15 XXXX 1918
ARTICLE 1:Foreign national who desire to cross the Afghan borders or those who desire to step in Afghanistan must have their passports XXXX by the proper authorities, i.e., by the Afghan Consulates or by the Consulates of other countries which have been authorized XXXX this duty by the Afghan Government and are competent to do so.
ARTICLE 2:Foreign nations who enter and leave Afghanistan must present their passports to the proper Afghan authorities at the frontier points and the airports which have been specified and designated by the Afghan Government for entry and departure.
ARTICLE 3:The fee for each entry and transit visit is five Afghanis, and the validity of a visa is for one entry only.
XXXX:Charges for issuing transit, XXXX residence and permanent residence visas XXXX XXXX as follows:
A.Charges for transit visa is fifty Afghanis or its equivalent it convertible foreign currency at the free rate of exchange of XXXX Afghanistan Bank.
B.Charges for a limited residence visa is one thousand Afghanis or its equivalent in convertible foreign currency at the free rate of exchange of De Afghanistan XXXX.
C.Charges for a permanent residence visa is five hundred Afghanis or equivalent to it.
XXXX: Print is not clear.
XXXX:An entry visa XXXX not been used for four months after the date of its issuance because XXXX and void.
ARTICLE 4:The bearers of transit visa have no right to stay more than three days at one place, except in case of “force majeure”, and their travel throughout the whole of Afghanistan must not last more than forty days.
XXXX:The holder of a transit visa XXXX over XXXX, cannot stop in Afghanistan more than XXXX week without XXXX reasons. 31 XXXX 14349
XXXX Section 2 dated 32 l 349.
ARTICLE 5:The cost of a visa for XXXX is one Afghan and fifty XXXX; for drivers of motor-vehicles, their helpers and drivers of XXXX vehicles, two Afghanis for XXXX trip. As for the XXXX for many trips which are given to XXXX, car drivers and their helpers, as well as to drivers of horsedrawn vehicles of foreign nationality and which are valid for six months, the following fees shall be collected; from the XXXX XXXX Afghanis, from the car drivers and their helpers 75 Afghanis, and from the drivers of XXXX vehicle – 30 Afghanis.
ARTICLE 6:XXXX passports shall be XXXX by Afghan Legations or, in places where there is no sub-legation, by the consult XXXX General which have been authorized to do so. There is no charge for diplomatic visas.
ARTICLE 7:Diplomats and consults who come to Afghanistan to perform their official duties in accordance with an agreement with the Afghan Government, as well as representatives who XXXX Afghanistan to take part in international XXXX and Conferences XXXX XXXX XXXX passports, shall receive visas XXXX until XXXX completion of their XXXX and for XXXX XXXX XXXX of tripe.
ARTICLE 8:The entry of the following l into Afghanistan is prohibited:
(a)Beggars, tramps and persons who are unable to sustain the expenses of their own livelihood.
(b)Persons who have been deported from Afghanistan for a fixed period of time and whose term has not yet been completed. Persons who have been deported from Afghanistan for an unlimited period of time.
(c)Persons regarding whom the Government has some doubt so far as their security and loyalty to public order are concerned.
(d)Persons whose entry into Afghanistan has been prohibited as a result of deprival of Afghan citizenship or their renouncing said citizenship.
REMARK:With regard to the above-mentioned persons, no visa will be given to them and no permission for entry into Afghanistan will be granted to them, even if they are bearers of their original passports.
- Foreign subjects who travel to Afghanistan for the XXXX of touring, vacation, short scientific observations, treatment, visiting relatives, etc, a visa shall be granted to them according to the rules of law by the Afghan political delegate or consulate abroad. This type of XXXX shall be stamped by the seal of “tourist XXXX” by the authority who issues the visa.
- Holders of a tourist visa, according to the rules of law, who enter into Afghanistan, must fill in the form of entry at the borders or at the international airports upon entering Afghanistan. On this form they ascribe the identity of their citizenship, the member of their passports and their addresses on Afghanistan soil. If the aforesaid persons stay in public places XXXX as a hotel, club,
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inn or similar place, the person in charge of the above places must hand them they entry form at the time of arrival. The form that is left at the disposal of the public place by the security authorities, is to be filled in by the foreign subject and a responsible person of the public place, and shall be submitted to the local security authorities within 48 hours.
If the holder of the tourist visa stays in a private house on Afghanistan soil, he is obliged to inform the respective security authorities within the aforesaid period after his arrival.
If the foreigner who resides in public places wishes to leave his residential place with the intention of touring upon Afghanistan soil, he is bound to specify the route of his tour in the forms which is at the disposal of the person in charge of the public places. This form should be banded over to the security authorities before the lapse of 24 hours. Whenever a foreign subject, who resides in a private house, wished to leave his residential place with the intention of touring Afghanistan, he should inform the local security authorities of the route of his tour.
