MINUTES ofthe Council meeting held on Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.
Councillor J Matthews (Mayor)Councillor K Bridger / Councillor J McNeill
Councillor S Bunney / Councillor N Travis
Councillor M Harvey (Deputy Mayor) / Councillor C Turner
Councillor M Lakin-Whitworth
In attendance: Faye Lambkin-Smith –Town Clerk Betty Gash – Finance & Facilities Clerk
District Councillor Smith
Paul Hiley
One member of Public
1.Mayor’s opening remarks
The Mayor thanked Cllr Bunney for his support and wisdom during the Planning and Development Committee meeting.
2.To accept Apologies for absence
Cllr Skye was noted as not present.
3.Public Participation. To adjourn the meeting for the Public Forum (max 20 minutes). The meeting was adjourned.
The order of agenda items were changed as Lincolnshire Police (PCSO’S) were not yet present.
a)Presentation from Community Lincs on how they might possibly offer help to support Market Rasen
The Council welcomed Stuart Duckworth from Community Lincs to the meeting.
Stuart Duckworth, Business Development and Community Manager for Community Lincs introduced himself to the Council and explained that Community Lincs has been established since 1929 and their remit is to assist and support rural councils and organisations (support town and villages). The Council were provided with an information pack.
Councillor Travis entered the chamber.
The PCSO’S (Lincolnshire Police) entered the chamber.
Stuart Duckworth further supported on what they have to offer:
- Community Facilities - support and offer advice, assist with Health and Safety Audits.
- Affordable Housing – look where land is.
- Enterprize Support- administration/secretarial services along with payroll/accounts and marketing.
- Affordable Warmth – workshops and look at energy tariffs.
- Consultation Service –work on surveys and consultation for halls and playing field projects.
- Neighbour Plan – assistance and advice with producing a plan.
- Funding – support councils and organisations in funding sources, application and providing further details where appropriate.
- Training Courses
- Feasibility Studies
- Information Schemes
It was reported that the Town Council have a Community Facilities Membership.
Stuart Duckworth further reported that if assistance is required depending on the requirements the day rate will be £300.00, 25% for discount members.
b)Presentation from Jake Jackson (potential new Councillor )
Mr Jackson was not present.
c)Report from Lincolnshire Police (PCSO’S)
PSCO’s Neil Harrison and Neal Evans presented incident statistics for June 2015. They reported that it has proven to be beneficial to include details in the Market Rasen Mail.
PSCO Evans reported that the Foyer has changed protocol, as of today it is now a hostel and the age group for this has changed. This will be monitored by Lincolnshire Police.
The Council thanked the Police for their work in the town as they had noticed the drug and theft issue which took place 18 months ago has seemed to have reduced in incidents.
Cllr Harvey advised the PCSO’s that he is now the representative on the Police Community Panel.
The Council thanked the PCSO’s for their report and attendance.
Lincolnshire Police left the meeting.
The meeting re-adjourned.
4.To resolve to co-opt Jake Jackson onto Market Rasen Town Council
Mr Jackson was not present.
5.Councillors’ reports:
a)Councillors commented on the advertising (signs/banners etc) of commercial businesses on Caistor Road.
The Council conveyed that this needed to be tackled and the Town Council’s policy on this needs to be reviewed. This area to be monitored and commercial signs/banners taken down and appropriate businesses notified of this.
Action Points: 1. Town Clerk to arrange for area to be monitored and signs taken down as appropriate (details to be logged into a book by the Caretaker). 2. Town Clerk to include on the September Full Council Agenda “To review Town Council’s policy on signage”
b)Councillor Harvey reported on the road closure down George Street towards the end of July for two nights, this road closure is due to road resurfacing.
6.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for dispensation in relation to Disclosible Pecuniary Interests. .
No declarations.
7.Notes of the last meeting held on 3rd June 2015 to be approved as the minutes
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the 3rd June 2015 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting, with the amendments.
8.Matters arising from the Minutes
Minutes of the 3rd June 2015 were reviewed.
Councillor McNeill commented on the Bridge Mcfarland lease (Mast).
Councillor Matthews, the Chairman of the Council advised Councillor McNeill that this is reported on in the Town Clerk’s report.
Councillor Matthews, the Chairman of the Council asked the Town Clerk if the old skip has been removed from the Festival Hall.
The Clerk advised Cllr Matthews, Chairman of the Council that the old skip container has been collected.
9.Chairman’s announcements.
The Mayor announced the following:
- Mayor’s Civic Dinner, Tuesday 21st July – replies would be appreciated as soon as possible.
- Attended the Lincolnshire Show and had a nice walk round, distributed some flyers regarding markets. The feedback received was positive, however traders/people book in advance for markets.
- Presented a showground award at Riseholme College which is to open in September 2015. Phase contract has been signed off.
- Communication is improving with the Rotary, Roundtable, Lions etc.
- The Mayor reported on the Mayor’s Award.
10.To review the Council’s Complaint procedure with any amendments It was RESOLVED to accept the Council’s Complaints’ procedure with no amendments.
11.To review the Council’s procedure for handling requests made under the freedom of information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 – (Publication Scheme) with any amendments
It was RESOLVEDto accept the Council’s Publication Scheme.
