Sealed Quotations are invited by NSFDC (A Govt. of India Undertaking), Laxmi Nagar, Delhi in Two Part Bid System, viz, ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Commercial Bid’ in separate envelopes from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)/Authorized Dealers for supply of PA System for the Corporation. Agencies having a proven track record and sufficient infrastructure in the relevant field of supply and maintenance of PA Systems, may submit quotations as per the details mentioned hereunder:
1.0 General Guidelines
1.1 Submission of Tender
The tender must be submitted in Two Part Bid System - "Technical Bid" superscribing ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Commercial Bid’ superscribing ‘Commercial Bid’ in two separate envelopes These two separate sealed envelopes should be placed in another sealed envelope super scribing “Tender for supply of PA System”.
Sealed tender shall be received in this office upto 1530 hrs. on 26.02.15.
1.2 The tenderer shall be required to deposit `10,000 /- as Bid Security (refundable) alongwith the Technical Bid of the Tender Documents.
The amount may be paid in the form of Pay order/Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation payable at Delhi and should be enclosed with Technical Bid.
1.3 The technical bid of only such tenderer would be opened, who would furnish the Bid amount. The Bid security shall be refunded to the tenderers who do not qualify subject to finalization of the Tender.
1.4 Opening of Bids :
The Technical Bid will be opened on 26.02.15 at 1600 hrs. in the presence of representatives of firms, who are interested to be present during opening of Tender.
1.5 Evaluation of Bids
1.5.1 The technical bids will be evaluated by a committee formed by NSFDC. The committee at its discretion might visit Agencies Office/Work Place to check infrastructure as available with the tenderer.
1.5.2 The Commercial Bids only of those firms, who qualify the Technical Bid shall be opened subsequently on the day and time fixed by the Committee after completing the work as per 1.5.1.
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1.5.3 Open/stapled/improperly sealed/received by fax/tenders received after stipulated time and day shall not be entertained.
2.0 TECHNICAL/PREQUALIFICATION BID (Refer Annexure-1 for documentation)
2.1 The Tenderer should be registered with the Deptt. of Sales Tax/Service Tax/D-VAT/Custom Duty etc. and other statutory bodies, as applicable. (Please attach documentary proof) .
2.2 The Tenderer should have completed atleast 5 years of operation in the specified field. (Please attach documentary proof for Incorporation/Establishment)
2.3 Bidder should have satisfactorily completed two similar works each costing not less than `5.00 lacs. (Please attach work order/completion certificate of the same)
2.4 The annual turnover of the agency (tenderer) should not be less than 20.00 lacs, (Please attach copy of Audited Annual Accounts/Form-16 for the previous year and PAN)
2.5 The agency (tenderer) should have technically qualified employees for the repair & maintenance of the PA System. (Please attach list of employees alongwith their qualification)
2.6 The agency should have adequate infrastructure to carry out all types of repair & maintenance work of PA System. (Please attach list indicating infrastructure/facilities)
2.7 The agency (tenderer) should attach the list of credentials and clientele.
The PA system is required to be installed in the Board room which can accommodate 50 persons and the dimensions of the hall are approx 20 x 30 = 600 sqr ft.
(Amt in `)
S. No. / Item/Description / Qty / Rate / Amount1. / Amplifier : 500 Watts Complete
350+350 Watts with dual channel
Frequency response 50-15000 Hz + 3db
Speaker output as desirable / 01
2. / Audio Mixer : 8/12 Channels MIC Line - Complete
04 Mono + 04 Stereo
Aux 2, Main stereo frequency response / 01
3. / Roof Mounted Speaker 100 Watts Each,
Two way twin 4” and 01” horn loaded.
Frequency Response 500-2000 Hz
Cabinet including Mounting System pair / 04
4. / Chairman Delegate System with inputs and outputs or / 01
5. / Gooseneck Microphones
Frequency response ; 80-18000 Hz / 02
6. / Cordless Mike : LAPEL
Frequency Response : 80 – 18000 Hz with all facilities / 02
7. / Cordless Mike : Handheld
Frequency Response : 80 – 18000 Hz with all facilities / 01
8. / Desktop Podium Mike / 01
9. / All other acceessories including Cables, wire, wiring, Labour, Testing and Commissioning, Installation etc. / LS
(*) The above requirement is only indicative. The tenderer/quotationer is free to visit the premises and assess the actual requirement (quantitatively as well as qualitatively) and quote accordingly.
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Scope of Work : Supply and installation of Public Address Systems.
3.1 Supply and installation of the items should be made within 10 days from the date of the purchase/work order. Extension of contracted delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the buyer with applicability of liquidated damages clause.
3.2 The tendered must keep their offer open for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender.
3.3 95% payment of the cost will be paid on satisfactory supply and installation of works after inspection. Balance 5% amount shall be retained by NSFDC and will be paid on completion of the guarantee/warranty period.
4.0 Terms & Conditions
4.1 The requirement /quantities specified are only indicative. The Corporation shall be at liberty to vary (delete/decrease) the quantum of the items. Also, the Corporation has full right to order or not to order the item to the successful tenderer/quotationer.
4.2 The rates quoted for each items should be inclusive of all taxes/duties etc. including cost of material, labour charges, supply and installation at our premises.
4.3 Submission of offer shall be treated as the acceptance of NSFDC terms & any counter terms shall not be accepted.
4.4 In case of non-compliance of the work order or withdrawing the tender after submitting or after entering agreement the bid security will be forfeited and the agency will be blacklisted.
