Minutes of the Parish Council held on

11thApril 2016

7.00pm, Dickleburgh & Rushall Village Centre, Dickleburgh

PRESENT: Cllrs. Terry Clarkson, Andrew Goodman, David Leyserman, John Adlam, Keith Moore

IN ATTENDANCE:Ann Baker (Clerk), Chris Davy (RFO)

Members of the Public: Dist. Cllr. C. Hudson, Co. Cllr. B. Spratt andResidents

Public Forum: A resident of Rectory Roadexpressed his concerns regarding parking near to the Village Shop, he suggested writing to the shop, requesting the white lines should be observed – this information could also be noted in the Parish News, website; could the shop car park be made more accessible, without infringing the private access to the thatched cottages?As things are, parking is not acceptable, there is no respect shown for those who live at this end of Rectory Road; Catchpole Walk, the top end is being misused as a small car yard; The Street shows further poor parking with lorries unable to pass safely through; what of additional parking at VC?

Another resident enquired about aSpeedwatch team - thiswill be looked into again to see if interest can be revitalised

Harvey Lane development –the number of objections is rising, the possible impact on Catchpole has also been noted; a request fora FOI enquiry has informed a resident of thecriteria used for deciding site ENV1 5, 4, 6, social aspects, s8 really unable to justify site as it scoredfour ambers; the Ipswich Road site is not mentioned on the matrix;

Co. Cllr. Spratt – emphasised the need to encourage Cllr. Hudson to bring the application to a full committee. Some of the responses from Planning Officers are not very satisfactory, Highways are supporting further investigation; support from Dickleburgh School Governors, FODs would be beneficial, how safe do parents consider it for children to use safely?

Residents enquired about the closure date for replies to the application, currently this is 13th April, and it may be altered in view of the number of objections

The infrastructure is really not supporting the development; Shorelands Nursery traffic has increased considerably, the brown sign bringing additional traffic to Harvey Lane

It could be that the developers use Common Road as alternative route, but it is unlikely that satnav. would direct them that way

Both Councillors & the public were all thanked for their attendance

The meeting was reconvenedat8. 03pm

  1. Acceptance of Apologies - Cllrs.Ambrose, Blacker, Johnson, Munnings - approved
  2. Declarations of pecuniary and other interests from members on any item to be discussed - none
  3. The Monthly Financial Report from the RFO, including notification of payments made over the last month:
  1. Payments – several to be paid out, proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Moore, all approved
  2. Asset register – taken figures review each year in March, proposed Cllr. Adlam, seconded Cllr. Moore, all approved
  3. Approval of an additional verifier - item agenda May
  4. Approval of Standing Orders – item agenda May
  5. Approval of the year end accounts (2015/16) and bank reconciliation, with supporting statement – large reservesdue to planned playing field improvements, provision for youth, a Neighbourhood Plan and the Waveney Valley projects - proposed Cllr. Moore, seconded Cllr. Adlam, all approved
  6. Approval of the year end summary (2015/16) including specific reserves –proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Leyserman
  7. St. Clements Common Account – proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Adlam, all approved
  8. Little Chippy, 9 Rectory Road Accounts – proposed Cllr. Moore, seconded Cllr. Leyserman, all approved
  9. Grants summary – proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Goodman, all approved
  1. Approval of the Audit Commission Annual Return Annual Governance Statement:
  1. Accounting statements – proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Moore, all in agreement
  2. Approval of the Annual Corporate Governance Questionnaire – proposed Cllr. Moore, seconded Cllr. Goodman, all in agreement
  3. Approval of the regular payments for the financial year (copy attached) – proposed Cllr. Goodman, seconded Cllr. Adlam, all in agreement
  1. Renewal of the annual subscription fees with NALC- £238.09in total (£62.26 standing charge, £175.83 per elector, £72.67 will go to the national assoc.) Following discussion it was agreed to wait for some further facts from NALC before paying the fees. Item for May agenda
  1. Approval of a donation the Bowls Club - plaque in memory of Ray Dorrington, proposed Cllr. Leyserman, seconded Cllr. Moore, all agreed

