FROM 14 APR 2017 TO 25 APR 2017
References :-
(a)Instructions on Planning & Conduct of Camps.
(b)Pamphlet Accounting Instructions for NCC Camps 1986.
(c)Safety Instructions for Training Activities By DG NCC (June 2013).
(a)Strength of Cadets/ANOs/GCIs/PI Staff-Appx ‘A’
(b)Outline Programme Special NIC Lakshadweep 2017-Appx ‘B’
(c)Documents to be brought by cadets :-
(i)Nominal Roll of cadets-Appx ‘C’
(ii)Volunteering/Risk certificate-Appx ‘D’
(iii)Drowning/Accident certificate-Appx ‘E’
(iv)Consent/No Objection certificate from parents-Appx ‘F’
(v)Form of Indemnity Bond-Appx ‘G’
(vi)Medical Fitness certificate-Appx ‘H’
(d)List of Clothing & Equipment to be brought by cadets-Appx ‘J’
(e)Detailed Safety Instructions-Appx ‘K’
1.A Special National Integration Camp for NCC Senior Division and Senior Wing cadets will be organised by NCC Directorate (Kerala & Lakshadweep) from 14 Apr 2017 to 25 Apr 2017 under the arrangements of NCC Group Headquarters, Ernakulam. 21 Kerala Bn NCC,Ernakulam will conduct the camp at Senior Secondary School Kavaratti, Lakshadweep. A total of 06 ANOs and 200 SD/SW cadets from all Directorates (170 from Mainland and 30 from Lakshadweep Islands) will participate in the camp. Transportation of cadets and staff from Kochi (Mainland) to Kavaratti and back shall be by Passenger Ship as per following allocation:-
(a)13 Apr 2017:Departure from Kochi for Kavaratti by
available Ship
(b)14 Apr 2017 to 25 Apr 2017:SNIC(12Days).
(c)26 Apr 2017 :Arrival from Kavarattiby available Ship
2.The aim of this Special National Integration Camp is as follows :-
(a)To foster National Integration.
(b)To provide the NCC cadets a rare opportunity to visit off shore islands, experience a journey across the sea, inculcate the spirit of adventure and develop leadership qualities.
(c)To enable cadets to discover their own potential by overcoming mental and physical challenges and let them experience a feeling of self confidence and sense of achievement.
(d)To provide cadets experience in teamwork, endurance and courage.
(e)To provide qualities of leadership, discipline and integrity.
(f)To make the youth aware of conditions prevailing in off shore islands and encourage integration between the youth of the mainland and these islands, thus promoting National Integration.
3.The duration of the camp on the Island would be 12 days i.e. 14 Apr 2017 to 25 Apr 2017. The cadets will have to arriveat Kochi by 11/12 Apr 2017 toboard the ship scheduled at 0800 hr on 13 Apr 2017for onward passage to Kavaratti. The cadets are expected to be back at Kochi by forenoonon 26 Apr 2017 and may plan dep from Kochi wef 26 Apr 2017).
4.During the month of April, the weather at Kavaratti would be warm and humid. Temperatures are likely to be within the range of 250C to 310C. Humidity would be around 75%.
5.The camp will be located at Senior Secondary School, Kavaratti Island. Kavaratti Island is the capital of the Lakshadweep Islands and the seat of the Administration. KavarattiIsland is located Approx 402 km west of Kochi.Embarkation for the sea passage to KavarattiIsland is from Kochi.
Nearest Railway Station
6.The Nearest Railway Station is Ernakulam Jn/Ernakulam Town. All Thiruvananthapuram/Kanyakumari bound trains do not pass through Ernakulam Jn. Passengers arriving by such trains should alight at Ernakulam Town, which is approximately 3 km North of Ernakulam Jn.
Camp Strength
7.(a)The strength of the camp will be as follows :-
(i)SD/SW cadets- 170 from Mainland and 30 from Islands.
(ii)ANOs K L Dte- 10 (03 SD & 01 SWfrom NCC Gp HQ Ernakulam and02 SD from Island. 04 ANOs from other Dtes.
