Basic Introduction to the Body's Energy Field
Life-Giving Energy
All around you, and throughout the entire universe, circulates a field of energy. This energy field circulates through the earth, through the atmosphere, all around us, and throughout all of creation. The flow of this energy connects everything that exists, and you, as a living being, are taking in this energy at every moment.
Now, if you are like most Christians, you have a bunch of “red flags” and sirens going off right now, or at the very least the above paragraph has made you feel a bit uncomfortable. And for good reason.
If we were to take out the word “creation”, the rest of the terminology used in the first paragraph is the same as how a secular, “new age” cult might explain what they believe about the “cosmos”.
But what if we were to explain it this way instead . . . ?
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). The Word (which is Christ Jesus) was with God in the beginning, and the Word was God (John 1:1-2). All things were made through Christ, and without Him nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3). By Him (Christ) all things were created. They were created through Him and for Him (Col. 1:16). Christ is all and in all (Col 3:11). In Him all things hold together (Col 1:17). He fills the earth (Jer. 23:24), there is nowhere we can go where He is not present (Ps. 139:7-10) and we, as followers of Christ should be filled with His Spirit (Eph. 5:18).
These are Biblical truths that explain essentially the same thing that the new age people try to describe in their own “lingual” while at the same time denying the existence and omnipresence of God.
They cannot entirely dismiss His existence, however, because since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have all been clearly seen in the things He has made (Rom. 1:10). But there are many people who do not want to acknowledge Him as Lord and Creator, so instead they take the “concept of God” and reduce it to what they would call a “life-giving energy”.
There are a lot of religions and cults that have different ideas about this “life-giving energy”, but from a Christian viewpoint I would like to suggest that it is the omnipresence of God. He is the one who gives and sustains life. God is spirit (John 4:24) and His Spirit fills the universe (Eph. 1:22-23, Eph. 4:10).
The Body’s Energy Field
The “life-giving energy” that was mentioned above is not the same thing as the body’s energy field. It is very important to understand that there is a major difference. To say that the energy that flows through our body is the very Spirit of God is as absurd as saying that the blood that flows through our veins is God.
It is true that God fills all and is in all, but His omnipresence in creation does not transform the created things into the divinity of God. God’s Spirit dwells in us, but that does not make us God. God’s Spirit fills every cell in our body, but that does not make the cells divine. We can be filled with the Spirit of God, but we are still mere mortals, we are still human.
Apart from the “energy” that circulates throughout all of creation, there is also a kind of energy that the human body produces. Our bodies create energy, which is what we understand as being the basic function of our metabolism. The digestion of nutrients and the burning of fats and sugars are part of a complicated process by which the body produces the energy we need in order to function.
The endocrine system (or hormones in the body) help to regulate and control the metabolism as well as the production and distribution of energy in the body.
Now, when we talk about the actual energy field of the body, we are referring more specifically to the flow of that energy throughout the body. In the same way that blood is continually being pumped through our veins, or the nervous system is continually sending signals throughout the body, there is also energy that is continually and constantly flowing in and around the body.
We are already aware of the fact that there are pathways for the blood to flow through the body, and pathways for the nerves to flow through the body, and pathways for the lymph system to process wastes in the body, so it makes sense that God would also create a pathway for the energy to flow through the body. And that is essentially what the body’s energy field is.
Some people are under the misconception that the energy that flows through the energy field is essentially what gives life to the body. But scientists have discovered that even non-living objects contain a certain degree of energy, and even apart from scientific evidence we can know that the life of a living being is found in the blood and not in the energy field. We see this in the Old Testament, where God commands the Israelites not to eat the blood of animals “because the life of every creature is its blood” (Lev. 17:10-11, 14).
The body’s energy field is not the source of life in our bodies, but is just another system of the body that greatly affects the health and function of the body, the same as all the other systems: the blood system, the nervous system, the lymph system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, etc. Every system in the body has its function and works in harmony for the health of the body. The “energy system” (known as the human energy field) is no different, it is an organized system of the body, created by God, to serve a specific function and purpose.
There is a lot of scientific evidence to support the existence of the energy fields, so a lot of the controversy is not centered so much around the topic of whether or not it exists but more in regards to the finer points and more specific details that surround it.
One of the biggest issues that Christians have in regards to the energy field is the idea that, in addition to creating a consistent pathway for the body’s energy to flow, the energy field also connects us to other energy sources outside of the energy produced by our own body. This is where the new age practices and other religious ideas collide with the theology and core beliefs of the Christian faith, and where great caution and discernment is needed in the study of this topic.
We will take a closer look at the differences between the Christian and cultic views later on, but for the purpose of this basic introduction it is important to at least note the fact that our body’s energy does interact and react with other outside sources of energy. What this means to a Christian is going to be very different from what it means to a non-believer, but the fact remains that the energy reacts and interacts with other sources of energy which can affect us on many different levels and in many different ways.
How Do We Know That the Human Energy Field Exists?
For the longest time scientists dismissed any notion of there being an energy field in the body because it was not something that they could see, measure, evaluate, or test. And yet, there has always been a basic understanding that there is some form of energy that plays a role in our daily lives.
If you were to ask someone how they are doing, or what their level of energy has been that day, you might hear responses such as:
“I’ve been feeling very tired lately”
“I’m running low on energy right now”
“I feel like I’m running on adrenaline”
“I’ve been getting a lot of rest lately and feel a lot more energized now.”
“I feel great! I have so much energy I feel like I could take on the world!”
. . . or something of the like.
Extroverted people may describe a socializing event as being “energizing” while introverted people may describe the same event as being “draining”. An introverted person may also say that having some quiet time alone helps them to “recharge”.
These kinds statements are ways in which we describe the energy we feel. We do not fully understand the function or flow of energy in the body, but we are aware of its presence because we can feel our levels of energy rise and fall.
