Use of Diversionary Devices

The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for the

use of Noise/Flash Diversionary Devices.


NFDD Noise /Flash Diversionary Device is a device which produces a loud report and a bright flash.

NFDDDO Noise /Flash Diversionary Device Deployment Officer

Coming Out Location A safe location to deploy the device should the primary deployment location be determined unsafe.

Deployment Log A written log kept by the Tactical Commander or his designee that is used to track the use of NFDDs.

Policy The Special Response Team will permit the use of NFDD by certified members of the SRT, in accordance with guidelines listed herein.


Authorized Persons Because of the specialized nature of these devices, only SRT personnel who have successfully completed the approved training course will be authorized to deploy the NFDD.

Authorization Except in emergencies (for example, life threatening situations), NFDDs shall not be deployed without prior authorization from the Tactical Commander.

Justification Generally, NFDDs maybe used whenever the use of a diversion would facilitate entry, enable arrest, or potentially reduce the risk to SRT officers. Circumstances justifying the use of NFDDs shall include but are not limited to: - Barricaded Suspects and or hostages

-High Risk Warrant Service

-Circumstances wherein distraction of violent, mentally deranged persons or those under the influence of alcohol/drugs is believed necessary in order to facilitate apprehension

-Situations wherein the authorizing person deems their use necessary to safely resolve an incident.

Deployment Prior to deploying the NFDD, available intelligence

Considerations information and circumstances (for example, the presence of children, elderly persons, infirm persons, etc.) shall be considered. The use of a NFDD shall be limited to an area visible to the Deploying Officer prior to deployment. The only exception to this is an operation in which the risk of visual inspection clearly outweighs the potential danger of a blind deployment. The authority of a blind deployment requires prior approval by the Tactical Commander, outside emergency circumstances.

Upon determining that a NFDD will be used inside of an objective, the pre-operation briefing will include a designated coming out location(s)

Because NFDDs have the potential to ignite flammable materials, a portable fire extinguisher will be readily accessible whenever NFDDs are to be deployed. When practicable the Fire Department will be notified prior to the deployment of the NFDD.

Reporting Procedures The deployment of a NFDD during a critical incident shall be documented in the “After Action” report and the deployment log. The NFDDDO’s name and location of the deployment should be included.