4.5 In case of inferior/sub-standard supply or supply not according to the specifications, the Corporation will have the right to reject the complete material and cancel the order.
4.6 In case of delay in supply, the Corporation will have the right to impose penalty @2% (on per day basis) per month, or the total value.
4.7 The Corporation is not in any way bound to accept the lowest or any quotations and reserve the right to accept any quotation in whole or any part of the quotation or portion of the quantity offered and reserve the right if required to negotiate with any or all the tenderers without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever.
4.8 The Corporation is not bound to order the approved items to the approved party and may purchase from any other party.
4.9 Brochure containing the detailed specification, pictures of the product etc. should be submitted with the tender.
4.10 The Corporation has the right to retain the rates of L-1 to L-3 party as deemed fit.
4.11 A minimum guarantee of two years from the date of supply of the item will be offered by the supplier, for repair/replace of the items. Thereafter the supplier shall undertake the AMC of the system on the paid basis.
4.12 The supplier shall be responsible to provide adequate training for operation of the supplied items.
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4.13 The specifications and capacity of the equipment shall be determined by the supplier itself as per the dimension of the Conference/Board Room premises of NSFDC wherein the system is required to be installed.
4.8 In case unsatisfactory services, the NSFDC has the right to cancel the contract, at any point of time, by giving one month’s notice.
4.12. All disputes or differences, whatsoever, arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of this contract or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitration of the Indian Council of Arbitration and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be final and binding. The Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the corporation shall be the Competent Arbitration Officer for the purpose of this contract.
Standard Terms & conditions (Enclosed in the annexure)
The sealed quotation shall reach our office latest by 26.02.15 upto 1530 hrs, alongwith the bid amount in envelope of Technical Bid, mentioning Phone No./Cell Phone No./Fax No. The quotation may please be dropped in the Tender Box at SCOPE Minar. Office or may be sent by Registered Post to the Chief Manager (Administration), NSFDC, SCOPE Minar, 14th Floor, Laxmi Nagar District Centre, Delhi – 110 092 super scribing the envelope " Tender for supply of PA System ".
- Opened/stapled/improperly sealed/late tenders shall not be entertained.
- Tenders not confirming to prescribed requirements will be rejected and no correspondence thereof shall be entertained whatsoever.
- All documents attached with the tender should be signed by the tenderer with seal of Agency/Firm.
- The Tenderer should take care that the rate and amount should be written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. No blanks should be left which would be otherwise make the tender liable for rejection.
- Tenderer submitting a tender would be presumed to have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions and instructions contained in the tender documents and parts/annexure thereof. No inquiry, verbal or written, shall be entertained in respect of acceptance/rejection of the tender.
- Any Act on the part of tenderer to influence anybody in the Organization is liable to rejection of his tender.
- The tenderer shall comply with all legal requirements involved/applicable in discharge of the assigned job/work.
- The tenderer shall abide by the provision of the Minimum wage Act, 1948 and other labour Laws applicable to him.
- The successful bidding Agency/Tenderer shall alone be responsible to provide all the statutory benefits to his staff and officials viz; PF, ESI, Bonus, Gratuity, Leave etc, employed by the contractor.
- The Quotations must be Un-conditional.
- The successful bidding agency shall not engage any sub-contractor or transfer the contract to any other persons in any manner.
- The firms registered under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act must disclose their registration number and shall be eligible for exemption in Bid Security.
- The Corporation reserves the right to cancel the contract and forfeit the EMD/Bid Security in case the quality of the service is not found to be of the desirable standard.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of the CMD of the NSFDC shall be final and binding.
- In case of delayed and unsatisfactory service, NSFDC reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time.
- NSFDC reserves the right to postpone/recall/reject the full or part of the tender without assigning any reasons thereof.
- When deemed necessary, NSFDC may seek clarifications on any aspect from the firm. However, that would not entitle the firm to change or cause any change in the substance of the tender submitted or price quoted.
Annexure- 1
Tender – Tender for supply of PA System
Prescribed Format for Technical Bid (Compulsory)
SECTION I: Compliance with Minimum Eligibility Criteria
Sl. No. / Criteria / Whether minimumEligibility criteria fulfilled (Yes/No) / Details of
Supporting documents attached.
(Page No.)
1. / Bid Security amount (refundable) of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) in the form of Pay Order/Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque in favour of NSFDC payable at Delhi.
2. / Documentary proof towards Registration with Department of D-VAT/Sales Tax/Service Tax/other Statutory Bodies, as applicable. Also attach documentary proof towards PAN Number).
3. / Documentary proof of Certificate of Incorporation/Establishment (towards 5 years of operation)
4. / Work orders/ Completion Certificates of at-least 02 similar contracts for value not less than Rs 5.00 Lakh.
5. / The Annual Turnover of the Agency should not be less than Rs 20.00 Lakh. The Agency should furnish last year’s Income Tax Returns (Form 16) and Audited Annual A/c’s statement.
6. / Documents towards sufficient man-power to render the services efficiently. (Please attach details of personnel working with the agency).
7. / Document towards adequate infrastructure to carry out all types of repair & maintenance work of PA System. (Please attach list indicating infrastructure/facilities)
8. / The Agency should not have been blacklisted by any Government Department in India. (Please attach an undertaking signed by the authorized representative of the Agency)
9. / List of Credentials and Clientele.
10. / The enclosed certificates and documents should be self-attested by the Agencies. The Agencies should submit an Affidavit certifying the authenticity of these documents.