12.To review the Council’s Communication policy – includes dealing with the Press/media with any amendments
It was RESOLVED to accept the Council’s Communication policy with no amendments.
13.To review the Council’s Risk Management policy with any amendments
It wasRESOLVEDto accept the Council’s Risk Management policy with the amendment that the new risk register is mentioned in the policy.
14.To review the Council’s Data Protection Policy with any amendments
It was RESOLVED to accept the Council’s Data Protection policy with the amendment that it needs to be typed up properly and reflect the title of Market Rasen Town Council. .
Action Point: Town Clerk to type Data Protection Policy. .
The Council reported that they would like to see council policies on the website.
Action Point: Town Clerk to inform the Finance and Facilities Clerk.
15.Town Clerk’s Report The Clerks report was circulated to members. Details below:
Town Clerk’s Report – 1st July 2015
Further to my return to work on Tuesday 16th June I have been trying to get myself familiar with the Council plans and what they have achieved over the nine months that l have been off.
Matters to reports this month:
- Chestnut Homes (Head Office) development (Hunters Place) are looking into the removal of the town concrete litter bin.
- West Lindsey District Council will be adjusting their clock which is displaying the incorrect time in town.
- The Council require a council representative to attend Town Surgery on the 1st August as we have a former councillor down for this date.
- Cllr Matthews, Town Mayor and l met with David Harvey, Partner from Bridge Mcfarland Solicitors regarding the lease for the mast and highlighted the points raised by Council. The lease will be amended and should be with us within the next month for signing.
- ROSPA Inspection report has been reviewed. Mr Shaw, contractor has agreed to look at some of the work.. I have gone back to the manufacturer regarding some equipment items in Mill Road Playing Field which was highlighted as a manufacturer issue.
- We have received a number of reports from businesses regarding the watering of hanging baskets. Paul our employee waters them every other day, spends one hour to two hours undertaking this task.
- Estuary TV is interviewing Councillor Bunney next Tuesday morning in connection with the Funky Friday event on the 17th July 2015.
- I have produced a Council, Committee and Working Group Structure document for 2015-2016 which you may find useful (please see attached).
- Just so you are aware I am attending CILCA Training on the 7th & 14th October and l am booked on the Clerk’s Training Day on the 4th November.
My plans are to concentrate on the following actions in the next couple of months.
1)Model Byelaw – Byelaws for Pleasure Grounds, Public Walks and Open Spaces. To incorporate De Aston Field.
2)Community Speed Watch Signs. To arrange meeting with a company who provides signs and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to move forward with this project and look at locations and costings.
3)Emergency Plan – Update current plan and link with County Council and other sources.
4)Risk Register. To set up a register with details of risks highlighted from Council meetings (audit trail).
5)Look into De Aston Field signage.
Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that there will be Councillors present at the August surgery to cover the replacement of a former Councillor.
16.Receive the Report of the County Councillor (None received)
No Councillor present.
17.Receive the Report of the District Councillors.
The Council welcomed District Councillor Smith to the meeting.
District Councillor Smith reported that West Lindsey District Council’s Full Council and Planning meeting has been cancelled. District Councillor Smith did however advise the Council that he is on the Planning Committee so will follow through the Council’s thoughts regarding planning applications. It was conveyed that if the Council produced a Neighbourhood Plan it would give the Town Council more weight when commenting on planning applications.
Councillor McNeill thanked District Councillor Smith for coming to join our meetings.
Town and District Councillor McNeill reported that a meeting is being held towards the end on the year on car parking and markets and if the Town Council have any thoughts on car parking or markets then to email Councillor McNeill by the 15th September 2015. District Councillor McNeill further reported that he has encouraged West Lindsey District Council to wider its discussion from just Gainsborough.
18.To receive reports from Representatives to Outside Organisations including:
a)Twinning Association - Cllr Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that we are holding an afternoon tea on Friday 3rd July for approximately 54 people, the French are due to arrive at 5.00pm. All members are invited to attend.
b)Police Community Panel – No meeting has been arranged.
c)Foyer Advisory Group – Cllr Bunney reported that the Foyer has changed its structure so we are not sure if the Foyer Advisory Group will remain.
The Council expressed that they would still like to maintain contact with the Foyer to see what is happening.
The Council asked the Town Clerk to contact the Foyer and express the Council’s views in remaining contact and invite them to a future Council meeting to report on their new structure.
Action Points: Town Clerk to contact the Foyer.
d)Market Rasen Development Trust – Cllr Skye is not present.
e)Walkers are Welcome–Councillor Bridger reported that the next Walkers are Welcome meeting is tomorrow (Thursday 2nd July).
