WHS AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
Ms. Poncé, Room 43M
(805) 497-6711 ext 4312
Welcome to AP Chemistry! This is a fast-paced, challenging course for those students who can consistently work hard, pick up ideas quickly, and manage their time effectively. You will need to keep yourself on task, make certain you understand each day’s ideas before you leave the classroom, and work on chemistry every day. This class may resemble different aspects of a college course, with the expectation that you come to class on time, prepared and abide by all WHS policies. If you are willing to put in the time and effort every day, I will work with you to make certain you survive AP Chemistry. Success in AP Chemistry certainly requires intellect, but perseverance and consistent effort are requirements as well. Please contact me by email or phone (email is preferred) if you have any questions or concerns.
For this class will need paper, writing utensils (minimum of two colors), and a scientific calculator. If you cannot afford a calculator, see me privately and I can loan you one for the year. A notebook of some kind is recommended to keep notes and handouts organized. You may want to purchase an AP chemistry test preparation book, using this book independently will help you prepare for this class as well as the AP exam.
Your attendance is vital to success in this class. The WHS tardy/attendance policy will be strictly enforced. This means you are in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. On the rare occasion that you miss class, you are responsible for all missed assignments. Allowable make-up work must be completed within the time specified in school guidelines. Late work is accepted within one day for half credit.All powerpointsand outlines can be found on my website, make sure to click on AP Chemistry. There you will find a weekly agenda as well as a complete list of all past assignments, and many helpful links. Lunch help is offered twice a week, and the dates are posted each week on my website. Lunch help provides an opportunity for extra support and/or make-ups.
Electronics policy:
Electronics of any kind are strictly prohibited during class time unless I give you express permission. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating, or allowing other to cheat will be dealt with in strict adherence to WHS academic dishonesty policies. Copying homework, vocabulary, lab questions, lab write-ups, quizzes, or tests is considered cheating. Taking and/or sharing digital pictures or videos of any type of assignment is considered cheating. I do have a Remind group where you can sign up for text message reminders from me intermittently. There are pdf instructions on how to sign up on my website.
There are about 16 labs through out the year. It is very important that you do not miss lab days, because aspects of these labs may show up on the AP exam. Lab set ups will be available for two days after the original lab date. If you are absent more than that, an alternate assignment will be given. Lab safety is very important to me so we will be going over safety rules and procedures close to our first lab. You are expected to keep the Flinn Lab Safety sheet in your notebook at all times so we can refer to it at the beginning of each lab. You will also sign and return a safety contract. On lab days, there will be absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINKallowed in the classroom(this includes water bottles), and it is mandatory that you wear closed toed shoes. Points will be deducted from the overall lab score if you forget the food policy. If you forget to wear closed toed shoes on a lab day, you will be given an alternate assignment.
Test and Quizzes:
There is a test at the end of each chapter and at least one quiz per chapter.Quiz and test scores are posted on Zangle/Q. In the event that you are absent on a test or quiz day,your absence must be excused in order for you to make up the test or quiz. All tests and quizzes must me made up with in two weeks of the original date or a score of zero may be entered for the grade. I reserve the right to give a different make-up exam than the one administered on the original exam day. At the end of this course it is highly recommended, but not mandatory, that you take the AP exam on Monday, May 2, 2016. The exam fee is $91.
Grades are based on the following categories:
All assignments will be scored using points and factored into weighted averages as given above. Each semester ends with a final test or project, worth double a regular unit test. Updated grades will be posted periodically on Zangle/Q. ( grades will be assigned using the following scale with no other rounding:
F54.9 % and below
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Please take a moment to review the contents of this syllabus with your son/daughter. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Please return your signed acknowledgement of your review of the course expectations.
Ms. Poncé
Academic Honesty (Bd. Pol. 5131.9)
Definition: Academic Dishonesty is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own. Dishonesty during tests or classwork includes unauthorized communicating; copying materials or allowing another student to copy; using prohibited notes or devices; obtaining prior knowledge of test content; and/or removing or distributing all or part of any test. Copying another person’s assignment; providing homework/classwork for another student to replicate; plagiarizing or submitting a paper or project which is not one’s own work; and submitting falsified information for grading purposes are also examples of dishonesty.
First Infraction
- The teacher will conference with the student and record a zero for that assignment.
- Within five school days, the teacher will notify the parent and send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
- The student will be placed on contract, with the understanding that a second infraction in the same or any other class will result in the student’s removal from the course in which the second infraction occurred. The contract will remain in effect for two years from the date of infraction.
Second Infraction
- The teacher will send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
Within five school days, the parent will be notified, and the student will be removed from the course and placed in a Study Hall with a failing grade for the semester.
Name: ______Per: ______
Please detach and return this completed page tomorrow, the rest of the syllabus should be kept.
I have read the expectations of AP Chemistry and discussed them with my son/daughter
Parent Name (Print): ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Email: ______
Contact number: ______Preferred method of contact: _____email _____phone
*If there is anything else I should know about this student, please write a note on the bottom of this page.
I have read, understand, and accept responsibility for meeting these expectations.
Student Name (Print): ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______