Information On The Proposed Bond Being Considered For CGIF Guarantee (if available)

Bond issuer
Bond amount and currency / [in LCY and in USD equivalent]
Bond tenor
Bond type / [Straight bond, Notes, Project Finance.Tranched, ABS, etc.]
Guarantee amount / [in LCY and in USD equivalent]
Country of the Issue
Security (if any)
Key covenants
Use of proceeds
Placement Method (Public Offering / Private Placement)
Alternative funding sources
(under consideration)
Timing of the Issuance
Reasons / Justification for exploring CGIF support
(Check as many reasons as possible for the necessity of CGIF support.
Also, indicate reasons/challenges faced when considering the bond market as a source of financing as well as attempts to issue previously and reasons for not proceeding)
☐First time issuer in a domestic bond market (overcoming rating cliffs)
☐Cross border transactions (limited recognition outside the home country)
☐Tenure extension (difficulties for long term financing from banks)
☐Reach offshore investors (diversification of funding sources / investments)
☐Project finance
☐Others: (Please specify):

Corporate Profile

(Add additional rows if required)

Corporate Name:
Legal Address
(incl. Country of Incorporation & Registration/Co. No.) / Corporate History
(e.g. Date of Incorporation, Listing date)
Type of Business / Industry
(list businesses which are >20% of revenues) / Country of Operations / % of Revenue
(based on most recent FYE) / Position in the Market
(market share data if applicable)
Holding company andGroup Structure / Tree diagram (indicate % ownership)
(List subsidiaries, associates, sister companies and affiliates – alternatively attach group structure separately)
Major Shareholders
(owning more than 10%; list beneficial owners or ultimate shareholders separately if applicable) (list by classes/types of shares if applicable)
Name of Shareholder / Nationality / % of total
Management Profile
Name (Age,Tenure of service, and Nationality) / Title / Brief Career History (Designation, appointment date. Previous appointments in the company / in other companies. Competencies, educational background etc.)

Financial Position

Note : To attach the following documents or fill the table below
1) Annual Report/Audited Financial Statements for the last 5 years,
2) Latest Credit Rating Report, if any, and
3) Financial Projections and corresponding assumptions (in Excel)
in LCY millions / Last 12 Months / Latest Fiscal
Year / Latest Fiscal
Year -1 / Latest Fiscal
Year -2 / Latest Fiscal
Year -3 / Latest Fiscal
Year -4
Income Statement Data
Income from operations
Income before tax and minority interests
Net income
Balance Sheet Data
Accounts receivable
Total current assets
Investments in shares of stocks
Property, plant and equipment - net
Other noncurrent assets - net
Total Assets
Trade/Accounts Payable
Banks and other financial institutions
Current portion of long-term debt
Total short-term liabilities
Long-term debt net of current portion
Other noncurrent liabilities
Total long-term liabilities
Equity attributable to Company’s stockholders
Paid-up capital, common shares
Paid-up capital, preferred shares
Retained earnings
Unrealized gain (or, loss)
Equity attributable to Non-controlling interests
Total stockholders' equity
Contingent assets
Contingent liabilities
Net income
+/- non-cash items
Less: increase in working capital
Net cash from operations
Less: net cash used in investments
Free cash flow
Total debt service payments
Of which: Contingent liabilities servicing
Debt Facilities
(include existing bond issues, provide amounts in actual currency of facility, provide separate listing if required)
Type of Facility & Name of Provider / Facility Limit / Amount Out- standing (as at latest FYE) / Maturity / Due Date / Tenor / Interest Rate (list basis and current rate) / Security

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