October 26, 2015

Eden Prairie Community Center, Eden Prairie, MN

Board Members Present: Brad Hewitt, Rob Shuman, Dave Kemp, Jacob Mars, Lisa Sanderson, Mike Jones, Derrick Schluck, Pat Westrum,

Board Members Absent: Dick Emahiser, Corey Townsend, Chris Evans, Tim Mayasich, Kurt Hyster, Nick Hagen, Joel Klute, Don Strom, Todd Hallet

Reps Present for the following Associations: Burnsville, Chaska/Chanhassen, Jefferson, Kennedy, Minnetonka, New Prague,Prior Lake/Savage, Shakopee, Waconia,

Associations Absent: Eden Prairie, Edina, Richfield

The meeting was called to order by Past President Mike Jones at 7:05pm.

Approval of September 2015 Minutes: Motion was made and second to approve the September D6
Board Meeting minutes.


President, Cory Townsend: No report.

President Elect & Safe Sport, John Guy, Burnsville: No Report

District Director, Brad Hewitt: Associations cannot move skaters between teams for injury or other purposes, you can move goalies. There is a form on the D6 website to fill out requesting a goalie and should be sent to D6 President Corey Townsend for approval. This can be done for same level classification or a lower classification. Request should come from President of Association or Coach.

Rob Shuman is now the Rec Director for District 6.

Girls Director/Treasure/Administrator, Chris Evans:

No financial report due to treasurer’s absence. Brad Hewitt gave an update on behalf of Chris noting that the 15U/19U game dates may change.

Assistant Director, League Operations and Rec League, Rob Shuman:

Game draw meetings went well. Everything has been uploaded. Joel Klute has playoff ice.

USA Hockey Associate Registrar, Lisa Sanderson:

Gave brief Safesport and screening update. Asked member Association’s to assist registrar’s in getting the word out about screening and Safesport.

Supervisor of Officials, Dave Kemp:

Working on finalizing Bantam AA rules and passing it on to the referees. November 18 is the first disciplinary meeting. A representative from New Prague sits on the disciplinary committee. There is a link on the D6 website to review referees.

Metro League Rep, Don Strom: No report.

District Coach-in-Chief, Pat Westrum:

There are 210 coaches registered for the October 24 CEP training. The discussion is heavy on concussions, in the afternoons the coach’s separate based in level. Also Level 1,2,3 training talks about body contact to show how to avoid being hurt. Anyone from District 6 can get into a CEP. There are videos and practice plans on the D6 website under coaching. The coaches can use the practice plans from training right away. On November 7 student coaches can be certified from 8:15a-11:30a. Once Mite coaches get their Level 1 they can be a Mite coach for life.

Invitational Tournaments, Kurt Hyster: No report.

Region/State Tournaments, Joel Klute:No report.

Officials Association, Derrick Schluck: Edina outdoor rink is now figured out.

CEP Instructor, Dick Emahiser: No report.

HP, Nick Hagen: No report.

Assistant Coach-in-Chief, Jacob Mars: No report.

Past President, Mike Jones: No report.


No Report: Burnsville, Eden Prairie, Edina,Jefferson, Kennedy, New Prague, Shakopee, Waconia

Absent: Eden Prairie, Edina, Richfield

Chaska/Chanhassen: Helped Eden Prairie, filled a goalie spot on PWC.

Minnetonka– 19U team needs skaters

Prior Lake Savage – 2 squirt C teams looking for tournaments. Shortage of goalies at 12U

Old Business:

2015-15 rule book is done. Dates and page numbers are changed, draft by laws are with Chris, who is getting them to the lawyer for review.
It was moved and seconded to approve the Rule book and draft bylaws, which are subject to change based on the lawyer’s recommendation. Draft bylaws will be emailed to Board, subject to review by Associations.

New Business:

No meeting in November. Next meeting, Monday December 21st.


Adjournment of the meeting was moved and seconded at 7:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by, Lisa Sanderson, Secretary