(iii)PI Staff - 03 JCOs,08 NCOsof 21 (K)Bn NCC. 03NCOs from 7 (K) NavalUnit NCC and01 NCO from 3 Air Sqn NCC.
(iv)GCI- 3 x GCIs (To be detailed by KL Dte)
(v)Medical Officer (AMC)- 01 (To be detailed by DG NCC).
(vi)MNS- 01 (To be detailed by DG NCC).
(vii)NA- 01 (To be detailed by K & L Dte).
(viii)Civil Clerks- 03 from 21(K) Bn NCC.
(ix)Typist- 01 (To be detailed by NCC Gp HQEkm)
(x)Lascar- 02 (21(K) Bn NCC).
(b)The strength of participants from Directorates is as given atAppendix ‘A’.
8.No escorts will be taken to Kavaratti other than as detailed above. Escorts staying back will have to do so under own arrangements.
Camp Appointments
9.The Camp Appointments for the SNIC 2017 are as follows :-
(a)Camp Commandant : Cmde Anand Balakrishnan (Gp Cdr, NCC Gp Ernakulam).
(b)Deputy Camp Commandant : Col Gopi Kumar,CO, 21 (K) Bn NCC Ernakulam.
(c)Training Officer : Lt Col Shamsher Singh, AO, 21 (K) Bn NCC,Ernakulam.
(d)Camp Adjutant : ANO to be detailed by Camp Commandant.
(e)Medical Officer : To be detailed by DG NCC.
10.All contingents should reach Kochi by 12 Apr 2017 (FN). The contingents should adhere to this time plan to facilitate the timely move from Kochi to Kavaratti bythe Merchant Vessel on13 Apr 2017.
11.Reception Centres will be established under the aegis of 3 (K) Air Sqn NCC, at both Ernakulam Town and Ernakulam Junction Railway Stations on 11 Apr from 0600 hr to 2200 hr & on 12 Apr from 0600hr to 1200hr.
Accommodation at Kochi
12.7 (K) Naval unit NCC will arrange accommodation for all cadets(SD & SW), PI Staff/ANOs arrfrom outstn till their departure on 13 Apr 2017. Male and female pers will be accommodated separately. All reqd arrangements for the same will be coordinated by 7 (K) Naval Unit NCC, Ernakulam. Similar arrangements will be made for the cadets on their arr from Kavaratti to Kochi on 26 Apr 2017 till their departure.
Move to Kavaratti Island
13.The Advance Party of 21(K) Bn NCC under CO21(K) Bn NCC, Ernakulam (Deputy Camp Commandant) will move to Kavaratti by 11 Apr 2017 to coordinate details with the Lakshadweep Administration and set up the camp site.
14.All cadets and ANOs/PI staff will move to Kavaratiias per the following schedule :-
(a)13 Apr 2017: Departure from Kochi byavailableShip.
(b)14 to 25 Apr 2017: SNIC(12 Days).
(c)26 Apr 2017: Arrival Kochi byavailableShip.
De-induction and Dispersal
15.On arrival at Kochi, the SD and SW cadets, PI Staff/ANOs will be taken to respective places of accn as arranged by 7 (K) Naval Unit NCC, Ernakulam. The cadets and staff of other Dtes will finally disperse as per return journey reservation on 26/27 Apr 2017.
Return Journey Ex Kochi
16.As per the scheduled plan, all contingents would be returning to Kochi from Kavaratti by 1100 hr on 26 Apr 2017. Return reservation for the cadets may be planned on 26/27 Apr 2017 accordingly.All departures by train must be planned after 1800hr on 26 Apr 2017 to cater for delay in arrival of available Ship.
17.The Staff accompanying the cadets as Escorts will hand over their cadets on arrival to the staff at the respective Reception Centres. All reqd docu of each cadet shall be checked for correctness before acceptance in the Camp. Any cadet lacking docu shall be RTU alongwith the staff accompanying the cadets as escorts. (Escort staff will return to their units thereafter and report arrival on 26 Apr 2017 for escorting their cadets on their return journey after termination of camp. It may please be noted that accompanying Escorts, if staying back till termination of camp at Ernakulam, will have to do so under own arrangements).