In more recent years there have been new scientific discoveries on the topic of energy to the point that scientists are no longer in debate about whether or not such energy exists, but are actually convinced of its presence and even going a step further to recognize that it is not only life forms that contain this energy but that all of the matter in the world around us contains energy.
Albert Einstein was one of the first scientists to suggest the theory that all of matter is energy, but this theory was hardly taken seriously until the invention of the “SQUID Magnetometer” in 1964. Without going into great technical details, the SQUID Magnetometer is a highly sensitive instrument that is able to detect tiny vibrations of energy. This invention opened up new doors in the scientific field by giving scientists a way in which they could see and measure the existence and activity of energy. Since then, there have been other inventions and other methods used in the study and discovery of energy.
In the study of energy, scientists have discovered that the atoms that make up matter do not appear to be matter themselves but seem to be composed of energy, each with its own vibrational frequency. The different speeds and frequencies of the vibrations has a lot to do with how dense an object is in terms of matter.
The “Law of Vibration” is a very fascinating topic of study in itself, but how it relates to our current topic of study is that there is real, viable evidence for the existence and formations of the body’s energy field, and very legitimate and viable ways of measuring, evaluating, and testing it.
If I may go one step deeper, it would also be relevant to point out the fact that in addition to giving off energy vibrations and body heat, scientists have also discovered that a living body also produce light. There are some creatures such as fireflies, glow-worms, and some deep-sea fish that are well known for producing their own light, but less known is the fact that all living creatures give off a certain amount of light or “glow”. In most cases this light is too dim for the human eye to see. The light that a living body produces is less intense than the levels of light that the human eye can detect, so in this sense it is not a light that is seen, and yet scientists have been able to see it through the use of extra sensitive cameras that are designed to detect these dimmer levels of light.
What’s more, the scientists have discovered that the amount of light produced by the living body seems to rise and fall in accordance with a person’s metabolism or the levels of energy that is in their body. They have also noticed that the face is the part of the body that gives off the most light, stronger than any other part of the body.
If this is your first time hearing about this, it may sound very strange or even highly suspicious that the body would produce light, but let us not forget the story of Moses and how he had to wear a veil after his encounters with God because of how his face would glow (Ex. 34:29-35).
As technology advances, scientists are discovering a great many things about the energy field, through the observation of its presence, how it flows, the different things it reacts to or interacts with, and the light that the body produces in response to this energy.
Scientists have discovered that there are different colors associated with the different types of energy and the light that they produce. They have discovered that the energy fields take on different shapes and colors for different people, and that these shapes and colors or directly related to the persons overall health and well-being. Some people have very colorful auras that are well defined. Others have dull auras with spikes or ridged edges.
Scientists have discovered that there are different layers within the human energy fields and that the size and definition of each layer changes in response to a person’s emotion, mood, or mental thought. They also discovering that there is a very real and direct correlation between the body’s energy field and the health of an individual. The energy field is connected to the emotions, nerves, and hormones of the human body. A person with a healthy body shows to have an energy field that is stronger and more in balance than a person who is sick. And in many cases there has been evidence that a sickness or chronic illness began to show itself in the layers of the energy field even before it manifested itself physically in the body.
Another interesting factor that scientists are discovering is that the body’s energy field is unique to each individual and actually serves as a kind of DNA blue-print for each person. All the thoughts, emotions, past experiences, and present realities are all being stored as various forms of energy within the body.
There are so many interesting discoveries being made in regards to the energy fields, but for the purpose of this basic introductory on the topic the primary point that needs to be made is that there is a very direct connection between the physical health of an individual and the invisible flow of energy within their energy field.
Scientific Evidence Proves the Bible True
But this is not merely an idea that has been fabricated through scientific discovery, we can also see Biblical evidence of this, most especially in the laying on of hands that is described in James 5. There are many who would say that the laying on of hands is purely symbolic, or that prayer “changes us but does not change circumstances”. The scriptures warn us against such thought, pointing out the fact that there will be people who have “the appearance of godliness but deny its power” (2 Tim. 3:5). Even though the laying on of hands for the purpose of healing is a concept that is taught in the Bible, still, many Christians have rejected this as a form of healing that God instigated and even go so far as to criticize or condemn secular practices that use the healing power of the hands.
In many cases, it seems as though the words of Scripture are not viable enough for Christians. We claim to be “believers” but our faith often resembles that of doubting Thomas who has to wait until there is physical (or scientific) evidence before we will believe something.
Of all the study I have done in regards to the human energy field, perhaps the most revolutionary discovery I have made is the simple fact that the Bible is true and that God actually knows what He is talking about! Yes, this is something I have known all along, but it is certainly something I have been learning to a greater degree as I study this topic.
You see, the whole topic of balancing the body’s energy field is a topic that really would not need to be discussed in Christian circles if we as believers were very intentional about studying the Word of God and very disciplined in our dedication and obedience to His Word, even when it doesn’t always make sense or seem to align with our view or understanding of science.
There are many spiritual disciplines and Christian practices that directly influence the body’s energy field and serve to keep it balanced and functioning well. But of all the religions in the world, Christianity is perhaps one of the most “relaxed” in regards to being spiritually disciplined. We would say that we are “saved by grace” and that our eternal destiny is secure in Christ, and as a result we do not necessarily feel a need to implement all the teachings and instructions laid out in Scripture.
This is especially true with regards to the Old Testament laws and the instructions God gave to the Israelites. We would say that Christ fulfilled the law and that we are no longer bound by the law -- and rightly so! But in doing this we fail to recognize the fact that God gave those instructions to His people for a purpose. The Old Testament laws were not merely given for the atoning of sin, but also to show the Israelites the most healthy way to live.