
Wichita JROTC

Wichita, Kansas

Operation Order 15-02-02

Reference: JROTC LET I Instruction Manual

Task Organization:

USD 259 JROTC Programs

1.  SITUATION. JROTC USD 259 will conduct Raider Challenge (ACRC).

2. MISSION. JROTC USD259 will host the Air Capital Raider Challenge 2014 on 28 March 2015, 0800-1500, at Wichita High School South.


a.  Concept of Operation. Any JROTC school may enter more than one team: Each team will consist of eight (8) members, with a minimum of two (2) female, each member’s score determining the team score. Both male and female cadets will participate in the following events in the sequence listed; (25 meter ) Relay Swim, Pull-ups (male)/Flexed Arm Hang (female), V-Sit Reach, Shuttle Run, Curl-up, and 2-Mile Road Run (ANNEX A).

b.  Coordinating Instructions.

(1)  Schools will report to the READY station to begin their rotation as per ANNEX B. Schools are required to report to large Gym at their respective READY time. Coaches are required to fill out the cadet entry form at the registration table in M-2. At NO time will anyone leave with Cadet Form. Team captains will be responsible for warming-up their respective team prior to reporting the READY station. Coaches are responsible for preparing for their respective teams in strict accordance with the event standards as per the Cadet Reference Manual. (see CW4 Graytok for a Copy)

(2)  Teams can only start with an event escort. Teams will rotate through the sequence of events as indicated in ANNEX A. Coaches may accompany their team during their team’s rotation.

(3)  An awards ceremony will be conducted upon the completion of the last school’s rotation at approximately 1330 hours. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams for overall team score and in each category (3).

(4)  Fees. Cost is $30.00 per team. Make checks payable to South High School JROTC NLT – 1 March 15.

(5)  Uniform. Uniform for all competitors is: Team T-shirt, Shorts, and Running Shoes. Swim Suit for Pool.

(6)  Scoring. Points will be awarded as per the percentile for Revised for Cadet Challenge Meet 16-year-old High School scores listed in the updated LET I Instructor Manual (see CW4 Graytok). The Physical Fitness team score for any event is the total for eight members, i.e. each of the four percentage scores will be added together for the team score. Low score for the swim and run event team scores would likewise be added together for the total team score. This score will be used to determine the team score using a point system of 15 totals. To determine the top 3 teams the points will be added together, lowest score wins. All tie breakers are based by event sequence raw score for PT starting with pull-up, then sit-up.

4. SERVICE AND SUPPORT. Water points will be located throughout the course. Drinks and snacks available in machines.

5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL. Command Center will be operational in the M-2 class room.

6.  RISK ASSESSMENT. A risk assessment has been conducted and determined that the conduct of the event is rated as low to moderate. First aid kits will be available to treat any minor injuries should they occur. In the event of a major injury or accident, cell phones/school security radios will be available to call 911.

7.  POINT OF CONTACT is CW4 Graytok or 1SG Phillips at Wichita High School South, #(316) 973-5468/70. Meet Director COL Hester #(316) 866-8190. Day of Contact #316-990-7905

ANNEX A: Sequence of Events for Raider Challenge.

ANNEX B: Order of rotation as of March 29, 2014

Report to M-2 class room with a roster with the Cadets full name and sex.

Report to Ready Station – M-2 School/Team

0800 South 1

0815 South 2

0830 South 3

0845 Northwest

0900 North

0915 Heights

0930 East 1

0945 Northeast

1000 East 2

1015 Derby 1

1030 Clinton

1045 Derby 2

1100 Southeast

1115 Edmonds 1

1130 Edmonds 2

1145 West

1300 Approximate Awards Ceremony: Large Gym







ATCW-KJKS-WSH 1 January, 2015

MEMORANDOM FOR JROTC Cadet Commanders and Faculty Advisors

SUBJECT: Wichita USD259 JROTC Raider Challenge Memorandum of Instruction (MOI)

