Curriculum Vitae - 1
curriculum VITAE
April 2017
Date of Birth:21 November 1940
Marital Status:Married, three grown children, one 10 year old daughter
University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., B.A. (1st Class Hons), 1962.
Australian National University, Canberra, PhD, 1966.
Emeritus Professor, Australian National University, and Academic Visitor, School of Demography, Australian National University
Associate, Asian Research Centre, Murdoch University, Perth
Director, J.Y. Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre, Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS). Concurrently, Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS (until December 2014)
1962Tutor, Department of Economics, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W.
1963-66PhD candidate in the Department of Demography, Institute of Advanced Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra. Thesis entitled "The Growth of Malaysia's Labour Force".
1966-69Staff Associate in the Demographic Division of the Population Council, Inc., New York.
1968-69Spent four months as demographic advisor to the National Economic Development Board, Bangkok, Thailand.
1969-72Population Council Advisor to the National Economic Development Board, Bangkok, Thailand.
l969-70Short-term advisor to Ministry of Planning and Employment, Colombo, Ceylon.
1972-75Population Council Representative, Indonesia, working with Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.
1975-86Senior Fellow, Department of Demography, ResearchSchool of Social Sciences, The AustralianNationalUniversity.
1978-79One-year assignment as United Nations Expert and Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya.
1979-82Executive Director, Development Studies Centre, The AustralianNationalUniversity.
1983Outside Studies Program, East West Population Institute, Honolulu, 5 months.
1985-8615-month assignment as consultant to the Ministry of Population and Environment, Jakarta.
1986-90Professorial Fellow, Department of Demography, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
1987-89Co-ordinator, International Population Dynamics Program, Department of Demography.
1988-89Acting Head, Department of Demography.
1990Outside Studies Program, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 5 months.
1990-96Professor and Coordinator, Demography Program, Research School of Social Sciences, AustralianNationalUniversity
19925 weeks as scholar in residence at Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Lake Como, Italy.
1997-99Professor and Head, Division of Demography and Sociology, Research School of Social Sciences, AustralianNationalUniversity
2000-2003 Professor, Demography and Sociology Program, Research School of Social Sciences, AustralianNationalUniversity
2003-2012 Professor and Research Leader, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Joint appointment in Department of Sociology, NUS.
2007 (6 months) Acting Director, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
2012 - 14 Director, JY Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre, Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore; joint appointment, Department of Sociology.
Served as consultant to the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Australian Development Assistance Bureau, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, the United Nations Development Programme, the International Labour Organization, the Malaysian Centre for Development Studies, the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, the Asian Development Institute and the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas).
Consultancies have involved substantial periods of work with the following planning agencies:-
National Economic and Social Development Board, Thailand.
Ministry of Planning and Employment, Sri Lanka.
Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia.
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia
Ministry of Population and Environment, Indonesia.
Consultancies or project work have led to close collaboration with the following four planning agencies:
State Planning Commission, PeoplesRepublic of China
Planning Commission, United Republic of Tanzania
National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines.
Ministry of Planning, Kingdom of Cambodia
I led Programme Review and Strategy Development missions for the United Nations Population Fund in the following countries:
Lao PDR1996
I coordinated research teams (for the National Population and Family Development Board of Malaysia, the UNFPA and the National Economic and Social Development Board of Thailand, and UNFPA Bangladesh, respectively), to prepare the following reports:
Strategic Plan for National Population Policy, Malaysia, 1992
Second Population Strategic Plan, Malaysia, 2009 (255 pages)
Impact of Demographic Change in Thailand, 2011 (146 pages)
The Impact of Demographic Trends on Socioeconomic Development in Bangladesh: Future Prospects and Implications for Public Policy, 2015 (146 pages)
English-mother tongue
Indonesian-near fluent
Malay-fairly fluent
Thai-simple conversational
French-simple reading
Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Population Association of America
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
Australian Population Association
Asian Population Association
-Member of the Committee on Urbanization and Population Redistribution of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1976-79.
-Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 1983-
(Member of the Academy's Executive Committee, 1988-1991; Treasurer and member of Executive Committee, 1997 - 2003)
-Member of the Board of Trustees, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR, B), 1979-83.
