Clerk: Mrs J A Tubridy
9 Orchard Way
Beaminster DT8 3LT
Tel 01308 868050
9-10am or 5-6pm (best)
Minutes of the Parish Council Meetingheld in the Reading Roomfollowing the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 22ndMarch 2016
Apologies – from County Cllr. Mrs Knox. Mr Goodfellow was absent.
Present, Mr Bowditch took the chair. Cllrs Pearce, Handford, Hawkins, Mann, Dyke, Bailey, Huxter and the Clerk. There were no members of the public.
Minutes of last Meeting were confirmed and signed.
Public Discussion, matters on agenda,no one present.
County Cllr’s Report. Mrs Knox had sent a written report further to the matter of the gushing water on the highway near Netherbury Bridge and also the 42 bus. WessexWater initially denied it was anything to do with them, but after many site visits and much paperwork by DCC, Wessex Water replaced the broken pipes etc. Mrs Knox stated that Wessex Water must be billed for all the work carried out by DCC.
District Cllr’s report. (See under Arising).
Matters Arising; Blair Turner of DCC Highways replying to P.C’s letter listing highways defects; pot holes (“at the intervention level”) between Parnham Park Farm and Bridge Street; Mangerton House; the gullies and piped water drainage systems have been assigned works orders for jettingWatford Bridge, Patley Wood to Silkhay and south of The Gollop Arms. A number of potholes in North Bowood Lane will be repaired but there is no possibility that there will be any general highway resurfacing.
Mrs Ward is speaking to Mr David Blackburn with a view to obtaining road planning to maintain the track to Luckham Farm. The Chairman said that he had seen Highways carrying out jetting.
Mrs Knox has donated £700 from her discretionary allowanceto Netherbury P.C. towards completion of the finger post project. Mr Bailey said that it should be completed this year.
Mr Roberts commented on the highways work at Salway Ash. Mr Andrew Dyke sent a letter concerning the dangers of the design of the pavement. Mr Roberts said that he believes that the pavement is causing greater danger than without it. Cllrs agreed with these views. It was decided that the Clerk should send it to the County Cllr.
Correspondence and Notices.
The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration. Netherbury Village Hall Committee wrote to ask the P.C. for a donation towards the costs of their planned Village Queen’s Birthday Bring and Share Tea on the weekend o 11/12 June 2016. The Parish Council had successfully applied for a grant on behalf of the V/H for the Diamond Jubilee celebration and asked if the P.C. would try for contributions towards the proposed celebrations.
Mr King commented that the Village Hall has more funds than the Parish Council
Mobile Library information was on the table. The Clerk read part to the meeting – Salway Ash, at Vale View, Wednesday, 12.10 - 12.25, from 9 May (Week 11)
WDDC sent further information on the Local Plan Review.
a)Clerk’s expenses, £11-80; travel,£9-30; total £21-10.
b)Finials, £710—40, Bridport Foundry.
c)Air Ambulance, donation, £200-00, agreed at the previous meeting.
d)Clare Handford, expenses re Neighbourhood Plan, £320-00
e)DAPTC, attendance by Cllrs Pearce and Handford at meeting, £60-00.
It was generally agreed that these be paid.
Planning Applications
a)The Old Orchard, St James Road, Netherbury,; replace thatch roof with slate; lead sheathing to existing dormer windows. “No objections, but with regret.”
b)The Game Depot, Salway Ash. Approve all reserved matters for Outline Permission. Demolish outbuildings and dwelling and construct dwelling and garage. “No objections.”
Any Others. There were none.
Dorset Youth Service. The Clerk had emailed info from Mr Gil Streets to all Cllrs. Cllrs said they had not received it. (SubsequentlyitWAS in the Sent List) The Clerk agreed to re-send and the matter will be discussed at the May meeting.
Hare and Hounds. This had been well-discussed at the preceding Annual Parish Meeting. It was proposed and unanimously agreed that the Parish Council supports any way to keep the Hare and Hounds open.
Neighbourhood Plan. The results of the survey were available. Mr Bailey said Mrs Handford and Mrs Pearce should be thanked for the work they had put in. The survey did not give great encouragement to go ahead as numbers were small;the Chairman had doubts. Mr King said that a Steering Cttee needs to be established first.
Mrs Handford said it would be a very big job. Other comments were that it could last years, not months. Mr Huxter said that a very low percentage had responded and doubted that we should go ahead. The Chairman said that we must know where we are going before applying for any money.
Should the forms be done again? Should Cllrs knock on doors? The Chairman commented that it was a real problem. It was agreed that other P.C’s who are well under way should be asked for their experiences. Perhaps the Chairman and Vice Chairman and a few others could get together to discuss the matter. Mrs Pearce expressed doubts that Cllrs had the time to commit. Mr Bowditch repeated that there was not enough supporting evidence from the results of the survey
Any Other BusinessThe sale, subject to contract, of a Housing Association property in Salway Ash was raised, especially by Mrs Dyke as she said her family had sold the land at a very low price to enable low cost housing to be available. She had tried to find legal documents relating to the sale, but had not been successful. The Parish Council strongly objects in principle.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10-30pm.
Mr King suggested that the Annual Parish Meeting and the Parish Council Meeting should be held on separate nights.