19.Accounts for Payment It was RESOLVED to approve the following accounts:
Chq No / Payee /Description
/ F/Hall £ / General £ /VAT £
/Total £
105352 / Community Lincs / Play Area Inspection Training – caretaker 15th July 2015 / 45.00 /9.00
BP249-BP252 / Monthly Salaries / 4,295.71 /4,295.71
BP253 / WLDC / Election un-contested direct costs – 7th May / 154.50 /154.50
BP254 / Green Dolphin Cleaning /Auctioneers Shed Clean
/ 15.00 / 3.00 /18.00
BP255 / PHS /Black bags, floral Breeze aerosol and blue hand soap
/ 81.66 /16.33
BP256 / Viking /Hi lighters, memo pads, tray set, and polyfile wallets
/ 46.92 /9.39
BP257 / A J Electrics /OPS – kitchen elec work- sockets
/ 200.40 /200.40
96.66 / 4,745.53 /34.72
20.To note general correspondence
a)To discuss and consider Community Speed Watch Scheme put forward by a resident of the Town
It was RESOLVED to investigate traffic stats signs and portable electronic traffic signage and report back to a future meeting.
Action Points: 1. Town Clerk to contact a signage firm and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and arrange a site meeting to explore signage and locations. 2. To include for discussion on the September Full Council agenda.
The Council discussed flying a flag for the Commonwealth but were advised by Cllr Matthews, Chairman of the Council that this was not possible due to no post and the difficulties with planning.
a)Ellis Whittam Limited – Employment Law, HR and Health and Safety Services .
b)ESPO – The ESPO Gas Framework Contract (Festival Hall) – Pricing period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016.
c)Greener Journeys – Bus Road Show Wednesday 1st July 2015 (Market Place 14.15-15.15) – Catch The Bus Week 29th June – 5th July.
d)Letter and information from resident – Calm Initiative (Council to consider Community Speed Watch Scheme - agenda item 20a)
e)Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) – Email from NALC Chairman of The Commonwealth Flag Day – Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth – 14th March 2016. For more information search commonwealth.co.uk/ (Council to discuss)
f)Lincolnshire Wolds – Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Annual Report 2014-15.
g)Market Rasen Business Improvement Group – To celebrate Market Rasen twinning relationship with the French town of Mamers, our Continental Market will be on Saturday 4th July 2015.
h)Natwest – Closure of Natwest Caistor (25th August 2015) and Market Rasen Branches (1st September 2015). The Council have sent letters to Sir Edward Leigh(MP) and National Westminster Bank regarding closure.
i)ROSPA Play Safety – Play Area Inspection Training – For more information on dates and venue please contact the Town Clerk.
j)U3A – The University of the Third Age leaflet and brochure.
k)West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau – A thank you for grant received from Market Rasen Town Council.
l)West Lindsey District Council – West Lindsey residents can save an average of £220 on energy bills. Householders who signed up for the latest round of the Lincolnshire Energy Switch Scheme through West Lindsey District Council have been given access to exclusive market leading tariffs and can save an average of £220.85 on their energy bills.
m)West Lindsey District Council - Meeting dates May 2015-September 2015 (please see a list of dates attached)
21.To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings.
No reports.
22.Progress reports from Project Groups (Project Leader will bring this for discussion if clarification is required by the Council).
a)Markets Partnership. Councillor Bunney reports that plans are in place for Saturday and there is need for a 8 month strategy plan.
b)Festival Hall. Councillor Travis provided members with a Festival Hall plan which Lindum have produced. It was noted that the disabled toilet in the Festival Hall is not actually classed as a disabled toilet as this does not meet regulations. The idea of changing the design of the building and to move the entrance is to make better use of the building so that it is more user friendly.
The Council were in supportive of the plan put foward and thought it was a good idea to move the entrance so that it is separate from the entrance to West Lindsey District Council’s office.
Councillors commented on the proposed balcony which may need to be look into due to the neighbour.
Councillor Travis advised her members that the application for funding needs to go in during August. It has reported that seven applications are going in for funding.
Councillor discussed solar panels for the Festival Hall.
It was further reported that Nicola Marshall is engaging with the community. Councillor feedback would also be welcomed regarding the proposed plans. The footprint of the building is going to be looked into further once we have a copy of the deeds for the Festival Hall. West Lindsey District Council will be consulted regarding the car park
Councillors discussed the car park and if the Council could take the ownership of this car park.
The Council agreed to discuss West Lindsey District Council’s car park at a later date in the future.
Cllr Travis reported that she will come back with full costings soon.
Cllr Travis was thanked by the Council for all her work on this project.
c)De Aston Field (Cllr Matthews).
Cllr Matthews, Chairman of the Councillor informed the Council that the mowing services are back on track. It was reported that a complaint had been received from a neighbour regarding some ivy but this problem has now been resolved.
Cllr Bunney announced that he was pleased to see that the fitness equipment is being used.
Cllr Matthews further reported that we are having some problems at the site regarding football and this will have to be monitored, the site has not been designed for football.
23.Feedback on Town Surgery, 6th June 2015.
Cllr Harvey reported that only one person attended the town surgery on Saturday 6th June 2015. The person present complained about a property down Waterloo Street which is looking an eyesore, grass is well and truly overgrown. It was reported that a planning application came in for this property but they have only laid some of the foundation.
Action Point: Clerk to report property to West Lindsey District Council.
24.To approve draft return in respect of the Electoral Review of Lincolnshire Consultation
Councillor Bunney prepared a response to be sent in respect of the Electoral Review of Lincolnshire.