-Member of the Board of Studies, Masters of Arts in Demography (later Graduate Program in Demography), The Australian National University, 1978-1998
-Member of Advisory Committee, Development Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1975-84
-Member of the General Policy Committee, Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, 1980-81.
-Consultant to ADAB for the ASEAN-Australian Population Project (l979-86)
-Chairman of the Committee on Economic Consequences of Alternative Demographic Patterns of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1985-89
Consultant for Population Studies at BrawidjajaUniversity, Malang, East Java, and PadjadjaranUniversity, Bandung, West Java, under the International Development Program of AustralianUniversities and Colleges (IDP), 1985-89
-President of the Australian Population Association, 1991-1992
-Member, Australian National Committee for the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, 1994
-Member of ANU-ARC Committee to review the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1995.
-Chair of the Council of CICRED (Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography), Paris, 2002 –2009.
-Member of ILO’s SIMPOC External Advisory Committee on Child Labour Statistics (SEAC), 2003 –2006.
-Member, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, 2006-2014; Committee Chair July 2009-December 2011; Committee deputy chair, Jan. 2012-June 2013.
-Affiliated Faculty member, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2004-
- Member, External Evaluation Committee for the Academic Frontier Project of the Nihon University Population Research Institute, Tokyo, 2006 –2011.
-External Examiner for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Demography), Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, 2007-2010.
-Chair, Nominations Committee, Asian Population Association, 2008.
Member of the Panel on the Process and Dynamics of Cross-border Marriage of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 2009-2012
External assessor in the field of demography, University of Malaya, 2012-2014.
External Assessor for Professorial appointments, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2012-2015.
-Chair, Nominations Committee, Asian Population Association, 2010
Member, Nominations Committee, Asian Population Association, 2012
Member, Nominations Committee, Asian Population Association, 2015
Founding Editor, Asian Population Studies, 2004 to 2014. This journal is published by Taylor and Francis, and is abstracted in Scopus and the Social Sciences Citation Index.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the Australian Population Association, 1984-99, and of its successor journal, Journal of Population Research, 1999-2005.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Population Research, 2005-
-Member of Editorial Advisory Committee, International Family Planning Perspectives, 1980 - 1993
-Member of Editorial Board, Population Research and Policy Review, 1992 -96
-Member of International Advisory Board, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 1990 –
Member of Editorial Board, Pakistan Development Review, 2000-
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Population Ageing, 2008-
Member of International Advisory Board, Migration and Development, 2012-
Member of Editorial Board, Contemporary Social Science, 2015-
l.Interrelationships between population growth and economic development.
2.Demographic aspects of education, labour force and manpower planning.
3.Social, cultural and economic determinants of nuptiality and fertility.
4.Urban growth, urbanization and changing urban structure.
5.The formulation of population policy.
6. Assessment of reproductive health and family planning programs
I have taken the major role in organizing the following international conferences:
1980Conference on Population Mobility and Development: Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Canberra (for the Development Studies Centre, AustralianNationalUniversity).
1982Conference on Women in the Urban and Industrial Workforce: Southeast and East Asia, Manila (for the Development Studies Centre, AustralianNationalUniversity).
1985Conference on Population Growth, Urbanization and Urban Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region, Honolulu (for the National Center for Development Studies, Australian National University; organized in collaboration with the East-West Population Institute, Honolulu).
1985Conference on Urbanization and Urban Policies, Bali (for the Indonesian Ministry of Population and Environment).
1986Seminar on Economic Consequences of Population Trends, in Africa, Nairobi (for the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population).
1989Seminar on Urbanization and Urban Planning Issues in Large Developing Countries, Ahmedabad (for the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population).
1993Seminar on Development Implications of Population Trends in Asia (for the AustralianNationalUniversity).
1993Ministerial Seminar on Population and Development in the Asia-Pacific Region (for the AustralianAcademy of Science and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia).
1994Workshop on Islam, the State and Population Policy, AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra, July
2004 Asia Trends Conference, Singapore, on “(Un)tying the knot: ideal and reality in Asian marriage” (for the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore)
2004Conference on Growth Dynamics of Mega-Urban Regions in Asia, Singapore.
