March Monthly meeting Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices, Wednesday 24th March 2010 9.35
An Cathaoirleach Councillor Jimmy Cudden presided
Other Councillors Present:
Sirena Campbell, Anne Dillon-Gallagher, Wayne Harding, Eoin Holmes & Seamus O’Neill
Officials Present:
Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager, Charlie McCarthy, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure, Martin Rogers, S.E.O., Infrastructure, Larry Whelan, S.E.O., Housing, Joe Fahy, Senior Engineer, Housing, Barry Hanley, A/Area Engineer, Frances Hughes, A.S.O., Paul Monahan, Area Administrator
Paul Monahan advised the Members/ Officials of the provisions of Part 15 of the L.G. Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee Members regarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person. Each individual has a responsibility to comply and the Ethics Officer has a duty to ensure compliance with these statutory requirements.
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes of the following Meeting:
1.1 February Monthly meeting held Wednesday 17th February 2010
The Members confirmed the minutes on the proposal of Cllr. Campbell seconded by Cllr. Holmes.
The Chairman suggested and the Members agreed to alter the order of business and take item no. 3 (to consider the 2010 Roadworks Programme) next and then revert to the Agenda order.
2.0 To consider the 2010 Roadworks Programme
Martin Rogers apologised for the unavoidable absence of Eugene Cummins, DoS Infrastructure and gave a verbal report on this issue. He outlined details of the 2010 Roadworks Programme and in particular highlighted the following:
· All monies allocated are based on the percentage of roads in each Area except the Improvement Grant which is divided between the five areas. Slane Area allocations are as follows:
o National Road Grants Slane totals €209,562
o Non National Road Grants totals €1,984,051
o Non National Road MCC own resources €646,455
o Overall increase of €74,265 over 2009 allocation.
· Restoration Improvement Grant and Discretionary Improvement Grant have been amalgamated into one Improvement Grant for this year and increased by €0.95m. This will give the Area greater flexibility in tackling weather damaged roads. The money is to be spent on remedying road defects, road strengthening, and drainage in order of priority on those roads which are worst affected.
· Continuation of the 2009 2-year agreement through Infrastructure SPC that the Navan Area would receive additional funding to compensate it for the worse condition of its roads by 20% than roads in the other areas based on the Pavement Condition Survey carried out in 2007/2008. The first 10% was provided in the 2009 Roadworks programme and the remaining 10% is in this year’s programme.
· The following is also included in the 2010 Programme for the Slane Area.
o €100,000 Design of Duleek By-Pass (no route decided yet)
o €26,000 Low Cost Safety at Lagavooren Junction
o €50,000 Safety measures on N51 at Knowth
o €16,000 School Flashing Lights
o €38,960 Council Housing Estate Works
· In addition Infrastructure will request the NRA to allocate €125,000 provided under NP Pavement Surfacing Works (€75k) and NP Weather Related Rehabilitation (€50k) to Slane Village and will revert when the NRA decides.
· Slane By-Pass 2010 €1.57m.
Cllr. Cudden requested that a hard copy of the report be circulated to the Members following the meeting. Martin Rogers said he would arrange this.
The Members then received a report, based on the Roadworks allocation 2010, outlining the roads which the Area intended to carry out works on this year. The Members raised the following queries:
· Welcomed the inclusion of the Keenogue, Barnwellstown, Benjerstown, Hopkinstown, and Mullaghdillon roads.
· Location of works on the L-16092-2 at Duleek, L-1603-0 at Woodtown, L-1611-0 Colpe-Donacarney, L-5614-0 Donacarney - Mornington, L-1610-24 Gaulstown. Barry Hanley advised as to the exact location of these works.
· Potholes on the Davidstown and Fennor Roads. Barry Hanley advised that he had no resources for this although some budgets have not been allocated yet.
· The location of the boundary line between the Slane and Navan Areas on the L-1610 Duleek - Balrath Road. Barry Hanley said the boundary line crisscrossed this road. Tadhg McDonnell suggested that the Area Engineer discuss with his counterpart in Navan and see what funding if any can be allocated to this road. The Members agreed to this.
