<Insert Project Name with Limits
<Insert District Name
<Insert County Name
This Scope of Services is an attachment which is incorporated into the agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT or FDOT) and ______(hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT) relative to the transit facility described as follows:
Financial Project ID:<Insert FPID
Work Program Item No.:<Insert WP Item No
Federal Aid Project No.:<Insert FAP No.
ETDM No.:<Insert ETDM No.
County Section No.:<Insert County Section
Bridge No.:<Insert all Bridge Nos.
Rail Road Crossing No.:<Insert RR Xing Nos.
Anticipated Class of Action:<Insert COA
1.1Project coordination meetings
1.2Project status reporting
1.3Quality Control
1.6Services to be performed by the DEPARTMENT
2.1Public/Agency Involvement Plan
2.2Partner and Resource Agency Coordination
2.3Public/Agency Involvement Activities
3.1General Problem Description (draft Purpose and Need Statement)
3.2Goals and Objectives
3.3Evaluation Framework and Measures
3.4Travel Forecasting Methods
4.1Data Collection and Management
4.2Data Review and Additional Data Collection
4.3Existing Conditions Analysis
4.4Future Baseline Conditions
4.5Mobility Improvement Needs
4.6Refined Problem Definition
5.1Definition of Conceptual Alternatives
5.2Screening of Conceptual Alternatives
5.3Refinement of Alternatives
6.1Ridership Forecasts
6.2Transportation and Mobility Benefits
6.3Land Use and Economic Development Impacts and Opportunities
6.4Costs, and Proposed Funding Scenarios
6.5ETDM Screening and Advanced Notification
8.1Transit Concept and Alternatives Review report
11.1CIG NEW STARTS Application Letter
12.1Problem Description (refined Purpose and Need)
12.2Refine Project description
12.3Evaluation framework and measures
12.4Existing and Future Conditions Assessment Refinements
12.5Additional data collection (if required)
12.6Refinements to travel forecasting methods
12.7Mobility Improvement Needs
13.1Transportation Impacts
13.2Topographical Survey
13.3Geotechnical Investigation
13.4Engineering Design
13.5Funding and Financial Plan
14.1Environmental Analysis
14.2Environmental Documentation
15.1Environmental Impact Statement Scoping
15.2Notice of Intent
15.3Cumulative Impacts Evaluation
16.1LRTP Adoption
16.2FTA CIG NEW STARTS Project Evaluation and Rating
16.3FTA Project Management Plan
16.4New Starts Report
16.5Risk Assessment, Value Engineering
16.6Request to Enter Engineering
16.7Agreements for Funding Engineering, Construction and Operations
NEW STARTS Scope of Services Page A-1 FPID:
The purpose of this Exhibit is to describe the scope of work and the responsibilities of the CONSULTANT and the DEPARTMENT regarding the projectplanning and environmental studies necessary to comply with Department procedures and potentially to obtain FTA approval for aCapital Investment Grant (CIG)NEW STARTSapplication for this transit facility.
[The process covers development of a transit project from initial concept through completion of the FTA’s CIG New StartsPD process. Key steps and decision points are illustrated in the graphic below.Note: FTA requires PD to be completed in two years, except for Small Starts.]
[This scope assumes starting with little or no prior planning completed, but in many cases, significant prior project planning has occurred, and it is possible to join the study process part-way through (eliminating some of the tasks and effort below), depending on the level of prior analysis and outreach, and decisions made.]
This is a two-phase scope of services. In Phase 1, the CONSULTANT will perform analysis to support the DEPARTMENT and satisfy the DEPARTMENT’s guidance on TCAR. In Phase 2, the CONSULTANT will satisfy the FTA’s guidance for the CIG NEW STARTS Program and the DEPARTMENT’s Project Development and Environment (PD&E) requirements. Phase 2, is divided into two parts: In Phase 2a, the CONSULTANT will prepare for and request entrance into the FTA CIG NEW STARTS Program. In Phase 2b, the CONSULTANT will comply with all the FTA CIG NEW STARTS Project Development guidelines and the DEPATMENT’s PD&E requirements. The DEPARTMENT has the option to terminate the contract if the request for entry into PD is denied by FTA. In Phase 2b, the CONSULTANT will perform environmental and preliminary engineering analyses for the project sufficient to obtain clearance from FTA pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Therefore, CONSULTANT must obtain a written authorization to proceed with Phase 2a and 2b from the DEPARTMENT.