Conduct of the SNIC
18.The Training Programme will be issued at the camp location as per broad guidelines as given in Appendix ‘B’. The Block Training Programme includes:-
(a)Orientation of the Islands.
(b)Introduction to the Lakshadweep, Minicoy Islands.
(c)Debates, Quiz and Cultural programme including competitions.
(d)Lectures by Guest Speakers.
(e)Visit by VIPs.
(f)Water Sports to include Snorkelling, Kayaking etc.
(g)Inter Island Cruise, Glass Bottom Boat Cruise.
(h)Visit to Naval Detachment.
(j)Visit to the Local Schools, Aqua Museum, Light House and Planetarium.
(k)Football/Volleyball matches with the local teams.
(l)Culinary Exchange.
19.The cadets should be made aware of the following by their respective Directorates/Groups/Units:-
(a)Knowledge of own State customs, traditions and history.
(b)Knowledge of cultural heritage of own State
(c)Knowledge of ecological development of host State.
(d)Aims of such youth programmes and how these are to contribute in National Integration.
20.The following competitions will be conducted during the camp:-
(a)Debate-Topics will be intimated on arrival at the camp
(b)NIA presentation-The presentation will be limited to 20 mins per Dte.
(c)Extempore-Topics will be given on arrival at the camp.
(d)Quiz-Each Directorate team will consist of two cadets
i.e. one Boy and one Girl cadet.
(e)Cultural Programme.-Each Directorate should come prepared to present a cultural programme of approximately 15-20 minutes duration. This will be held as a competition and presented during the visits of VIPs. Directorates should bring musical instruments, costumes and makeup material as required by them. It may be emphasised that the cultural programme should primarily focus on the cultural heritage and local traditional values.
Selection of Cadets
21.The following should be kept in mind while selecting the cadets and staff:-
(a)Should be volunteers and well disciplined.
(b)Should be socially amicable, cooperative and flexible in understanding different points of view.
(c)Should be physically fit and mentally robust.
(d)Should be a good swimmer.
(e)Should be talented to participate in cultural activities.
(f)Should be able to withstand the hardships of camp life in remote areas.
(g)Should have attended at least one camp while in NCC.
22.Documentation.The Contingent Commanders will submit the following documents in duplicate in respect of their contingents/cadets on arrival:-
(a)Movement Order.
(b)Nominal Roll of ANOs/GCIs and Cadets.
(c)Volunteer/Risk Certificate.
(d)Parents Consent Certificate.
(e)Drowning/Accident Certificate.
(f)Indemnity Bond.
(g)Medical Certificate.
Nominal roll of cadets and detailed staff along with Photo identity proof (Aadhar/ any other valid ID proof) should reach 21 Kerala Bn NCC, Ernakulam by 31 March 2017.Documents are required for booking of tickets and confirmation of reservation by Ship. (change in nominal rolls shall not be permitted)
Note:-No cadets will be allowed to proceed to Kavaratti in case of inadequacy in documentation. Such cadets shall be RTU ex-Kochi itself. A Specimenset of documents is as given at Appendices ‘C’ to ‘H’.
23.Each Dte will remit the amount as per details at sub para (a), (b) and (c) with effect from 11 Apr 2017 to 27 Apr 2017 (SNIC at Kavaratti from 14 Apr 2017 to 25 Apr 2017 and transit period/passage at Kochi prior to/post SNIC). In case contingents arrive earlier than 11 Apr 2017 and depart later than 27 Apr 2017, the same should be catered for.
(a)Stay at Kochi
(i)Messing & Accommodation-Rs. 150/- per head per day for(at Kochi before & after journey) 4 days (Rs. 600/- per head).