DRPC has the power tomake this grant under the Local Government Act 1972, s.137

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting, held on 14th March 2106 -the minutes were adopted as a true and accurate record, proposed Cllr. Leyserman,seconded Cllr. Clarkson, agreed by all.
  2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only incl.
  1. Dickleburgh Moor project– nothing heard to date, Cllr. Adlam will make enquiries
  2. Website update–schedule of work or here’s site what would you suggest/recommend/proposal; linking in with Village Centre site – is it possible?cost for updating and suggestion with fixed cost, maintenance cost, Clerk to possibly meet with Andy Chappell before the next meeting
  3. Youth shelter repairs–the materials will be ordered and J. Sisterton will inform the Clerk when the work will commence
  4. Litter pick – all Councillors were in receipt of mail from Cllr. Blacker regarding the amount of litter collected on the road near toSmurfit Kappa. It was suggested a large bin could be placed near the Main Gate or in a near-by lay-by - would this assist the problem? Clerk to find out who the current managing director is, then possibly visit or send a letter citing the concerns about the amounts of litter. It may useful also to inform SNCin order that the situation can be monitored by them
  5. Dickle Bar progress - alterations will be carried out in time, the Bar is proving to be a good resource, supporting various events, being kept clean and tidy, the numbers using it are increasing and more bookings are following for the Village Centre too
  6. Youth provision–at present without Momentum, there is very little provision in Norfolk - Youth for Christ, will be considered again; Groundworks East of England looking to work in this area -they have a variety of enterprises dealing with various issues, youth provision being one of many– Cllr. Goodman to investigate further, agenda item May or June
  1. Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council:
  1. Planning Application - 2016/0482 – Land North of Harvey Lane, Dickleburgh – following discussion during the Public Forum, in view of the Council’s objections - the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, an increase in traffic on a narrow lane, Highways are expressing concerns about the width of Harvey Lane The Council do not objecting to further housing but it needs to be in an appropriate place - it was resolved to object to the application proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Leyserman, all agreed. The reply is to be composed by Cllr. Moore; Action – Clerk –following Co. Cllr. Spratt’s suggestion the Clerk will contact Mr. Drax(Chair of Dickleburgh School’s Governors) on his work/home number/email to see if a comment can be made on behalf of the Governors. Clerk to also contact Cllr. Munnings/Johnson for Chair of FODs requesting a reply regarding the planning application.
  2. Planning Application - 2016/0710 – work to trees in Conservation area – Oak Cottage, Harvey Lane, Dickleburgh – removal of eucalyptus at 7 Cornfields & reduction of other trees located in curtilage of Oak Cottage - notification
  3. To consider any application which may have been received prior to the meeting & of which Councillors have been previously advised
  1. To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC:
  1. Planning Application 2016/0148 – White House Farm, Burston Road, Dickleburgh – grain drying, conditioning storage building with plant room - Approved with Conditions 22nd March 2016
  2. Planning Application 2016/0168 – Orchard Farm, Norwich Road, Dickleburgh – prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural to dwellings – Approval of details – Refused 24th March 2016
  3. Planning Application 2016/0189 – Weggs Farm, Common Road, Dickleburgh – prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to two dwelling houses – Approval of details – Approved 24th March 2016
  4. Planning Application 2016/0478 – The Gables, 29 Rectory Road, Dickleburgh – tree works in a Conservation area – reduction of pendunculate oak – no objections – Approved 29th March 2016
  1. Celebrations of the Queen’s birthday – report from Cllr. Adlam - the grant applied for has been received by the RFO; the street closure application has been submitted, 100 commemorative books will be handed out at the Church Service at the start of the morning; a village quiz, offers of stalls, offers of buskers, The Crown will be offering meals, Mike Wilby will provide food; an advert will appear in the May edition of the Parish News; mugs for all primary aged children will be ordered from Norfolk China Ltd., Horsford – the design had been circulated with/without the Parish Council logo, with the word ‘celebrate’rather than‘commemorate,’, 240 mugs incl. VAT + carriage will be £502.26, with an additional charge of £180, incl. VAT for the logo – it agreed that the design including the Parish Council logowas preferred, proposed Cllr. Moore, seconded Cllr. Leyserman, all in agreement.
  2. Open Spaces Society - asuggestion has been made by Cllr. Blackerthat in view of the gift of estovers made by Maurice Philpot the Parish Council should become a member of the Open Spaces Society. The cost per year is £45, including three magazine issues throughout the year, professional advice for protecting commons, free legal advisory service – it was resolved to approve this proposal, proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Goodman agreed
  3. SNC Draft Community Asset Consultation Strategy– happy to take on responsibilityif SN assist with funding, Action – Cllr. Moore & the Clerk to draft a response
  4. Clerk’s Report - it was resolved to approve the report
  5. Repairs to the zip wire and basket swing by a playground specialist – view of responsibilitiesto publicthis requires the work to be carried out by a professional workman. Action Clerk to source such a person, proposed Cllr. Clarkson, Cllr. Goodman
  6. Receipt of matters of information:
  • Clerk – Thursday 19th May, 7.30pm the Annual Parish Meeting, the focus of the meeting is ‘Traffic & Highways,’ invitations have been sent, agenda will be circulated, piece to go in this month’s Parish News

Receipt of letter from Parish Partnership Bid confirming success of both the VAS sign bid and pothole bid - Agenda item May

FAQ sheet re change of Bin Collection days from NCC - noted

  • Cllr. Clarkson - nothing moreseems to have happened with the Moor application; there is a bungalow with new extension,uncertainty regarding planning, if address is known it should be on SNC’s planning site
  • Cllr. Goodman –small budget for community grants, item for next month’s agenda
  • Cllr. Leyserman – BT regarding the re-painting of the telephone box, it was confirmed that the box in Rushall is onlist, uncertain when the contractors will paint it, but sometime between April and September; how frequently is it used, was raised?

17. Confirmation of the date of the next meeting & items for the agenda - Monday 16th May 2016, start time 7.00pm, which will be the Annual Parish Council meeting, including the elections of the Chair and Vice Chairman

There being no further business the meeting ended at9.31pm

Signed……………………………………………………………………… Date………………………………………………………………….