Phase 1 will follow the TCAR Guidance available at Phase 2 will follow the process outlined in Part 1, Chapter 14 of the DEPARTMENT'sPD&E Manualavailable at and the FTA Final Interim Policy Guidance for the CIG NEW STARTS Program (available at As appropriate, tasks identified in this scope of work will be done in accordance with the Department’s PD&E Manual, unless otherwise stated.
The PD&E Manual incorporates all the requirements of the NEPA; Federal law and executive orders; applicable Federal regulations included in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal-Aid Policy Guide; FTA Guidelines and applicable State laws and regulations including Chapter 339.155 of the Florida Statutes. As appropriate the Project documentation prepared by the CONSULTANT in accordance with the PD&E Manual will therefore follow all applicable State and Federal laws, executive orders, and regulations.
The CONSULTANT will perform those planning and conceptual engineering services required for CIG NEW STARTSapplications, including consideration of all social, economic, environmental effects, and mitigation as required by the FTA, FHWA and/or the Project PD&E Manual, along with the required environmental documents, engineering reports, preliminary plans, public hearing, and right-of-way maps.
The DEPARTMENT will provide contract administration and management services and technical reviews of all work associated with the development and preparation of the engineering/environmental study reports for the transit facility.
Provide detailed Project background and preliminary description of study objectives.
The CONSULTANT will conduct the appropriate level of engineering and environmental analyses related to the anticipated Class of Action (COA) for this project, as outlined in the PD&E Manual, the FDOT Design Manual (FDM), and directed by the Project objectives. The level of analysis depends on complexity of the Project, level of controversy, potential for significant impacts, and degree and quality of information / data available. FTA will determine the Class of Action of the Project after completion of TCAR (Phase 1) and prior to the PD process (Phase 2), if it is determined that the recommended alternative will use Federal funds.
The CONSULTANT is fully responsible for all work performed and work products developed under this Scope of Services, including work products prepared by Sub Consultants. The CONSULTANT and Sub Consultants are expected to know the laws and rules, and most current guidance governing their profession and are expected to provide professional services in accordance with current and applicable regulations, codes, ordinances, and standards.
The CONSULTANT will maximize the use of existing information available from State, regional, local agencies, private sources, and its own files. Examples include the Programming Screen Summary Report, Concept Reports, previously completed planning products, listed species reports, Florida Department of Environmental Protection OCULUS Electronic Document Management System, and others as appropriate.
The DEPARTMENT will allow the CONSULTANT to use the DEPARTMENT’s computer facilities upon proper authorization as described in the DEPARTMENT Procedure No. 325-060-401.
[Project management applies to Phase 1 and Phase 2 that will be tailored to the specific needs of the project as determined by the DEPARTMENT Project Manager. The project management scope will be updated with each phase upon approval from the DEPARTMENT to move into later project phases.]
1.1Projectcoordination meetings
The CONSULTANT will meet with the DEPARTMENT as needed throughout the life of the Project. It is anticipated meetings will occur every XXweeks, for approximately XX meetingsduring the study period. These meetings will include progress and miscellaneous review and other coordination activities with the DEPARTMENT.
1.2Project status reporting
The CONSULTANT will conduct regular (at least monthly) progress status meetings with the DEPARTMENT to address completion of scope tasks relative to project schedule and budget resources. (May be conducted together with coordination meetings).