(b)Meal Charges in ship- Rs. 200/- per head x 02 days/Cadet (Rs. 400/- per head)
(c)Camp Expenditure
(i)Messing- Rs. 150/- per day per cadet
(ii)Incidental- Rs. 18/- per day per cadet
(iii)POL(incl 6% for lubs)- 3 Ltrs per Cadet/ANO + 6 % Lub charges
POL charges calculated as follows:-
Present Rate of Petrol Rs 76/-X1.5 Ltr = 114.00
Present Rate of Diesel Rs 65/-X1.5 Ltr = 97.50
Total = 211.50
6% Lubricant(6%X211.50) = 12.69
Total amount Rs 224/- per cadet/ANO).
25.Clothing and Equipment. A list of clothing and equipment to be brought by the Cadets/ANOs/PI Staff/GCI is as given at Appendix ‘J’.
26.Medical Examination.All Cadets/ANOs/GCI/PI Staff will be inoculated against Cholera, Typhoid and Tetanus and a certificate to this effect will be brought and handed over to the Camp Commandant. All Dtes will ensure that the cadets detailed are medically examined and found ‘Fit’.
27.Safety Instructions for Training Activities by DG NCC June 2013will be followed in letter and spirit.Though Lakshadweep Islands are peaceful with almost negligible crime rate, however, adequate security cover is being arranged and contingents are advised to cooperate with the conducting staff and adhere to the security instructions issued during the Camp from time to time. All participants should follow all instructions issued by the Camp conducting authority and ensure zero tolerance for indiscipline. Detailed Safety Instructions are at Appx ‘K’.
28.Any items like chains, knives, rods etc. which can be used as weapons, will NOT be permitted to be brought to the Camp. Violation of these instructions will render the cadet ineligible for the Camp.
29. A very high standard of discipline would be expected from the cadets and staff. Any indiscipline/untoward incidents could have a detrimental impact on the image of the NCC as a disciplined youth organisation. Utmost care and attention should therefore be accorded to this aspect by all participants.
Out Pass
30.No out pass will be permitted to the cadets during the camp.
Out of Bounds
31.All areas outside the camp premises are strictly Out of Bounds for all ranks except during scheduled camp activities.
Valuables and Cash
32.All participants are advised not to bring any valuables or excess cash to the Camp. The Camp authorities will NOT be responsible for any loss of valuables/cash. Extra cash/valuables, if brought, should be deposited in the Camp Office and receipt obtained for the same. These will be returned on termination of the Camp.
33.Postal/Important telephone numbers:-
(a) / NCC Directorate (K&L)Cotton Hill Bungalow
Thiruvananthapuram-10 / - / 0471-2721237
(b) / NCC Group HQ, Ernakulam
Chittoor Road, Kochi-35 / - / 0484-2361342
0484-2382935 (FAX)
(c) / Group Commander and Camp Commandant,NCC Group HQ, Ernakulam
Chittoor Road, Kochi-35 / - / 0484-2361342 (Office)
9446539901 (Mobile)
(d) / Dy Camp Commandant,
OC,21 (K) Bn NCC,
Chittoor Rd, Iyyattil Jn,
Ernakulam, Kochi-682011 / - / 0484-2545382 (Office)
9447398974 (Mobile)
Note :- Please note that correspondence/clarifications with regard to SNIC-2017 may be made/ sought from 21 (K) Bn NCC, Ernakulam only.
34.The Special NIC at Lakshadweep offers a rare and unique opportunity to the cadets from different parts of the country to have a firsthand experience of visiting the off shore islands by ship. An insight into the lives, culture, customs and heritage of the inhabitants will help the cadets to understand the people and society of the islands. The cooperation of each participant will go a long way in making this Special NIC a huge success.
253/SNIC/-2017/LD21 (K) Bn NCC
Ernakulam, Kochi-11 / (Anand Balakrishnan)
Camp Commandant
Date : Feb 2017
Encls:- As above.