1.  Welcome to the Wichita Raider Challenge, to be hosted by South High School, in Wichita, KS on Saturday 28 March 2015. The Wichita Raider Challenge is a 3-event, team competition. The 3-events included are:

1.  JROTC Physical Fitness Test

1.  V-Sit Reach

2.  Pullups

3.  Shuttle Run

4.  Curl-Ups

2.  2 mile Road Run

3.  Swim Relay Test

2.  General Procedural Information.

Upon arrival at Wichita South, schools should enter the main entrance and proceed to the to the M-2. Report to M-2class room next to Large gym to register. Guides will then escort teams to the pool and locker rooms.

1.  (15 Minutes prior to your start time) –Team Commander/Advisors report-in to registration. Location: M-2 class room, Purpose of this meeting will be to turn in your list of cadets and to provide additional coordination and to make any necessary adjustments to the master schedule. Final team registration processing will also occur, accounts will be settled, field arrangements will be coordinated, and information packets will be provided. Please have a written by name list and sex of your cadets.

2.  (Team posted start times) –Competition begins with the Swim Test.

3.  Teams/Size/Time Requirements.

Each team must consist of 8 team members. Teams for this Raider Challenge meet will include a combination of both male and female (min 2) cadets.

No substitutes, any team unable to finish with starting 8 will be pentalized.

4.  Event locations.

Refer to the campus map included in this packet or the map provided at the commander’s meeting. Additionally, each team will be assigned a South cadet who will serve as the unit guide and scorekeeper. An event Coordination Center will be located at Small Gym classroom in main building.

1.  The JROTC Physical Fitness Test will be conducted in the vicinity of weight room, Large gym.

2.  The Swim relay Test will be conducted at the pool beside the Small Gym.

3.  The 2 mile Road Run will be conducted in the South High School local area.

5.  Security of Team Changing/Shower Rooms.

Each visiting team is responsible for changing area security. Teams have time to change into Swim suit for swim test. Then 15 minutes get shower and change into their team shirt, shorts, running shoes (no need to put shoes on, next event V-sit reach), Move to weight room. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN CHANGING ROOMS UNGUARDED.

6.  Guests/Visitors.

1.  Guests, family members, and visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend the Raider Challenge Meet.

2.  Guests or visiting cadets are NOT allowed access to remainder of school area at any time for any reason.

3.  In addition to host cadet guides and South JROTC cadre personnel, are available if needed, to answer questions, resolve situations or assist in a general way.

4.  Advisors/guests are also encouraged to take close-up photographs during the award ceremony to commemorate their team’s achievements.

7.  Safety.

Safety precautions are required at all times during the meet. Team advisors are requested to enforce safety rules and use general caution at all times. Please report any accidents or incidents to the Coordination Center in case emergency medical assistance is needed. IAW routine JROTC procedures, schools should have a Covenant Not to Sue for each of their participating cadets. South High School will not be responsible for accidents or injuries.

8. Uniforms.

The following is equipment required by the attending teams.

1.  Team T-shirt, Shorts, Running shoes and Swim Suit (must have).

8.  Judging/Scoring.

The decision of the judges is final. The judges will do their best to provide fair evaluations of all schools; please do not bring complaints to individual judges. Complaints or protests should be brought to the attention of the meet coordinator (COL Hester) or (CW4 Graytok)who will attempt to resolve issues with the event’s Senior Judge.

9.  Competition Events, General Guidelines:

1.  Swim Test: Teams can only enter the water with swim suit, BDUs and boots. NO googles or aids for swimming are allowed. IAW nurse, Nose and ear plugs are authorized because of sinus allergies.

1.  Teams must show up to the pool wearing only a swim suit ready to swim. Failure to do so is a swim disquallification. Swim suit must be worn by all cadets, there is no excuse. Note: Judge may do a swim evaluation.