1.3Quality Control
The CONSULTANT will establish a procedure, acceptable to the DEPARTMENT, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC & QA) covering the completion of all work through this contract. The CONSULTANT willcheck, review, and conduct surveillance of work activities by objective and qualified individuals who were not directly responsible for performing the initial work.At a minimum, the CONSULTANT Quality Control Plan must include a quality review checklist, and a certification that the CONSULTANT has performed the quality control review for the deliverable.
Within twenty (20) business days from the Notice to Proceed, the CONSULTANT must submit its QC Plan to the DEPARTMENT Project Manager for approval.
Within ten (10) business days after the Notice to Proceed, and prior to the CONSULTANT beginning work, the CONSULTANT shall submit a detailed Project activity / event schedule to the DEPARTMENT. The schedule must indicate all required submittals, critical path activities, and key project milestones/activity codes. The CONSULTANT shall allow for a review period of at least <Insert Number of Days or Weeks> for each draft technical report or memorandum submitted for District reviews and/or Agency Review in the schedule.
The CONSULTANT will compile and transmit draft documents identified in this Scope of Services to the DEPARTMENT for review.
After DEPARTMENT review of the draft submittals, the CONSULTANT will address comments, prepare a matrix of comments and responses as applicable, and submit revised documents. The CONSULTANT will assist the DEPARTMENT in resolving the comments received from the environmental resource agencies, local agencies, and the public, including preparation of individual responses.
[List and specify the format of submittals]
1.6Services to be performed by the DEPARTMENT
The DEPARTMENT will provide project data currently on file and available from study partners, such as:
[Review and Modify this list as appropriate]
- Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) Programming Summary Report;
- Advance Notification and all environmental and engineering documents including the Permit Coordination Packages;
- Coordination with the State Historic Preservation Officer;
- Existing FDOT right of way maps and information on existing surplus right of way under ownership by the DEPARTMENT or participating local agency (counties and cities partnering with FDOT for the PD&E Study);
- Recently completed roadway studies for the study area including PD&E studies, access management, intersection plans, design files, and capacity improvements;
- Multimodal or small area studies including freight, interchange, intersection, transit, pedestrian, bicycle, land use and signal priority;
- Previously conducted transit vision plans, transit feasibility studies, comprehensive operations analyses, transit development plans, etc.;
- All information in the possession of the DEPARTMENT pertaining to prior and on-going studies that may affect the project such as existing construction and as-built plans, bridge inspection reports and load ratings, prior environmental studies, existing permit information, existing drainage and geotechnical reports and any agreements with third parties related to the Project corridor;
- All available information in the possession of the DEPARTMENT pertaining to utility companies whose facilities may be affected by the proposed construction;
- All future information that is in possession or may become available to the DEPARTMENT pertaining to subdivision plans, so that the CONSULTANT may take advantage of additional areas that can be utilized as part of the existing right of way;
- Existing Horizontal Network Control;
- FDOT crash data;
- Available traffic and planning data;
- Proposed right of way cost data
Public outreach applies to Phase 1 and Phase 2 that will be tailored to the specific needs of the project as determined by the DEPARTMENT Project Manager.Public outreach includes communicating to and receiving information from all interested persons, groups, and government organizations information regarding the development of the Project. The CONSULTANT will coordinate and perform the appropriate level of public involvement for this Projectas outlined in Part 1 Chapter 14, Part 1, Chapter 11, and Part 2, Chapter 4 of the PD&E Manual and the following sections.
2.1Public/Agency Involvement Plan
The CONSULTANT will be responsible for developing a Public Involvement Plan (PIP) consistent with Federal and State requirements that encourages participation, creates opportunities for citizens to provide input, educates, is interactive and produces a uniform Project image. Where possible visualization techniques and other technologies should be used to communicate information and data as needed. The PIP should also include two or three evaluation measures that can be employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the public involvement activities over the course of the study. At project initiation a schedule of tasks, meetings, presentations and milestones will be developed by the CONSULTANT and reviewed by theDEPARTMENT.