· The Members enquired about the frequency of RTAs at the breakers yard on the R152 Duleek - Kilmoon Road. Barry Hanley said he was not aware of any defect in the road and if motorists took account of road conditions and prevailing speed limits RTAs at this location and others would be greatly reduced. Cllr O Neill asked if rumble strips and more signage could be provided at this location. Barry Hanley will investigate this.
· The Members asked for an update on the proposed Leinster Orbital Route, its impact on the East Meath area and whether the NRA was requested to address the Slane Area. Tadhg McDonnell will check and advise the Members at a future meeting.
· Whether there was any funding for Private Estates. Barry Hanley said the full allocation was for Council estates and would be spent on footpath repairs and drainage etc.
· The Members complimented the Area staff on the work done to date on roads and the methodology used in tacking road repairs i.e. carrying out more permanent repair to roads which in the past were subject to an ongoing regime of pothole repair. Barry Hanley said the Council needed to be vigilant in ensuring that landowners were aware of their responsibilities regarding drainage of their land in that ditches were not filled in and excess water was not allowed drain onto the public road thereby undermining the road.
· The Members complimented the Roads Engineer on a well prepared report which represented a good attempt to tackle road issues in the Slane Area.
On the proposal of Cllr. O’Neill seconded by Cllr. Harding the Members noted and approved both reports; and referred the Slane Area Roadworks Programme 2010 as presented by Martin Rogers for consideration to the Full Council.
3.0 Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
· Details on the Amenity & Lawnmower / Strimmer Grants Scheme 2010. The Area Administrator advised that the closing date for applications was Friday 26th March 2010.
· Provision of recreational facilities such as public parks / walks in Council Cowplots. The proposed playground at Lobinstown would be advertised shortly and the Council would consider whatever submissions come in on it. However, as there was still uncertainty over the availability of funding for playgrounds the Council could not give any commitment on the provision of additional recreational facilities.
· Boulders at the Seafields, Laytown were preventing emergency access to the playing fields and groups other than the leaseholders were using the lands. The Area Engineer will investigate the access issue and the Area Administrator the usage matter.
· Faulty lights at Wellsley Manor
· Poor condition of footpaths at Alverno Heights, Laytown
· Provision of a footpath at Ballygarth, Julianstown
· Provision of litterbins and signage in Inse Bay Laytown. The Area Administrator advised that Inse Bay was not in charge.
· Provision of litterbins in Stamullen Village.
· Wall in the Orchard, Stamullen is causing ponding, and there is a boundary issue. Barry Hanley said this estate was not in charge.
· Provision of double yellow lines outside the Alverno Hotel, Laytown. The Area Engineer will investigate.
· Provision of a footpath at Gormanston.
· Structural Report on Slane Bridge. Tadhg McDonnell will follow up.
· On going litter problem in Meath needs to be tackled in a more radical fashion. Virtually every roadside verge is littered. The occasional clean up is not working and the fine system does not seem to be a deterrent. Cllr Holmes suggested that the Council prepare a comprehensive report on litter and the Slane Area be a test case for best practice in tackling this issue. Tadhg McDonnell replied that the DoS Environment made a comprehensive report to the Full Council recently on this issue. This is a society issue, which is not just confined to Meath. The Council recently decided to publish the names of those fined in the Courts for littering. There is no easy answer to this problem and the Council may consider naming those who receive litter fines.
· Provision of speed cameras and enforcement of speed limits in Slane. The Area Administrator will follow up.
· Faulty pump at Fourknocks. The Area Engineer will investigate.
· Provision of a library in Bettystown and the future of the old Laytown Library site. Tadhg McDonnell said he would update the Members at the next meeting.
· On-going damage caused by buses to the open space at the Parochial House, Duleek and the provision of additional bins in the village. The Area Engineer will investigate.
· Query on Taking in Charge policy. The Area Manager advised that Planning would be able to answer this.
