Ingham County Infant Mortality Coalition Agenda: _____ Minutes: ____xx_
Meeting Date: January 28, 2016 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 pm Location: Atrium Conference Room Ingham County Health Department (ICHD)
Note Taker: Laura Zdybel
Attendance: (X) Indicates attendance (P) Indicates attendance by phone
To join meeting by Conference Call: dial 1-213-550-2200, ID # 554-1728
Banks, Dr. Pamela / Space for Grace Fellowship / x / Machowicz, Mary / Expectant Parents OrganizationExcused / Boyce, Wendy / Great Start Collaborative / Marble, Kathleen / Sparrow
x / Chambers, Lisa / ICHD-Home Visiting Services / x / Osoff, Alysia / ICHD-FIMR
Cross, Glenda / McLaren / Pamperin, Hilary / McLaren
DeWitt, Nicole / Michigan Public Health Institute-CDR / Rothhorn, MC / Great Start Collaborative
Eldred, Sheri / March of Dimes / x / Schramm, Nola / ICHD-NFP
x / Esselman, Kathy / League of Women Voters-Lansing Area / Scranton, Sarah / Tomorrows Child
Evans, Carlton / Greater Lansing African American Health Institute (GLAAHI) / Singer Chris / Great Start Collaborative
x / Geller, Sandy / MSU-College of Nursing / Solis, Isa / ICHD-Health Start
Larrieux, Cassie / ICHD-Epidemiology / x / Traylor, Regina / ICHD-
Lawrence, Jonathan / ICHD-Fatherhood Programs / Tyler, Dr. Crystal / Michigan Public Health Institute
Liggon, Eldon / GLAAHI / x / Zdybel, Laura / Expectant Parents Organization
Lugo, Jeanne / Department of Human Services / x / Shannon Noble / Michigan League for Public Policy
Brittany Harrison / CME/ Public Relations MSU
Guests: / x / Dr. Kevin Brooks / Residential College MSU
x / Jessica Yorko / ICHD Health Equity and Social Justice
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Required/By Whom
I. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions / Meeting called to order at 1:39pm
Welcome and Introductions
New Member Introduced: Dr. Kevin Brooks, Academic Specialist for Diversity and Civic Engagement
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities
Michigan State University
II. Approval of Minutes / Approved
III. Approval of Agenda/Additions / Approved
New Business
· Capacity Building--Jessica Yorko, Ingham County Health Equity and Social Justice Coordinator
· Review of 2016 Meeting Schedule / Regina Traylor opened meeting by asking members to take a look at why we are here today to serve on the Infant Mortality Coalition. What brings us to the table? What difference do we want to make in the community? What do we want to get out of this group? How can we shape a work plan that addresses the data driven needs of our community?
Regina Traylor introduced Jessica Yorko- to help us with this process of becoming a stronger and vibrant coalition.
Jessica Yorko gave background as to how she came to this role, her experience with coalitions and how coalitions are formed (people that are hurting will form coalitions that are powerful and active, but coalitions that are mostly formed by people that are there because of their work are not always as effective)
Jessica Yorko asked “What is Health Equity?
She referenced work done by Dr. Canady and Doak Bloss- Lack of equal access to resources based on race, place, class, culture, and language. Ability to have access to the goal of all having potential for same outcomes
Who has the power? Equal power and access for all shareholders.
Medical and insurance companies drive the system. Need evidence based care. Uniform across all states. Fair distribution of resources, goods, productivity and services.
Health Equity= a fair, just distribution of the social resources and social opportunities needed to achieve well being
Social Justice=Absent of unfair, unjust, advantage or privilege based on race, class, gender, age or ability or other forms of differences.
Need capacity building facilitation.
Consider enrolling in Social Equity Workshop
Personal reflections and personal story as to how each of us came to the table of the Infant Mortality Coalition
Each member shared a personal journey of why they became involved in with helping infants, mothers, fathers and families.
Jessica Yorko thanked each person for sharing their story.
Accepted as written
Old Business
· Work Group Reports
Education & Events
Social Media
· FIMR Update--Alysia Osoff
· Healthy Start Program Updates--Isa Solis
· Nurse Family Partnership Update--Nola Schramm
· Round Table / Education and Events- no report
Marketing- Brochure on hold at this time
Social Media- no report. Please send posts to Jonathon Lawrence at
FIMR- First meeting went well. Foundations were set. Monthly report will come out. Big report will come out in July
Healthy Start- Tons of workshops and activities
Mommy and Me, Black Breastfeeding Sisterhood.
NFP hired a new nurse. Caseload is 100. 86 currently. In 2015 maintained 22.5 caseload throughout the year
Round Table: League of Women Voters launching a Child Health Program
EPO- Baby Café is going well. Allen Neighborhood Center will have a family friendly feeding room at the Farmers Market. EPO hosting a Meet Your Doula Event. EPO presenting at the Michigan Breastfeeding Forum in March.
Sandy Gellar- expressed concern that health departments have guideline for monitoring pregnant women and their lead levels. Regina Traylor mentioned PRIME group and their work.
Regina Traylor- Need a location for Back to School Fair in August due to renovations at the ICHD. Doula training for nurses.
Shannon Nobles- Earned Pay Leave Initiative
Adjournment / Meeting Adjourned at: 3:25pm / Next Meeting: February 25, 2016 ICHD Atrium Conference Room, 1:30-3:30 pm