Online Application Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
Call for Proposals 2015 - 3rd Round
Women’s Economic and Political Empowerment
in the post-2015 Development Agenda
Call Opens: 9 March 2015
Deadline for Online Submissions: 5 April 2015 (23:59 New York time)
Online Application System:
This Grant Application Guideline will walk you through the online application process. Please make sure you submit your application through our online system ( Note that this document is only an instruction document to guide you step by step in filling in your online application.
UN Women is pleased to announce the 3rd Call for Proposals of the Fund for Gender Equality (FGE or the Fund). This year the Fund welcomes proposal submissions from women-led local, national and regional Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with innovative, high-impact, and multi-stakeholder women’s rights and gender equality programmes that help jumpstart progress on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The Fund will grant applications in the areas of:
The Fund will value proposals that recognize and act on the inter-linkages of women’s economic and political empowerment and consider all dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental).
Get started – Register!
Go to and click on the “click here to apply” link. You will be led to a registration page. Register and select your preferred language (the application form will be in that language and you will have to fill in the application in that same language too). Registered Applicants will be able to work on their application in several sessions by saving their information and login in again with their password as many times as they want to finish their Application. Forgotten passwords can be recovered through the associated email address.
As you start filling the online application make sure you click “SAVE” often to avoid losing data.
Please carefully read the instructions which outline the necessary steps to successfully submit an application. For more information, please also see the Call for Proposal and Frequently Asked Questions.
All eligible applications must be submitted via the online database by Friday, 5 April, 2015, 11:59 p.m. New York time. Late applications will not be considered. Applications submitted by electronic mail, fax or post will also not be accepted.
As part of the Grant Application, all applicants must upload a number of documents listed in the section on “required documents”.
We encourage applicants to fill out and submit the application as soon as possible. The application does not have to be completely filled out in one session. You can log in as many times as needed to complete your application.
Please remember to save your application often.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). You will be unable to submit the application if any of the required fields is incomplete.
Once a section has been completed, a check mark will appear next to it (under the “Applications Sections” on the left side of the application form). Check marks must appear for all the sections for the application to be considered complete.
Remember - to submit your online application, you must click the "Submit Application" button when you are finished.
Please email if you experience problems in accessing or submitting your application.
Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Guidelines.
Please read the Call for Proposals carefully before filling in the online application.
Pay special attention to the eligibility requirements and the evaluation criteria.
I. General Programme Information
*A. Programme InformationPlease review the Call for Proposals for details on eligible programme proposals.
Programme Title
English translation of Programme Title (if applicable)
Programme Scope (select one) /
Programme Country (Select One)
(i.e.: Where proposed programme will be implemented)
Additional Countries (maximum 3)
(i.e. maximum of 3 additional countries for multi-country programmes or for regional network programmes.)
* The list of eligible countries/territories for programme implementation is determined based on the latest OECD-DAC list of ODA recipients
*B. Grant Request
Grant Duration /
Total Grant Request Amount
(Must be between US$ 200,000 and US$ 500,000. Enter amount without any periods, commas, symbols or spaces. Please round up to the nearest dollar)
Please note: All applicants will have to demonstrate absorptive capacity and a financial management record commensurate with the grant request amount.
II. Applicant Organization Information
* Legal StatusApplicant Organizations must have legal status in the country where implementation will take place. The country of legal status must be one of the eligible countries/territories for programme implementation based on the latest OECD-DAC list of ODA recipients.
In case the Applicant Organization is a Network (operating in several countries) or in case the proposal is for a regional programme (implemented in a maximum of four (4) countries), the Applicant Organization must have legal status in at least one of the countries where implementation will take place.
Does the organization have a legal status in the programme country?
· No
*A. Organization Contact
Please review the Call for Proposals for details on eligible applicant organizations.
* Organization Name
Please spell out the name of your organization completely.
* English translation of Organization name
* Address
* State or Province / *City
* Postal code / *Country or Territory
* E-mail / Website
* Verify E-mail
* Telephone number (include country and city code) / Fax number
(include country and city code)
*B. Contact Person
Title / Ms. Mrs. Mr. Dr.
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Verify E-mail
*C. Gender Composition
The Applicant Organization must be a Women- led Civil Society Organization (CSO)
Definition: Women-led Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including but not limited to: non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, trade unions or labor associations, agricultural collectives or associations, advocacy networks (national or regional), national or regional funds. To be considered “women led” the organization must have at least 50% women in its Board and its Staff, with women in leadership positions.
The applicant Organization is required to submit a list of all staff and board, with gender and position (especially leadership positions) (See documents required)
* What percentage (%) of the Applicant Organization’s Staff are women?
* What percentage (%) of the Applicant Organization’s Board members are women?
*D. Type of Organization
Women’s Civil Society Organization (CSO): /
*E. Is / has the Applicant Organization partnered with any UN agencies in the past?
Year(s) / Agencies:
Year(s) / Agencies:
Year(s) / Agencies:
Year(s) / Agencies:
Year(s) / Agencies:
Add lines as needed
*F. Has the Applicant Organization received funds from UN Women or other UN agencies in the past?
Agencies: / Approximate total amount (US$) / Year(s)
Agencies: / Approximate total amount (US$) / Year(s)
Agencies: / Approximate total amount (US$) / Year(s)
Agencies: / Approximate total amount (US$) / Year(s)
Agencies: / Approximate total amount (US$) / Year(s)
Add lines as needed
*G. Use and Sharing of Information
The Fund for Gender Equality may share the Applicant Organization’s information along with the Concept Note for other potential funding opportunities. Please state whether your organization consents to this information being shared.
The Fund for Gender Equality may use your email addresses to share future information about the Fund’s activities and opportunities. Would you like to receive future information?
