Signature of partner
Address of witness
Signed sealed and delivered by [insert name]:
In the presence of [insert name]:
Signature of witness / Signature of partner
Address of witness