2009Inter-Asia Roundtable on Gender and Family in 21st Century Asia, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore
2012Conference on Marriage in Asia: Trends, Determinants and Consequences, sponsored by the Asia Research Institute and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS and the Asian Population Association.
Co-organizer,Indonesian Update Conference on “Education in Indonesia” at the Australian National University, Canberra.
201340% of the world: Population Change, Human Capital and Development in China, India and Indonesia, JY Pillay Comparative Asia ResearchCentre, NUS.
From 1975 to 2003, I supervised 39 candidates at ANU who were awarded the PhD. I have supervised three more successful PhD candidates at the National University of Singapore.
Keynote speaker at Pakistan Population Association Conference, Islamabad, October 2000
Keynote speaker at Pakistan Development Economists’ Conference, Islamabad, January 2001
Borrie lecture, Australian Population Association, Sydney, Oct. 2002
Plenary Address, Fifth Asian and Pacific Population Conference, Senior Officials Segment, Bangkok, Dec. 2002
Keynote address, General Assembly, Philippine Population Association, Manila, Feb. 2005
Keynote address, “Protecting and strengthening the family: challenges and opportunities”, LPPKN Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 2006
Plenary address, APA conference, Adelaide, Dec. 2006
Plenary address, APA Conference, Surfers Paradise, Dec. 2010
Keynote address, XV11 Brazilian National Meeting of Population Studies, Sept. 2010
Plenary address, Asian Population Association Conference, Delhi, Nov. 2010
Keynote address, National Seminar on Malaysia Family Policy, Universiti Putra Malaysia, September 2011.
Keynote address, IUSSP conference on international marriage, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2011
Plenary address,“Future of the family in Asia”, IUSSP Conference, Busan, Korea, 2013
Keynote address, LPPKN and University of Malaya Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2014
Plenary Address, Asian Population Association Conference, Kuala Lumpur, July 2015
Google scholar – 4,700 citations; h-index - 39
PUBLICATIONS (More important publications denoted *)
1975*Population Growth and Educational Planning in Developing Nations, Irvington Publishers, New York, 238 pp.
1977*The Population of North Sulawesi, Monograph No. 1, Indonesian Population Monograph Series, Department of Demography, ANU, Canberra, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, 173 pp.
1978*Social Science Research on Population and Development in South-East and East Asia: A Review and A Search for Directions, International Review Group of Social Science Research on Population and Development, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, 114 pp.
1994*Marriage and Divorce in Islamic South-East Asia, OxfordUniversityPress, Singapore, 376pp.
1972Population Growth and Economic Development in Ceylon (with S. Selvaratnam), Hansa Publishers, Colombo, 249 pp. (also translated into Sinhalese).
The Effect of Population Growth and Urbanization on the Attainment of Public Health Goals in Thailand (with Chet Boonpratuang), and The Effect of Alternative Population Trends on the Attainment of Educational Goals in Thailand (with Vallobh Tantivejakul), Manpower Planning Division, National Economic and Social Development Board, Bangkok, 105 pages.
1975“Some Information on Urban Employment in Palembang and Ujung Pandang” (with Bondan Supraptilah), Lembaga Demografi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 73 pp. plus tables.
1981*Population Dynamics in a Plural Society: Peninsular Malaysia (with Manjit Singh Sidhu), Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Co-operative Bookshop, 282 pages.
1987*The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development (with G.J. Hugo, T.H. Hull and V.J. Hull), Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 417 pages.
1989*Ageing in ASEAN and Its Socio-Economic Consequences (with Chen Ai Ju), Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 117pages.
1997Pelacuran di Indonesia: Sejarah dan Perkembangannya (Prostitution in Indonesia: History and Development), (with Terence H. Hull and Endang Sulistyaningsih), Jakarta: Penerbit Sinar Harapan, 157 pages.
1998“Pendidikan dan Pasar Kerja di NTT: Studi Penelusuran Terhadap Siswa Lulusan SLTA Tahun 1996 di Pulau Timor (Laporan Tahap II)” (Education and the Labour Market in NTT: Longitudinal Study of 1996 SLTA Graduates in Timor) (with Laila Nagib, Sumono and Tri Handayani), Jakarta: Puslitbang Kependudukan dan Ketenagakerjaan, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (PPT-LIPI), 153 pages.