III. Implementing Partners
Please note that UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality will sign contracts with the Applicant Organization only. The Applicant Organization is encouraged to find relevant gender equality implementing partners to complement its expertise, outreach capacity and build the capacities of grassroots organizations. Implementing partners may be CSOs, but also governmental institutions, non-registered community based organizations, academic institutions, private sector entities, or other. Note that the implementing partners are not subject to the eligible country list and can be based anywhere.List all additional implementing partners that will participate in programme implementation and check off their organization type. It is recommended that your proposed programme include a moderate number of implementing partners.
The Applicant Organization may list implementing partners, but only the Applicant Organization is, per the terms of contract with UN Women Fund for Gender Equality, accountable for the management of the awarded grant. These funds may, in accordance with the approved programme plans, be transferred directly from the Applicant Organization to its implementing partners except if the latter are UN Agencies, International Organizations, International NGOs or private sector entities. The Fund highly encourages the use of a Memorandum of Understanding among partners to define roles, responsibilities, and lines of accountability.
Agency(ies) / Country / Organization type
Add lines as needed
IV. Programme Focus
* A. Programme Grant FocusWomen’s Economic Empowerment:
· Efforts to expand women’s equal opportunities to access and control economic resources (including land, property, technology, financial services, inheritance and natural resources) and promote women’s sustainable entrepreneurship in accordance with national laws and international commitments, with an emphasis on environmentally sustainable development.
· Efforts to promote access to decent work and equal pay for all women including recognition of unpaid domestic and care work, through legislation, social protection policies, service delivery, and shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.
Women’s Political Empowerment:
· Efforts to promote women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership and political participation at all levels of decision-making and in all spheres of life.
· Efforts to help design, enforce and implement new and existing gender equality laws and policies, review discriminatory content, and to shift social norms and practices toward greater respect for and enjoyment of women’s equal rights.
Women’s Economic Empowerment
Women’s Political Empowerment
The Fund will value proposals that recognize and act on the inter-linkages of women’s economic and political empowerment and consider all dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental). However, applicants will be required to choose one of the two areas above as the main area of focus of their proposal. In cases where the proposal covers both areas, the applicant will have an opportunity to justify the links between the two areas (Economic and Political) in the Programme Narrative section.
*B. Programme Summary (200 words)
Include the names of the Applicant Organization and its implementing partners, the location (country/region) and the number of women you expect to reach. Please be specific about the goal that you are trying to achieve with respect to either women's political or economic empowerment. Please note that these paragraphs will be made public should your programmes be selected. Please provide this summary in English.
* C. Secondary Focus Area (s)
Please list any major secondary focus areas within the programme area you identified above (e.g. For Economic Empowerment: women’s land, property and inheritance rights; food security and sovereignty; climate change and green economy; domestic workers’ rights; the care economy; etc. For Political Empowerment: electoral policies, women in politics; women’s citizenship; leadership, etc.). Please enter one focus area per field.
Add lines as needed. One secondary focus area per line.
* D. Targeted Beneficiaries
Direct Beneficiaries are people that will directly benefit from programme activities and will experience positive change as a direct result of their engagement in the programme.
Please select groups or communities of beneficiaries that are the most representative and relevant to your programme’s direct impact. For each type of beneficiaries please select:
* Beneficiary type: There is no limit to the number of beneficiary types that you can select, but please make sure your programme is focused in its targeting of beneficiaries. Also, avoid selecting overlapping beneficiary types that would lead to double-counting of beneficiaries.
* Number: Mention the number of targeted individuals (not the number of groups or communities). In case you select both male and female age groups for one beneficiary type, please specify the target number for each.
* Sex/Age; Socio-Economic Level; and Location: Within one same beneficiary type, you may choose more than one option for these categories.
Example 1: Indigenous people: 200 Adolescent girls and Young Women and of Low and Medium socio-economic level both rural and urban.
Example 2: Refugees: 200 Elderly women and 50 Elderly men of low socio- economic level and nomadic.
Example table:
Beneficiary Type / Number / Sex / Age / Socio-Economic Level / Location
Indigenous people / Girls (0-9)
Adolescent girls (10-19)
Young Women (20-30)
Women (31 to 59)
Elderly / mature women (60 and above) / High
Low / Rural
Boys (0-9)
Adolescent boys (10-19)
Young men (20-30)
Men (31 to 59)
Elderly / mature men (60 and above)
Ethnic/religious minorities / Girls (0-9)
Adolescent girls (10-19)
Young Women (20-30)
Women (31 to 59)
Elderly / mature women (60 and above) / High
Low / Rural
Boys (0-9)
Adolescent boys (10-19)
Young men (20-30)
Men (31 to 59)
Elderly / mature men (60 and above)
The table below lists all types of beneficiaries available for selection. If the type you are targeting is not in the list choose the last option “Other” and specify the type of beneficiary. For each single type of beneficiary selected, you will be able to select the number, sex/age, socio-economic level and location as shown in the example table above.
Indigenous people
Ethnic/religious minorities
Rural people
Agriculture/livestock sector workers/producers
Factory workers
Domestic workers
Home-based informal worker
Homemaker/ household carer
Sex workers
Living with HIV/AIDS
Living with disabilities
Lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex
Head of household
Single mothers
Other socio-economically vulnerable (specify)
If you select this option please specify the type. / Small entrepreneurs
Members of economic groups and associations
Grass-roots community leaders
Civil society activists
Political party members
Political aspirants and candidates
Elected representatives
Government representatives
School teachers
General youth populations
Men and Boys
Traditional leaders
Religious leaders
Corporate representatives
Media Personnel
Other (specify)
If you select this option please specify the type.
IV. Programme Focus – Implementation Strategies