A Pathfinder membership Induction Ceremony is a special, dignified, simple ceremony designed to officially admit new Pathfinders into membership in your local club. Carefully presented, this occasion will inspire Pathfinders with the high ideals of the Pathfinder Organization. Induction is conducted usually three to four weeks following the registration of new members.
It is recommended that each new Pathfinder be awarded a Pathfinder pin. You may also wish to present each inductee with an Induction certificate and Pathfinder membership card.
You may choose a simple candlelight service. Include dedication songs and prayers to impress on the Pathfinders their commitment and inspire the Pathfinders to obtain Christian goals.
Organize your Induction Ceremony well. Set the date with your church, area coordinators, conference youth director, Pathfinder staff, and Pathfinders. Send out announcements to your Pathfinder families, church pastors and their friends.
Make arrangements for: the P.A. system and the number of microphones that will be needed to have the program recorded, the organist, pianist, song leader, a person to dim the lights, church bulletin announcements, special guests, Pathfinder pins, certificates, and membership cards.
Display trophies from last year’s Pathfinder Fair, Ribbons or awards from camporees or fairs and awards from entering local activities. Include in your display memorabilia from previous Pathfinder years such as an old Pathfinder sash with pins and honors from years gone by, pictures of Pathfinders from previous years and old Pathfinder uniforms. Be creative and add to your display yearly. Be proud of your Pathfinder heritage!
When displaying crafts that the Pathfinders have completed, include each Pathfinder’s name by their project. You may wish to display the AY honor requirements and the honor with the display.
Make certain that your young people have been instructed to "walk softly in the sanctuary" and to be respectful and reverent.
Each staff member and Pathfinder are to wear complete Class A uniform. Have extra uniform parts, scarves, slides, pins, belts, etc. so everyone may be in full uniform.
Supplies needed will depend on the type of service you choose. One suggestion is the candle light service. For this service you will need the following candles and twenty-three holders.
One gold "spirit of Pathfinder" candle
One white candle for lighting other candles
Seven white "pledge" candles
Eight white "Law" candles
One blue candle to represent Friend
One red candle to represent Companion
One green candle to represent Explorer
One black candle to represent Ranger
One maroon candle to represent Voyager
One gold candle to represent Guide
Several small packets of matches
Other items needed:
Pathfinder Club bannerPathfinder Flag
United States FlagState FlagChristian Flag
Club Guidons
Pathfinder Pledge and Lawpoles and stands for the above items
Two large tables placed as a cross, covered with white sheets. The candles are placed in holders on top of the table.Flowers - one white rose is lovely beside a Bible
Induction certificates
Pathfinder pins
Many clubs present each new member with their Pathfinder name tag at this time.
Camera and film
Camcorder and someone to record
Keep your program running smoothly, a maximum of one hour, with all Pathfinders and staff involved, if possible.
Remember to thank your staff, parents, pastors and church family for their support of the Pathfinder program.
You may wish to serve refreshments at the end of your program so the families will stay and mingle and get to know one another.