1999 Prostitution in Indonesia: its History and Development (with Terence H. Hull and Endang Sulistyaningsih), Jakarta: Pererbit Sinar Harapan, 161 pages.
2015Urbanization in Indonesia (with Wahyu Mulyana), UNFPA Indonesia Monograph Series No. 4, Jakarta.
2016Urbanization and Migration in Bangladesh (with AQM Mahbub and Md. Izazul Haq), Dhaka: UNFPA.
1981Population Mobility and Development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (jointly edited with H.V. Richter, Monograph No. 27, Development Studies Centre, ANU, Canberra, 474 pages.
1982Population Resettlement Programs in South East Asia (jointly edited with H.V. Richter), Monograph No. 30, Development Studies Centre, ANU, Canberra, 189 pages.
1984*Women in the Urban and Industrial Workforce, Southeast and East Asia, (ed), Monograph No. 33, Development Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 450pages.
Demographic Transition in Asia, (ed.), Maruzen Asia, Singapore, 231pages.
1985Consequences of Mortality Trends and Differentials (jointly edited with T.H. Hull), United Nations Population Division, New York, 189 pages.
1987*Urbanization and Urban Policies in Pacific Asia (jointly edited with Roland Fuchs and Ernesto Pernia), Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 370 pages.
1993*Human Resources in Development Along the Asia-Pacific Rim (jointly edited with Naohiro Ogawa and Jeffrey Williamson), Oxford University Press, Singapore, 420pages.
1995People, Land and Sea: Development Challenges in Eastern Indonesia (jointly edited with Yulfita Raharjo), Demography Program, AustralianNationalUniversity, 170 pages.
1997*Urbanization in Large Developing Countries: China, India, Indonesia and Brazil (jointly edited with Pravin Visaria), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 354 pages.
*The Continuing Demographic Transition (jointly edited with Robert Douglas, John C. Caldwell and Rennie d'Souza), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 443 pages.
Indonesian Assessment: Population and Human Resources (jointly edited with Terence H. Hull), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 373 pages.
2004*Islam, the State and Population (edited with Mehtab Karim), C. Hurst and Co., London, 290 pages.
(Un)tying the Knot: Ideal and Reality in Asian Marriage (jointly edited with Kamalini Ramdas), Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 232 pages.
2007The Impact of Ageing, A Common Challenge for Europe and Asia (jointly edited with Gabriele Sinigoj, Katsuiku Hirokawa and Sepp Linhart), Berlin: LIT Verlag, 405 pages.
2008 *Mega-Urban Regions in Pacific Asia – Urban Dynamics in a Global Era
(jointly edited with Mike Douglass), Singapore: NUS Press, 376 pages.
*Ultra-low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, Causes and Policy Issues (jointly edited with Paulin Straughan and Angelique Chan), London, Routledge, 217 pages.
2009 Muslim-non-MuslimMarriage in Southeast Asia (jointly edited with Chee Heng Leng and Maznah Mohamad), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 322 pages.
Changing Marriage Patterns in Southeast Asia: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions (jointly edited with Terry Hull and Maznah Mohamad), London: Routledge, 239 pages.
Education in Indonesia (co-edited with Daniel Suryadarma), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 278 pages.
Population and Development in Bangladesh(coordinating editor), Dhaka: UNFPA, 148 pages.
*Contemporary Demographic Transformations in China, India and Indonesia (co-edited with Christophe Guilmoto), Dordrecht: Springer.
Divorce in Asia (with Premchand Dommaraju), Asian Journal of Social Science, 39(2011).
“Marriage in Asia: trends, dilemmas and implications” (with Jean Yeung) in Journal of Family Issues.
“Poverty and social dynamics in Pakistan” (with Ghazala Mansuri) in Pakistan Development Review
1965"The Employment Characteristics of Small Towns in Malaya", Malayan Economic Review, 10, 1, April: 44-72.
*"Female Participation in the Labour Force in a Plural Economy: the Malayan Example", Malayan Economic Review, 10, 2, October: 61-82.
"Australia's Immigration Policy: Some Malaysian Attitudes" (with Margaret Jones), Australian Outlook,19(3), December: 272-286.
1966*"The Growth and Changing Structure of the Indonesian Labour Force, 1930-81", Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 4, June: 50-74.