SAMPLE [On the Company’s letterhead]
Attachment No 1
To Announcement of PREQ No CFT/ON-054
Shtokman Development AG
Bldg. 3, Malaya Pirogovskyay st.,
Moscow, 119345, Russia
Subject: Title
No: ______
Dear Sirs!
Having reviewed Announcement of PREQ No CFT/ON-054 on the invitation to take part in the prequalification tender for construction of Administration Area LNG, posted in the web-site of Shtokman Development AG ( and accepting requirements established therein, [specify the company’s name] has familiarized itself with the tender general conditions and expresses its readiness to participate therein.
In the context of the above, we hereby request you to e-mail us the Prequalification Documentation on the above Tender to the following e-mail address: [….. ], contact person [Full name / telephone].
Receipt of the mentioned Prequalification Documentation will be confirmed by us in response e-mail notification. Herewith, we will not have any claims to Shtokman Development AG (SDAG), its shareholders, affiliated companies, or employees or contractors thereof, with regard to the Prequalification Documentation completeness or delivery.
We acknowledge and agree that neither filling in nor submittal of this Request to you, nor receipt of the mentioned Prequalification Documentation from you shall not create and may not serve as a confirmation of any legal rights and obligations between the Companies.
We acknowledge and agree that the above Tender including the prequalification procedure shall be held exclusively in accordance with the rules and regulations established by SDAG, and shall not create any obligation for SDAG in respect of any and all tenderers. SDAG may at any time call back the above-mentioned tender, or change its conditions, or at any stage refuse participation to any entities, or refuse to award a contract to any tenderer without incurring any legal consequences or liability whatsoever. Providing explanation of reasons of any of the above-listed actions shall be the decision made by SDAG, yet in no way an obligation.
We also enclose the completed Prospective Tenderer Information Sheet; we guarantee that information contained therein is correct; and we acknowledge that SDAG is entitled to acquire information about our company using all legally permitted methods.
Дата заполнения/Date of issue / Подпись/signature. / .