The touring department (Reyasat-a-Gharsendoi) regularly hands over their information to the security authorities about them movement and excursions of foreign tourists who have called at that department for travel information.
c.The visa that is issued under the title of tourist visa by Afghan agencies abroad, entitled the tourist to reside and tour in Afghanistan up to one/month from the date of entry. The areas where entry is prohibited, are excluded from this rule.
If the tourist desires to reside and tour more than one month, he shall call the security department for acquiring permission. Those tourists who want to tour or reside in places difficult to pass, or without travel facilities, is bound to travel under the guidance of the touring authority (Reyasat-e-Gharzondoi). These areas shall be specified by the touring authority with the co-operation of the Ministry of Interior, and will reach public information,
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especially those in charge of the public places. The tour schedule of those tourists who travel to Afghanistan by the permission of authorized State departments shall be arranged by the respective department, and the central security department will be informed.
D.Security personnel at border points, and in the international airports will put tourist stamp in the passport beside the stamp certifying entry, during the entry of the tourist, who is a subject of a country with which Afghanistan in reciprocal manner, has made an agreement that no visa is required.
In respect of this type of tourist, the rules of the aforesaid paragraphs in this article which is related to their residence and touring shall be applied.
E.The foreign subject who enters Afghanistan with a tourist visa has no right to work or to obtain a salary in Afghanistan.
AMENDMENT:The chief of police in the international airport may grant a one month tourist visa for those foreign subjects arriving in Afghanistan by air without a tourist visa, if he is convinced that they are not among those whose entry is prohibited. This visa can be extended for another two months.
Section 4, Amendment dated 31 Sunbola 1349.
- The foreign subject specified in the rules of this article can reside in core made in the shape of moving houses, with the direction of the Gharzendoi Authority, in the places previously dedicated for this purpose.
- Foreign persons who arrive in Afghanistan from abroad in transit by air without a visa, the officer of the security department, in the airport, after being satisfied that they are not among those disallowed entry may issue those foreigners with a visa of entry and reside for 27 hours. To foreigners who enter Afghanistan in such a manner, in circumstances of XXXX reasons, the permission for extension of residence can be given by the security authorities.
Section 3, Amendment dated 4 Saur 1344.
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H.Amendment:A tourist valid for multiple entry can be granted for one month. For this type of visa, the charges is two hundred Afghanis XXXX its equivalent in convertible foreign currency at the free rate of exchange of the Afghanistan Bank.
Section 4, Amendment dated 31 Sunbola 1349.
AMENDED:Section 2, Amendment dated 4 Saur 1344
ARTICLE 10:AMENDMENT:A.A foreign subject traveling to Afghanistan for carrying out long term actions, such as trading, industry, working in State workshop, etc, may according to the rules of XXXX be granted a work visa by the Afghan political delegates of Afghan consulates abroad.
B.A foreign subject who arrives in Afghanistan according to the rule of the aforesaid article, is bound to inform the State department, within 48 hours after his arrival.
The State department is bound to call the security department about his residence visa and length of stay within 24 hours from the date the information is received. The security department, in view of the necessity, shall grant permission for residence.
C.The foreign subject obtaining a continuing visa holds permission to stay at least equivalent to the valid period of the continuing visa. The security agents at the border or in the international airports must inform the central security department of each of their entry and exit.
D.The foreign subject traveling to Afghanistan, according to the rules of this article, are bound to inform the security department of his residential place or change of his residential place within 48 hours.
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E.Whenever the foreign subject mentioned in sub-section (A) of this article wishes to make a vacation journey in other parts of Afghanistan, or go hunting or such, they shall be considered as ordinary tourists according the rule of article nine, during XXXX journey.
F.If a foreign subject who travels to Afghanistan for carrying out long term activity, is the subject of a country with which Afghanistan has signed a treaty that no visa will be required in a reciprocal manner, the border or airport security authority is bound to stamp their passport with a stamp of (work) visa beside the stamp certifying entry.
Article 3, Amendment dated 4 Saur 1344.
Amendment:Since foreign subjects must, according to rule (9), inforce the local police stations, within 48 hours from their arrival, the respective offices, soon after knowing about their arrival, must give them a residence permit form, for the XXXX of residence specified in their passports by the authoritative departments.
NOTE:The residence passport form is printed under consecutive numbers and given free of charge.
The local police offices must issue to the holders of multi-journey visa, upon arrival, a form of residence permit equivalent to the term specified in their passport by the authoritative department. This category must inform the local police stations within 48 hours after each of their arrivals, and obtain the acknowledgement of the respective department.
Amendment dated 16 XXXX 1327.
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ARTICLE 11:Persons who change their residence for a period exceeding one week must inform the local authorities of that fact and must register with the proper authorities at their new place of residence. Their residence permits will be XXXX at their new place of residence. There is no charge for this visa.
ARTICLE 12:Persons who have obtained transit visas and who, owing to unforeseen circumstances (“force XXXX”), have not left Afghanistan within the period of time specified in clause 4, must apply to the proper authorities and present their excuse. The proper authorities will consider their excuse and extend the validity of their transit visas.