2.  Relay race by each team member. Two members will start in the water in contact with the wall. Swim to one side and contact the wall turn and swim back to contact the wall. Where the second set of team members will wait. They must start in the water in contact with the wall. Until all members have completed the swim. Early start/or not in contact with wall is a 20 sec penalty.

3.  Must enter at the edge of the pool. No running/jumping to enter pool (20 second penalty). Contact for aid with the sides of the pool or bottom of the pool is a 20 sec penalty each time. If a cadet is unable to continue the swim, a 1 minute penalty will be added at the end. At the judges direction, the next cadet in line can start.

4.  Completion of the Swim test is a timed event. Overall time from the first cadets to start to the last cadet to finish. Score is recorded to the hundreth of a second (e.g. .01). Lowest score to highest for points system (15-1).

5.  Must complete the swim without aid to receive the Raider Tab.

2.  JROTC Physical Fitness Test

1.  Physical Fitness test will be conducted in team T-shirt, Shorts and Running Shoes.

2.  The Physical Fitness test includes the following events: V-sit Reach, Pullups, Shuttle Run, and Curl-Ups (Marine).

3.  The Physical Fitness Test will be conducted with cadets total scores converted to percentage, added together for total team score converted to points lowest to highest (1-15).

4.  Must receive individual minimum total of 300% to receive the Raider Tab.

3.  2 Mile Road Run:

1.  The two mile run will be conducted in team T-shirt, Shorts, Running Shoes. No electronic devises.

2.  Each 8-member team will be required to do a 2 mile Road Run.

3.  Overall time from the start time to the last cadet to complete the event. Any assistance from an outside source is a disqualification. All 8 members must finish the event.

4.  Each cadet will be given a punch card. There will be 2 check points along the route. All points must be punched and card turned in at end of route. Judge will enter individual time on card. Failure to complete punch card will incur a 15 min penalty per missed punch added to team total.

5.  Failure by individual to complete the run will incur a 45 min penalty added to the team total. Failure by team is disqualification for the event.

6.  All individual times will be added together for team total time. Completion of the 2 mile Road Run is a timed event. Lowest score to highest for points (15-1).

7.  Individual must complete the run maximum time of 16 minutes male and 21 minutes for female to receive the Raider Tab.

8.  All 8 members score will be added together for team score.

10. Trophies/Awards.

Schools may only enter mmore than one, 8-member teams in the Raider Challenge. At the conclusion of the meet, trophies/Raider Tab will be presented as follows:

First to Third Place Overall Team Trophy.

First to Third Place Team Swim event.

First to Third Place Team Physical Fitness event.

First to Third Place Team Road Run.

Raider Tab minimums are inclusive complete the swim and 300% Physical fitness Test and two mile run 16 min male/21 min Female.

12. Entry Fees:

A basic fee of $30.00 per 8-member team is required to offset the costs of event trophies. Fees must be paid in full either by pre-registration or at registration upon arrival. Advance payment with pre-registration is encouraged to facilitate better meet planning and smoother registration on the day of the Raider Challenge event.

13.  Best of luck to each school. Have a safe trip to and from. POCs for this event are the undersigned CW4(Ret) Lewis Graytok or 1SG (Ret) Don Phillips (973-5470/68). Day of Contact # 316-990-7905.

14.  We do not need the Release Forms (annex D). It is provide for the individual schools for their benifit.


A - Schedule of Events

B - Order of events

C - Intent to Compete/Pre-Registration Form

D – Release forms

ANNEX C: Intent to Compete (s: 1 Mar 2015)

To: Lewis Graytok Date:______

CW4 (ret), AV

SAI Wichita South High School JROTC

701 West 33rd Street South

Wichita, KS 67217

SUBJECT: Intent to Compete in 2015 Cadet Raider Challenge Meet

Response letter from______/High School regarding participation in Cadet Raider Challenge on Saturday, 28 March 2015. Suspense 1 Mar 2015.