Closed POD Partner Planning/Training Minutesfor Closed POD Meeting with ______
(Instructions: Select the items pertinent to this discussion. Delete unnecessary items.)
Closed POD Partnership Training
Discuss and completeClosed POD plan:
- Collect Agency contact information (Closed POD Plan, page 2)
Identify key personnel to fill roles in Closed POD, discuss roles and responsibilities (Closed POD Plan, page 3) (Workbook, page 5)
- Licensed Practitioner Consultant (Closed POD Plan, page 3, 5) (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 40) (Closed POD FOG, page 4) (MDH Anthrax Protocol, page 6)
Job Action Sheets (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachments 26-40)
- Identify dispensing groups, target population (as identified by MDH) employees, employee household members and clients, both adults and children
Identify personnel needed to dispense medication (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 25)(Closed POD FOG pg4)
Identify what to dispense: Oral, Vaccine (Closed POD Plan, page 4)
*Medication is provided free of charge and may not be charged for (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Communication plan -including names and contact information (Closed POD Plan, page 5)
External- LPH (activation and update information)
Internal (to employees, clients before, during and after event)
Preparing to receive medication
Confirm ability to open
Notification LDN is ready
Notify Staff listed in plan (Closed POD Plan, page 2)
- Set-up
Activate the plan, Closed POD agency set up checklist (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 2)
Prepare documents (Closed POD Plan, page 6)
Just-in-time training of staff will be conducted by Closed POD Administrators and lead staff.
U of M training - pre event
Workforce Briefing Checklist (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 5), Checklists (attachments 2, 5, 6) Site Lay out diagram (attachment 3), triage materials (attachments 9, 10) information use warning (attachment 11), screening form (attachment 12), algorithm (attachment 13, 14-15), dispensing and labeling instructions (attachment 22-24) all included in Closed POD Forms Book.
Job Action Sheets (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 26-40)
Getting site ready
Floor plan and traffic flow (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 3)(Closed POD FOG, pg 8)
MDH symptom screening (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 9)
Referral form (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 10)
Household Antibiotic Dispensing Screening Form (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 12)
Informational Use Warning (Closed POD Forms Book attachment 11)
Online screening form
- Receiving and Managing Inventory
Closed POD Authorization Letter (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 4)
Document inventory dispensing and return of unused medication (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 7)
- Medication to be stored between 68-77° F in a dry and secure location.
Antibiotic Inventory Tracking Sheet (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 8)
- Dispensing: review MDH forms: (Express dispense and Advanced Dispense)
Doxycycline and Ciprofloxacin Dispensing Flow Chart (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 13)
Special Healthcare Instructions (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 21)
Fact Sheets(Closed POD Forms Book Attachment 17,19)
Dispenser Instructions (MDH Anthrax Protocol, Attachment 13.1)
Labeling (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 22-24)
Take your first dose as soon as possible (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 3, 33, 35)
- Closing
Final Report (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 7)
Review Closing Checklist (Closed POD Forms Book, Attachment 6)
- Training - Closed POD Administrators Training - including applicable laws and statutes (Closed POD Plan, pg 8), (MDH Protocol), process of writing plan and discussion about all details of plan which include roles and responsibilities and guidance from CDC and MDH. Training for all other Closed POD staff will be conducted by administrator and lead staff just in time.
Closed POD Partner Planning/Training U of M Closed POD Training
Ongoing discussion (annually recommended)
- MDH Anthrax Protocol - (Version 2.1)given to partner
Doxycycline EUA Fact Sheet for Health Care Professionals for Licensed Practitioner Consultants and Medical Directorswill be disseminated to Closed PODS(MDH Anthrax Protocol, Attachment X)
A JIT signed copy of Prophylaxis Prescribing Protocol: Anthrax Exposure will be disseminated to Closed PODS (MDH Anthrax Protocol, Attachment AA)
- Review next steps:
Sign letter of intentor MOU
Take online training
Write and complete plan (if not done already)
Assign and train employees to roles
Notes: ______
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