4.0 To receive an update on Housing issues
Larry Whelan and Joe Fahy outlined details of the Council’s Housing Programme and circulated a report on the matter. In particular they highlighted the following:
· Remedial Works Scheme Alverno Estate Laytown and commencement of Alverno Court Remedial Works at the end of the year incorporating a small number of new builds as a pilot project.
· The works at Alverno will entail the temporary relocation of some residents as the Council must be cognisant of Heath & Safety implications of the works
· All remedial works schemes need to address anti social behaviour through appropriate design which includes passive overlooking of open spaces
· Social Housing Investment Programme (SHIP) with its emphasis on new methods of delivering social housing i.e. Social Leasing, Rental Accommodation Schemes, and acquisition of private houses (c. 7 in the Slane Area)
· Provision of a Homeless Shelter in Navan
· On-going need to bring rented stock up to modern accommodation standards
· Significant success of delivery of Social and Affordable housing under the Part V process
· There were 2,800 on the Housing waiting list. Next year a new Assessment of Housing Need is due to be carried out.
· Three different types of Housing Grant Scheme now available i.e. Adoption, Aid, and Mobility. These schemes would be advertised shortly, Members notified, and forms made available. The Housing Department hope to be in a position to release the application forms in mid April.
· There were 9 vacancies in the Slane Area at present. The Council always tries to allocate vacancies as quickly as possible but pre-let repairs, Garda clearance, repossession etc inevitably add to the length of time taken to allocate houses
The Members noted the report and raised the following queries:
· They welcomed the progress made on Alverno Court as they and the residents wanted this remedial scheme to happen. They requested that the Council regularly consult on a collective and individual basis with the residents there. They expressed the view that the pilot scheme in Alverno Court would successfully demonstrate to the residents in Alverno Heights what could be achieved with full consultation and cooperation.
· They queried whether an existing house in Alverno Estate awaiting an extension could be incorporated into the Remedial Scheme.
· Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher queried whether the Social Leasing Scheme favoured the landlord as he could sell the property despite the lease agreement.
· Queried whether the Social Leasing houses would be regularly inspected to ensure that the tenant is maintaining the interior of the house and what were the consequences of not adequately maintaining it.
5.0 Report on Matters raised at the last Meeting
The Members received, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:
· Tadhg Mc Donnell gave a verbal response on item 11 East Meath L.A.P. - he stated that the L.A.P. will not be reviewed under the life of the current C.D.P. 2007-2013.
· Cllr Harding advised that the amount for the Slane Heritage Grant is €30,000 and suggested that a committee be set up to advise on the best use of the allocation.
· Cllr Gallagher queried the poor repair of a house in St. Patricks Tce. Slane.
· Proliferation of illegal signage at Duleek Business Park. The Area Administrator advised that all illegal signs on public property had been removed and those on private properties had been referred to Planning Enforcement.
· Outstanding works at The Grange in Stamullen. Barry Hanley advised that the developer would be on site after Easter.
6.0 Correspondence / Items raised by the Area Manager
6.1 Duleek Courthouse
Tadhg McDonnell advised that the branch library will not be re-locating to the Courthouse. He stated there were a number of groups that expressed an interest in the building and indeed the Members had also suggested various uses for the building such as a tourist / cultural centre; wide ranging community centre; and a youth centre. The building still needed extensive internal works. However he felt the best way forward was to seek expressions of interest from interested groups, some of which may be able to carry out internal works and he hoped to place a public notice in the local paper before the next area meeting.
6.2 Bru na Boinne
Tadhg McDonnell advised that Bru Na Boinne by virtue of its World Heritage status was one of the most difficult areas to secure planning permission. However nothing has changed in the Council regarding Planning applications over the last number of years. The world heritage site status was hard gained and the Council should not compromise this in any way. The core and buffer zones were not sterilised so the Planning Authority was not saying that no development could take place there. Anyone aggrieved at the refusal of planning permission could appeal to An Bord Pleanala. The DoEH&LG rigorously scrutinises all planning applications in this area.
The Members made the following points:
· There should be some relaxation in the rule that only people actively engaged in agriculture in the area should be considered for planning permission.