ARTICLE 13:Foreign nationals may travel and reside in any area of Afghanistan in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, with the exception of localities in which traveling and residence have been prohibited by the Government for military or administrative reasons.
ARTICLE 14:AMENDMENT:A foreign subject who travels to Afghanistan, under a tourist visa, according to Article 9 is bound to fill in an exit form which is given by the local security authority or airport at the time of departure.
Section 5, Amendment dated 4 Saur 1344.
ARTICLE 15:AMENDMENT:A.The foreign subject who came to Afghanistan under the tenth rule with a work visa, and the period of their stay has expired, can leave Afghanistan on condition they obtain an exit visa. The exit visa shall be granted by the security authority according to the rules of law. The security authority is bound to grant exit visas only on condition:
1)This foreign person is not in debt for this State.
2)The foreign person, subject to the rule of law, is not under criminal prosecution.
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3)The court has not issued an order preventing the foreign subject from exit.
The respective state authority mentioned in Article 10 and as well as the authority who has power according to this provision, to render all order preventing the foreign subject from leaving, are bound to inform the security department of the circumstances of the matter and the facts pertaining to foreign subjects. To prove the absence of debt to the State, in any circumstances the production of a certificate from the Ministry of Finance is necessary.
Section 6, Amendment dated 4 Saur 1344.
REMARK:Exit visas are free of charge.
ARTICLE 16:Repealed 4 Saur 1344.
ARTICLE 17:Foreign nationals who enter Afghanistan without visas delivered by proper authorities will be subject to XXXX.
ARTICLE 18:Persons who alter or counterfeit their XXXX travel documents or the documents which have been delivered to them by a foreign government and then enter Afghanistan, and persons who provide in Afghnistan and have XXXX or forged the XXXX XXXX which have been delivered to them by the Afghan Government will be sentenced to confinement in prison for from one to eight months.
Persons who use in their own names passports or any other traveling documents or residence permits belonging to other persons are punishable by imprisonment or from three days to six months XXXX or a fine of from 5 Afghanis to 500 Afghanis.
ARTICLE 19:The foreign subjects, even if they possess proper XXXX, XXXX enter into Afghanistan from XXXX routes except XXXX XXXX
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points and official routes designated for the inspection of passport. If they enter Afghanistan, Article 26 of this law shall be applied to them.
AMENDED:3 Jauzc 1306 (XXXX)
ARTICLE 20:If persons who have been departed from Afghanistan for a fixed period of time return of Afghanistan before the end of the term or if persons who have been departed from Afghanistan for an unlimited period of time return to Afghanistan, their passports will be confiscated and they will be punishable by imprisonment of from one to six months or subjected to a fine amounting to from 500 Afghanis to 2,500 Afghanis, or may be subjected to both of the above punishment at the same time. After having served their sentences, they will be again deported from Afghanistan.
ARTICLE 21:If the XXXX, car drivers, drivers of horse drawn vehicles or pilots who transport the passengers, or the persons who serve them as guides convey them without reason of “force majeure”, to other frontier areas then those that had been specified and established for crossing, they shall be subjected to double the punishment specified in the preceding clause.
ARTICLE 22:If hotel and inn keepers or other similar persons who are bound to observe the provisions of clause I do not observe these provisions, they shall be punishable by a fine of 100 Afghanis. If their disobedience is repeated within the period of one year, in addition to 500 Afghanis fine they shall then be sentenced to imprisonment for one week.
ARTICLE 23:If any foreign national does not observe the regulations stipulated in clauses 9 through 13, he shall be sentenced by the proper authorities to a fine of 50 Afghanis.
ARTICLE 24:The regulations concerning the entry and XXXX of members of the XXXX XXXX XXXX of consulates as well as other representatives XXXX in clause 7 who have XXXX XXXX shall be established XXXX XXXX XXXX in accordance with the XXXX of XXXX XXXX.
ARTICLE 25:The Government is competent:
- To prohibit and prevent from entering Afghanistan foreigners who are suffering contagious diseases and who may be considered as endangering and XXXX the public health of the country;
- In the event of war or other emergency circumstances, to establish such rules and conditions as it deems necessary with regard to the passports and the entry of all foreign nationals or nationals of certain countries in one particular area or in all the areas of Afghanistan;
- To make special arrangements with foreign countries in the matter of validity of and fees for visas on the basis of reciprocity;
- To arrange for such entry and exit of officials of neighboring countries as may be necessitated by the performance of their duties, at the zones of the state border, provided that this policy is reciprocal.
- To arrange for the border and population of the neighboring country to cross the zone of the Afghan border on the basis of special permits (“passevant”), provided this arrangement is reciprocal.
ARTICLE 26:Such foreign nationals who cross the Afghan border without original passports or visas must obtain such passports and visas within a period of one week; otherwise the Government is entitled to deport them.