2.1.1Transit Coordination Plan
[This activity applies only for EA and EIS]
The CONSULTANT will develop a Transit Coordination Plan providing a communication protocol and schedule for coordination with the FTA, the project sponsor, other federal resource agencies, Participating and Cooperating Agencies, stakeholders, and the public during the process of preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as per Part 1, Chapter 14 of the PD&E Manual.
2.1.2Identify Roles and Responsibilities, Memorandum of Understanding
The CONSULTANT’s PIP will identify the recommended roles and responsibilities for all stakeholder and partner agencies participating in the study and obtain DPARTMENT confirmation.
The CONSULTANT will develop a Memorandum of Understanding between partner agencies to clarify the involvement and commitments of each agency relating to project planning and funding.
2.2Partner and Resource Agency Coordination
The CONSULTANT will support the DEPARTMENT, confirming input of the Project into the FDOT Efficient Transportation Decision Making(ETDM) planning screen and coordinating with all impacted resource agencies. This activity will happen in Phase 2.
The CONSULTANT will prepare all information and content necessary for the DEPARTMENT to finalize and submit Advanced Notification for the Project. This activity will occur when early environmental activities are initiated.
2.3Public/Agency Involvement Activities
The CONSULTANT will support all public involvement activities required for appropriate outreach and information sharing objectives of this Project, including but not limited to briefings, meetings, workshops and media events.
2.3.1Stakeholder Coordination
The CONSULTANT will also provide necessary documentation to assist the DEPARTMENTin coordination with resource agencies and other parties to complete the corridor analysis. The CONSULTANT will provide notice of all meetings with these agencies to the DEPARTMENTand will document the minutes of meetings, document and distribute an action list, and follow up accordingly to ensure the appropriate actions are completed in a timely manner.
The CONSULTANT will prepare for and attend presentations to stakeholders, including the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board and its advisory committees, the County Commission,and the FTA, as identified by the DEPARTMENT.
2.3.2FTA Coordination
The CONSULTANT, in coordination with the partner agencies, shall participate in dialogue with FTA at the completion of TCAR and once the recommended alternative is identified. This dialogue will ensure FTA understands the Project and that the process is consistent with agency guidelines. These meetings will address, but may not be limited to, modeling methodology and adequacy; alternatives that address the project purpose and need; model results, reasonableness of model output and user benefits and capital and operating costs.
2.3.3Coordination with other Projects
The CONSULTANT will coordinate work activities with any ongoing and/or planned DEPARTMENT projects that may affect this Project. The DEPARTMENT and CONSULTANT shall coordinate with local governmental entities to ensure Project concepts are compatible with local improvements and right of way activities. The CONSULTANT will inform the DEPARTMENT Project Manager of all coordination activities with other agencies or entities prior to holding such activities.
The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the following pertinent Projects and studies:
[Name relevant local projects to be considered.]
2.3.4ProjectNewsletters, Factsheets and Website
The CONSULTANT will develop all public involvement materials required for appropriate outreach and information sharing objectives of this Project, including but not limited to newsletters, factsheets, advertisements, brochures, handouts, map exhibits, social media contentand a Project website or web page. The CONSULTANT shall provide drafts of these materials to the DEPARTMENT for review and approval at least xx business days prior to printing and/or distribution.
2.3.5Public Meetings
The CONSULTANT will provide all support necessary for the DEPARTMENT to hold or participate in various public meetings. The CONSULTANT will support the DEPARTMENT in preparation, scheduling, attendance, note-taking, documentation, and follow-up services for each meeting, which may include, but are not limited to:Project Kick-off Meeting(s); Presentations to Local MPO’s (includes associated technical and citizen committees, as applicable); Coordination Meetings with Key Agencies; Corridor Workshop(s) or Public Informational Meeting(s); Alternatives Public Information Meeting(s); Additional Coordination and Consensus Building Meeting(s); Community / Stakeholder Forum(s); Environmental Forum(s) and Other Public and Agency Meetings (Specify agency coordination meetings).