Skydive Terms and Conditions

These are the Terms and conditions of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). The event specialist agency is Netheravon Airfield. Terms and conditions will be provided during registration before the event. It is a requirement that all participants comply with both ZSL and the event agent Terms and Conditions and sign the disclaimer during the registration.

1.  To take part in this event you must be 16 years or over on the date of the event. Please note that 16 to 17 year olds must have a medical declaration form signed by a parent or guardian. Participants over 40 years of age are also required to have a medical form signed and stamped by their doctor. All jumpers need to be under 16 stone (102kg).

2.  The Skydive will be taking part on Saturday 18th July. However, Participants will be able to select another date if this date isn’t convenient.

3.  All participants take part in this event at their own risk.

4.  No illegal substances may be carried or consumed by participants at this event.

5.  For the safety of all concerned, participants/spectators do not drink alcohol or take drugs before or during the event as this may impair your judgement. Individuals who appear to be under the influence of either alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to attend the event and will be asked to leave the site.

6.  For this event, we require a non-refundable registration fee of £50 and a pledge to raise £200 for ZSL. The deposit is non-refundable. In the event the fundraisers are unable to jump due to weather, they are able to reschedule their jump directly with the company.

7.  The £150 payment of the balance will be payable the week before the jump.

8.  By signing up to this event, you are pledging to raise a minimum sponsorship of £200. Outstanding sponsorship will be paid by the 30 August 2015

9.  The Registration fee and all sponsorship monies can be paid by credit or debit card via the Skydive company. You can create your own fundraising page on-line at or pay all sponsorship monies by cheque made payable to the ‘Zoological Society of London’ and addressed to Sarah Knowles, Development Department, The Zoological Society of London, Regents Park, London, NW1 4RY

10. If you are unable to meet the minimum sponsorship. You may choose to make up the balance yourself or you may forfeit your place. Please be aware though that your registration fee is non-refundable. If for any reason you do choose to forfeit your place within the event, we ask that you tell ZSL as soon as possible, to allow someone else to enter in your place.

11. You understand that your registration fee is used towards the costs of the event.

12. If you cancel your participation in the event at any time, your registration fee will not be refunded.

13. You understand and accept that in the event of extreme weather conditions or unforeseen circumstance, the event may be postponed or cancelled and that other alterations may occur which are beyond the control of the event agent or ZSL. You understand that ZSL may have to cancel your booking if a minimum number of participants do not book into the event

14. You agree to raise the money using legal methods and complying with any advice given by the ZSL Development team

15. You should be reasonably fit and enjoy sufficient good health to participate in the event. For Health and Safety reasons, ZSL and/or the event agent reserve the right to stop any person from Participating.

16. Netheravon Airfield stipulates that anyone over 40 years of age must have a Doctors certificate to take part.

17. You are responsible for ensuring that you are medically fit to participate in the event. If you have any medical conditions that you feel might affect your ability to take part, please seek medical advice before committing to take part.

18. ZSL shall not be liable for any injury, illness or death of any person or persons nor for loss or damage to any property nor for any direct or indirect or consequential loss however arising. The above does not exclude or restrict ZSL’s liability for injury, illness or death arising as a result of any negligence or omission of ZSL or its employee acting in the course of their employment.

19. As a participant I give permission to use any photographs/videos taken of me to raise awareness and/or money for ZSL’s work.

20. I consent to ZSL passing on my details to the event agent for this event.

21. It is your responsibility to check prior to purchase that the information you have supplied to us in respect of your registration requirements as a participant is accurate. We are only responsible for registering you in accordance with the information you provide.

22.  Once purchased, neither the date nor the attraction for which your ticket has been purchased may be changed.

23.  Parking charges are not included within the price of the ticket/registration.

24.  No registration/spectator ticket may be re-sold without prior written consent from ZSL. If any person attempts to enter ZSL London Zoo with a ticket that has been re-sold without ZSL’s written consent, ZSL may refuse entry and no compensation is payable to that person by ZSL.

25.  It is prohibited to take into an attraction:

a.  Skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, bikes, scooters and other forms or personal transport;

b.  Balls Frisbees, balloons or any other similar item.

c.  Pets or animals of any nature.

d.  Any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles, blades, flammable liquids or other articles that may cause injury.

26.  There are no facilities for the storage of luggage at the attractions. Buggies and pushchairs are left unattended at their owner’s risk and any containers left unattended may be removed for security reasons. ZSL accepts no responsibility or damage to or loss of personal property brought into the attractions.