MARCH 4, 2014
4:00 P.M.
ATTENDANCEMayor Rob Ware and Councilmembers Mary Littlejohn, Dennis Shoaf and Mike Ragland were present. Nick McLemore and Nellie McCain were absent.
D.D.A. INTERVIEWSPaulette Harbin and Colt Chambers were interviewed for possible D.D.A. position.
CALL TO ORDERMayor Ware called the meeting to order.
ANNOUNCEMENT-An announcement will be made at the regular meeting concerning the D.D.A. board member position vacated by Cindy Goodwin, who no longer qualifies for the board. The request for application will be posted for 3 weeks.
ADJUSTMENTSA discussion was held.
SIGN REQUEST-The attorney presented Council with an opinion letter and draft ordinance concerning use
ALABAMA STREETof engine brakes and compression brakes in the City limits of Cave Spring. The attorney stated that the D.O.T. will not put up signs but will not take down signs if the City installs them. The attorney also stated that the City needs an ordinance for enforcement. Mayor Ware would like to confer with the Police Chief concerning this. This will be an agenda item.
STREET LIGHT Georgia Power will quote a price this week.
TREE ON BROADThe attorney has researched all records. He found no deeded easement for Broad Street
STREETand nothing to reference a right of way. He added that the right of way can be granted through use or maintenance. He is going to research deeds at the south end of Broad Street. Littlejohn, Shoaf, and the Mayor do not think the City should take down the tree. Ragland stated that the tree is a danger and should be taken down. The attorney will report his final research at the next regular meeting.
ARCHITECT INVOICEAn invoice from the architect in the amount of $6,900 will be a regular meeting agenda item.
REQUEST FOR USEFifth graders at Cave Spring Elementary would like to use the Community Center for the
OF THE COMMUNITYfifth grade dance at the price of $75. This will be a regular meeting agenda item.
RECORDS RETENTIONThe City Clerk presented Council with a draft records retention resolution for review.
SCHEDULEThis is a state requirement. This will be a regular meeting agenda item.
2014 COUNCILMayor Ware asked Council to discuss their thoughts on priorities for 2014. He asked for
PRIORITIESideas that they consider important in Cave Spring including long and short term goals that need consideration. Also, the ways of addressing these issues need to be discussed.
MARCH 4, 2014
Ragland stated that he would like to see City sidewalks replaced and the town cleaned up. The Mayor asked if the Council would like to have a retreat with a facilitator. They all agreed that this would be a good chance for informal discussion. The discussion will be continued.
ADJOURNMayor Ware adjourned the meeting.