Trade Finance Global– Global Roll over of authority from TFNS
The Customer in Trade Finance Global
Company name / Registration No.The Bank
Company nameNordea Bank Finland Plc
Trade Finance Global (“TFG”) is a new electronic interface through which the Customer (for itself or any third party which it represents) can communicate with the Bank and amongst others submit to the Bank and other members of the Nordea Group applications, orders and requests concerning trade finance services and receive messages concerning such services. Trade Finance Global replaces Trade Finance Net Services (“TFNS”) which is a similar service.
Terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the TFG agreement for the Customer.
In TFG the Customer is represented by Administrators, Supervisors and Users. In TFNS the roles are Supervisor and User. The authority which follows with the Supervisor and User roles in TFG are substantially the same as in TFNS.
In order to simplify the transition from TFNS to TFG the Bank offers the Customer and members of its group which have separate TFNS agreements to roll over all roles and authority from TFNS to TFG.
TFNS agreements for which Supervisors and Users shall be rolled over
Name of holder of each TFNS agreement / Corporate Registration No. of the holderRoll over of roles and authority
The Customer hereby instructs the Bank to set up the persons acting as supervisors under any of the above listed TFNS agreements as Supervisors in TFG for the Customer. Such supervisor will then be a general Supervisor under the TFG agreement for the Customer.
The Customer further instructs the Bank to set up the persons acting as users under any of the above listed TFNS agreements as Users in TFG and to register such Users’ authority in TFG such that it reflects the same user’s authority in the relevant TFNS agreement save that the registered authority will not be limited to transactions related to the company which held the TFNS agreement but will apply generally in relation to the TFG agreement for the Customer. The Customer is aware and accepts that the authority in TFG may not exactly reflect the authority of the same person in TFNS. If one and the same person is authorised as user under more than one of the above listed TFNS agreements, then the User shall be deemed authorised such as if he have received the combined authority under both agreements and in case of conflict, the broader authority shall prevail.
Survival of certain terms in the terms and conditions for TFG
The Customer hereby agrees that Clauses 16 and 27 of the General Terms and Conditions for Trade Finance Global (2015:1) shall survive the termination of the TFG Agreement, unless the Customer gives the Bank express notice that such provisions shall terminate at the same time.
Law and Jurisdiction
Thisdocument shall be governed by the laws of the country governing the TFG agreement for the Customer and any dispute in relation hereto shall besettled by the courts in such country as set out therein.
Place and date,
*Authorised signatory’s name in capital letters