1.DGNCC-01 Copy
West Block-IV, RK Puram Sector 1
New Delhi-110066
2.NCC Directorate Kerala & Lakshwadeep - -do-
Cotton Hill Bungalow,
3.NCC Directorate Andhra Pradesh-01 CopyFor info and
Gen Choudhari Roaddissemination to all participants
4.NCC Directorate Bihar & Jharkhand- -do
Grove Area, Rajendra Path
5.NCC Directorate Delhi- 01 CopyFor info and
Old Secretariat Civil Linesdissemination to all participants
6.NCC Directorate Gujarat, Dadra Nagar- -do-
Haveli, Diu & Daman
7.NCC Directorate Karnataka & Goa - -do-
No. 8, Cunningham Road
9. NCC Directorate Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh- -do-
E-5 Area Colony, Bhopal-462016
10.NCC Directorate Maharashtra- -do-
AFI Building Dhobi Talab, Mumbai-20.
11.NCC Directorate NER- -do-
T-4 & T-22, GS Road, East Khasi Hill
12.NCC Directorate Orissa- -do-
Lewis Road, Bhubaneshware-751002
13.NCC Directorate Rajasthan- -do-
D-87, Meera Marg, Bani Park
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
14.NCC Directorate Tamil Nadu P & AN- -do-
Fort Saint George, Chennai-600009
15.NCC Directorate West Bengal & Sikkim- -do-
P-67, Block-D, New Alipur
Calcutta (WB)
16.NCC Directorate Uttar Pradesh- -do-
Ashok Marg, Lucknow-226001
17.NCC Directorate Uttarakhand- -do-
Ghangora, Dehradun,
Uttarakhand 248141
18.NCC Directorate J&K, - -do-
Canal Road, Jammu-180001
19.NCC Directorate PH HP &C- -do-
5th Floor, Kendriya Sadan,
Sector- 9/A,Chandigarh
20.7 (K) Naval Unit NCC,-For necessary arrangementsas per para Ernakulam 7,12,15, Appendix ‘K’ para 7(a),(f),para 8
and preparation of List of Do’s and Don’ts
fordistribution(200 copies).
21.3 (K) Air Sqn NCC,-For necessary arrangements as per
Ernakulampara 7,11 & 15.
1.One of the world’s most spectacular tropical islands, Lakshadweep is tucked away about 200-400 km off the Malabar Coast. The islands offer a precious heritage of ecology and culture. The unique feature of the Island is its coral reef, making it a pristine leisure spot to come back to, 4200 Sq km of lagoon, rich in marine wealth and is spread over 36 islands in an area of about 32 Sq km.
2.The underwater view at Lakshadweep is Kaleidoscopic and breathtaking. The lagoon offers excellent potential for water sports like swimming, wind surfing, diving, snorkelling and kayaking. No wonder, Lakshadweep is fast becoming India’s one of its kind “Adventure Sport – Nature Tourism” location.
3.Lakshadweep means a hundred thousand islands. Each island is fringed by snow white coral sands. The crystal clean water and the abundant marine life enhance the beauty of these islands. Against the vast expanse of the blue sea, the islands look like emeralds. The huge shallow calm lagoon on one side with wall like reef made of marine live coral boulders block the incoming swells of the outer sea. The islands are linked to the mainland by ship, helicopter and passenger aircrafts and mechanised sailing wooden vessels. The islands like AGATTI and BANGARAM can be reached by air and the other islands can be reached by ship from Kochi. In all the islands, elaborate infrastructure is in place to meet the needs of tourists. Lakshadweep was given the National Eco-Tourism Award 1997.
4.Although theories on the formation of the islands abound, the most accepted one is attributed to Sir Charles Darwin, the renowned evolutionist. He opined that the base of the islands below the reef is a volcanic layer over which corals settled and turned into atolls, over a period of time. The atolls consisting of the islands and lagoon are in various stages of development. The smaller lagoons are virtually filled with sediments. The later ones are deeper in the range of 10-16 metres. The enchanting aspect of these islands is due to the Coral Reef, biologically formed over many centuries. As of now, it extends along the coast, giving Lakshadweep its unique stature.
5.This spectacular island group is believed to have been discovered by shipwrecked sailors during the reign of Cheraman Perumal, the legendary king of Kerala in the 4th Century AD. Before moving into the hands of the British, Tippu Sultan held the Islands after defeating the oppressive rulee of Arackal.